How to Enhance Customer Experience with Customer Feedback Surveys?

For any business its customers are the most important asset, especially loyal customer base. The loyal customers are the bedrock for growth, progress and expansion. Businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE follows modern methods and techniques to ensure excellent performance and superior quality work. Moreover the UAE is a very competitive market which is continuously growing, this means every day new competitor is popping up in each industry sector. In such situation having a strong and healthy relationship with your customers is absolute necessity.

Business and customer relationship is like a garden plant, it requires continuous attention and nurturing. The customer happiness and satisfaction help gaining their trust and strengthen the relationship between customers and businesses. The customer happiness drives customer loyalty which is a key to success. The customer loyalty not only help getting more sales but also reduce overall marketing expenses.

See Also: Why Your Business Needs a Customer Feedback System?

How to Enhance Customer Experience with Customer Feedback Surveys?

Studies have revealed that it is 5 to 25 times more expensive to acquiring a new customer comparing to selling to an existing customers. This could have a huge impact on the overall profitability and growth of the business. Furthermore the happy customers tend to be a good brand advocate and in the modern era of digital and cyber-world the loyal and satisfied customers could help promoting brand as well which can attract more customers. Similarly the unhappy customers or negative opinion can damage a brand’s reputation.

The brand reputation and brand image have huge impact on marketing and conversions as well. That is why the businesses strive for customer happiness and satisfaction. For any relationship it is crucial to listen to the other person, similarly for businesses it is extremely important to listen to its customers’ voice and take care of their needs and demands.

See Also: Integrating AI in Customer Feedback System

How to Enhance Customer Experience with Customer Feedback Surveys?

That is why business run customer feedback collection campaigns, just to listen to its customer’s voice. However, the manual and traditional ways are outdated already, they simply couldn’t keep up with the sudden and subtle market changes. The data quality and accuracy is also a big concern. However, the modern customer feedback system is a great software solution to that problem.

It not only help collecting highly accurate data but it also offers a variety of features which help businesses collect the desired data. The technology and digital features make customer feedback system the best tool to understand and analyze customer experience. In this blog we will discuss some key advantages of the customer feedback system and how business can utilize them to enhance customer experience.

See Also: Key Features of a Customer Feedback System

Why Customer Experience Surveys are So Important?

Traditionally businesses listen to their customers in the one-on-one session, whether during the sales, pre-sale sessions, post-sale service, etc. However, there is a lot that goes unsaid and unasked. That is why businesses used various other techniques to listen to their customers and ask them the most important questions which help businesses making improvements and eventually transform a business from sales-oriented to customer-oriented model.

A digital customer feedback system can transform your customers into an R&D team. You can build products and design services which will be appreciated by your customers, you can fulfill their desires and demands. You can meet their needs and gain their trust. However, the customer experience is one of the most important thing that usually gets less attention from the businesses.

See Also: 11 Customer Feedback Examples for Business Success

Why Customer Experience Surveys are So Important?

Market researches and several studies have shown that the product or service quality is not the only factor to obtain customer satisfaction and loyalty, in fact more than 60% of the customers are willing to pay additional cost if they are assured they will get a better experience. So the customer experience have become significantly important over the past few years. Now a days’ customer prefer brand and businesses who offer a better customer experience.

That is why the customer experience surveys are extremely important for a business. Businesses and enterprises in Dubai and all around the UAE have also realized this and since past few years the customer feedback system market have grown exponentially in the country.

See Also: The Impact of Real-Time Feedback on Customer Experience

Why Customer Experience Surveys are So Important?

How to Conduct Customer Experience Surveys?

Here is how any business small or large can leverage the technology of customer feedback system to plan and execute customerfeedback campaigns to enhance customer experience and achieve the ultimate level of customer satisfaction.

Make a Plan and Identify the Areas of Improvement

Customer experience surveys are designed to understand what customer is feeling about the customer journey and the interactions they are having with the business. It is crucial to examine all touch points thoroughly. However, every business knows where it is performing well and where things can be improved. That is one aspect that you should consider, furthermore you can also ask your customer facing employees and take their opinion about where improvements can be made.

Compile all this data and prioritize things. The most crucial things should come at the top. Now you have at least a plan of from where you should start. The customer feedback campaign should include customer experience surveys for all the listed topics to analyze everything from customer’s prospective. The customer feedback campaign in not a one-time process. In fact a business should continuously conducting customer feedback surveys. So, starting with an initial plan is better than starting aimlessly.

See Also: The Role of Customer Feedback in Personalizing User Experience

Make a Plan and Identify the Areas of Improvement

Once you complete one round, you will get a better understanding and you will have to re-arrange your priority list. Taking actions, closing feedback loop and conducting another round of feedback to analyze how customers are perceiving your changes and new strategies is a key to long term success and a healthy customer relationship. Customer experience campaigns could be launched after each major change in customer journey.

Usually once or twice a year is enough to keep improving but if in case you notice a sharp decline in sales or increase in customer churn rate, the customer experience campaign could be a good starter to investigate the matters further.

See Also: 5 Best Practices for Designing Effective Customer Feedback Surveys

Prepare Precise and To-the-point Questions to Improve Feedback Data Quality

The primary objective of any customer feedback survey is to gather enough data that can provide insight and details to take actions. If a feedback is not enough to convince you to act or make any change then the either the data quality is low of the quantity is not sufficient. It is important to understand that each customer experience is different from the others, we can never predict how the customer will see their experience by simply classifying them in concentrated groups such as on the bases of their gender, age, purchase preference, location, etc.

The customer experience is not just a functional feedback but it is also an emotional perception a customer builds in their mind while interacting with the business. So it is important to collect feedback from as many customers as possible. That can only be done if your customer experience survey will have to-the-point and very specific/precise questions.

See Also: Overcoming Challenges in Customer Feedback Collection and Management

Prepare Precise and To-the-point Questions to Improve Feedback Data Quality

If your questionnaire will be lengthy, the answers could be vague, or the questions will be too complicated to understand or answer, then most of the customers will leave without completing the customer satisfaction survey. It is important to understand that each questionnaire should serve two purposes:

  1. It should provide detailed in-sight about the customers feeling and sentiments
  2. It should collect quantifiable data, such as answers in the form of rating scale, happiness meter, or answers associated with a numeric value which can be measured accurately

Obviously for some questions and answers it is difficult to get a numeric value, in such case the business will have to understand each possible response and assign it a value that can be taken as the reference if any such answer is submitted. This way the business can have quantifiable customer feedback data which makes analysis easier and help incorporating the data in decision making and strategy building processes.

See Also: Your Guide to an Effective Customer Feedback System

Prepare Precise and To-the-point Questions to Improve Feedback Data Quality

Mostly businesses make a very common mistake while implementing various customer feedback matrices. When the questionnaire is designed to collect quantifiable feedback, it reduce the freedom and space for the customers to express themselves freely. In fact it make them bound to choose an answer from a pre-define list and limit their expressions.

That is not good and it also result in lower conversions for the surveys. People tend to leave without completing the survey if they felt that they can’t express themselves with the given fixed responses. Hence it is important to use open-ended questions too which can be analyzed by different techniques and methods.

Design a Questionnaire utilizing Multiple Matrices instead of Only One

A good customer experience survey always have a variety of metrics-based questions which are designed to allow customers to express themselves with more freedom. This way business can easily increase the customer response rate and the quality of the data as well. Here are some common metrics that can be used to design a questionnaire for the customer experience survey:

NPS Score NPS Score: The NPS score or Net Promoter Score is one of the most common survey question used all around the world. It measures several factors such as business’s success which is based on customer happiness. It measures customer loyalty and their level of brand advocacy which is a crucial metrics for customer loyalty and brand reputation.
CES Score CES Score: The CES Score or Customer Effort Score is in fact a direct analysis of customer experience. The CES Score measures the level of comfort a business is offering to its customers through intuitive interactions, various business processes, purchase cycle, and any other relevant processes that might impact customer experience. It also help measuring how smooth and seamless the customer journey is.
CSAT Score CSAT Score: The CSAT Score or Customer Satisfaction Score is a general satisfaction questions, it can be used to analyze various business processes and touch points separately. For example, business can understand customer experience with a particular communication channel, or service agent or for any process such as payment process, onboarding process, technical support, etc.
Multiple Choice Questions Multiple Choice Questions: The multiple choice questions are very common for customer satisfaction surveys, they are designed offer customer with predefined answers from where a customer can chose a single or multiple answers.
Likert Scales Likert Scales: The likert scales are general questions in fact they are statements and the customers are expected to answer the level of agreement or disagreement with these statements. These statements are commonly used and can produce highly precise feedback data.
Happiness Meter Happiness Meter: The happiness meters are also most widely used questions in customer experience surveys. The happiness meters help businesses understand the level of customer satisfaction and their level of agreement or disagreement with a particular statement that is describing a very specific scenario.
Open-Ended Questions Open-Ended Questions: The open-ended questions are designed to allow customers to express themselves freely. The answers is taken in the form of text where the customers can describe a particular event, experience, interaction or feeling in their own words. These are hard to quantify but help businesses to identify several problems which they might never considered before.
Dichotomous Questions Dichotomous Questions: The name dichotomous might be a difficult term but the questions, their answers and the analysis is of such questions is not. The dichotomous questions are with simple Yes/No answers. These questions are designed to achieve higher precision and to keep the customers on a single very important topic. Usually used for in-depth analysis of a problem.

Businesses can easily design a great customer satisfaction survey questionnaire using some of the above or all of the above mentioned question types. The most important thing is to keep all the questions in a flow, rather than tossing customers from north to south, it is better to keep them in a flow by concentrating on a single topic, and if you have to ask questions about multiple topics, make sure you follow the right sequence and always avoid reappearing questions in a single survey. Instead break up your survey in two and keep the customers focused on one topic at a time. This will help you producing more quality results with better quantity.

See Also: Leveraging Customer Feedback System for Business Growth

Design a Questionnaire utilizing Multiple Matrices instead of Only One

Utilize Best Survey Channels for Targeted Audience Groups

Most of the time when business are executing a customer experience survey campaign or any other customer feedback campaign they often fail to collect as much feedback as they want. Or if they reached the targeted number of feedback, they often feel the feedback data have discrepancies and ambiguities. This is due to two major reasons one they are not pushing the customer experience surveys to the right audience and the second problem is they are not utilizing the right channels.

Each business is different form the other, in fact businesses who operate in a same industry have a totally different ideological approach for communication and marketing. Let me clarify it in simple words, for example, if you are a B2B business who happen to sell large ship parts, then the best way to conduct customer surveys are in-premises touch screens, kiosks or any other interactive devices, you can use QR Codes to push online surveys, the customer portals can provide good amount of feedback data, and emails are the best bets for such business.

See Also: Importance of Customer Feedback Tool for Small Business Owners

Utilize Best Survey Channels for Targeted Audience Groups

However, let say you are a B2C business who is selling cosmetics items and have strong presence on Facebook. Then your eCommerce mobile app, website, Facebook page could produce great results for your surveys. That is why it is important to understand what type of audience you are targeting and which channels are more active than others. Similarly different products could have different client base which means if a business wants to conduct a customer experience survey it should prepare separate customers for separate c[products or at least for separate customer journeys they have.

For example, in case of bank it could have corporate customers and personal or individual accounts as well. Both are using different products and both would have slightly different customer journey. That is why the same customer experience survey questionnaire is not effective for both audiences and targeted groups. These are some common mistakes businesses make which result in poor performing customer feedback campaigns with low quality data.

See Also: Utilizing Customer Feedback for Competitive Advantage

Utilize Best Survey Channels for Targeted Audience Groups

These days the digital and social media have completely changed the business landscape. Businesses have to take a completely different approach to improve their communication and interaction with its customers in the modern era. Here are some modern, most effective and most popular channels which a business can utilize to push customer experience surveys:

  • Emails: Excellent channel for almost all kinds of businesses and industries.
  • Social Media: Great channel to push surveys for B2C businesses and B2B can also leverage it if they have enough following on relevant social media platforms.
  • Websites: Equally effective for both B2B and B2C types of businesses. The popups and dedicated landing pages can be used to maximize the feedback for customer experience campaigns.
  • Customer Portals: Excellent choice for corporate sector and B2B businesses who have active customer portals for communication and service.
  • Mobile Apps: The mobile apps are the most rapidly growing communication channel these days. The mobile apps can offer a better and personalized experience and can be used to conduct customer feedback surveys and tend to produce higher conversion rate.
  • SMS: The SMS bases customer experience surveys are widely used by corporate and government sectors. However, eCommerce and B2C businesses can also utilize this channel to obtain higher conversion rates for their feedback campaigns.
  • QR Code: The QR Code based online surveys are most modern and effective feedback collection technique for service based industry, government sector, corporate sector, retail and other businesses.
  • Digital Interactive Devices: In Dubai and all around the UAE the digital interactive devices such as interactive kiosks, self-service kiosks, interactive signage, tablets and touch screens are gaining huge popularity and can be used to collect high-quality and high-conversion customer experience feedback data.

See Also: How to create Customer Feedback Surveys for Product Development?

Utilize Best Survey Channels for Targeted Audience Groups

If a business chose the right audience and right channel they can yield excellent results from customer experience feedback surveys or any other customer feedback campaign.

Send Right Survey at a Right Time

Apart from the customer feedback survey type and the targeted audience it is extremely important to send right survey on right time. Some customer experience surveys and other customer feedback surveys are only good when asked at the right time, such surveys are more specific and help collecting very specific customer feedback data. Which can be easier to incorporate in strategies and plans.

However, some customer feedback surveys are more generic in natures and usually done on periodic bases. Usually the customer response is lower but such surveys can help establishing a good connection with your customers. Usually there are three major classifications of customer feedback surveys based on the time:

  • Post-Purchase Customer Feedback Surveys: This is one of the best time for conducting customer experience surveys. As name suggest the post-purchase surveys are pushed immediately after a customer made a purchase. This will help you to get a high quality feedback information based on a very fresh customer experience.
  • Instant Customer Feedback Surveys: These customer feedback surveys are pushed to the customers at each interaction, whether they are at the service center, in-store devices, or online channels where the customer is interacting/communicating with the business.
  • Periodic Customer Experience Surveys: The periodic customer feedback surveys are usually pushed through online and digital channels such as emails, SMS, customer portals, websites, and mobile applications. The periodic customer feedback surveys are used to get a regular customer experience feedback from targeted audience groups.
  • Continuous Customer Feedback Surveys: These are also a kind of periodic customer feedback surveys, however, such surveys are usually for general satisfaction and unlike periodic customer experience surveys they are not only done on annual bases but on more frequent as much as monthly or even weekly bases with a more broader audience.

For customer experience surveys or any other feedback campaign it is extremely important that you conduct the survey on right time. For example a customer got a service today and you are asking them about that experience after a month, in that case you won’t be able to get good quality feedback, because after such a long time most of the details will fade away from customer’s mind.

See Also: How to Collect Feedback using Customer Feedback Tool

Collect and Analyze Customer Feedback Correctly to Enhance Customer Experience

Hopefully you have understood what customer experience surveys are and why they are so important and how to conduct customer feedback campaigns. Now the question is how to enhance customer experience with the customer feedback. Here are a few steps that will help you to enhance customer experience by utilizing customer feedback data:

  • Step 1: Make a plan for customer experience campaign
  • Step 2: Leverage the digital features of a customer feedback system to facilitate the process
  • Step 3: Execute the customer feedback survey campaign and collect the raw data
  • Step 4: Separate the quantifiable and non-quantifiable data
  • Step 5: Filter down the customer feedback data and remove inconclusive and ambiguous feedbacks
  • Step 6: Perform various analysis to conclude the customer feedback data in easy-to-understand format and compile reports, the customer feedback system can help you performing analysis with in-built tools and intuitive features
  • Step 7: Share these reports with stakeholders, strategic partners, relevant business functions, managers and concerned employees, and ask them for their opinion
  • Step 8: Identify the problems and request experts and relevant managers to propose you a solution
  • Step 9: Take actions, make changes and adjustments and improve your strategies, business processes and methodologies to improve customer experience
  • Step 10: Close the feedback loop, conduct a second round of customer experience feedback campaign and repeat the above steps until you reach your goals

See Also: 8 Proven Practices for Successful Customer Feedback Management

Collect and Analyze Customer Feedback Correctly to Enhance Customer Experience

The customer experience surveys are usually conducted by the customer experience managers who have a team to perform various tasks so it is important that what data or analysis you are presenting to the higher management or decision makers should have to be authenticated from the relevant stakeholder, manager or head of department. This way you can easily achieve the goals.

The customer experience enhancements is not a one-time process, in fact it should be done on more frequent bases rather once in a year. The customer experience surveys and other customer feedback will provide you a deeper understanding of your customers which will help you improving customer experience at all touchpoints.

See Also: How Customer Feedback can Help Small and Local Businesses in Dubai?


The customer feedback surveys are a direct window to your customers’ minds. Businesses or customer experience managers (CX Manager) can acquire a deeper in-sight of customers’ behavior, their liking/disliking, their desires, needs, problems, and expectations. Once a business successfully acquire this knowledge it is just a matter of time that they can enhance the customer experience and gain a great competitive advantage. The customer experience drives customer happiness and satisfaction which help obtaining their trust and strengthen their relationship with the business.

When a strong bond has established between the customer and the business they tend to become more loyal. The customer loyalty and loyal customer base can act as a bedrock where you can build you success and growth. However, the customer feedback collection is not an easy feat, it require intensive research, hard work and strong analytical abilities. A customer feedback system is a great companion of CX managers to achieve their goals. RSI Concepts is a leading software development agency in Dubai, UAE specialized in customized customer feedback systems.

If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want to learn more about our customer feedback system and how it can help you achieve your goals and vision. Feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: Why Self Ordering Kiosks Are a Secret Weapon for Small Restaurants

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Why Self Ordering Kiosks Are a Secret Weapon for Small Restaurants

The Dubai and in fact the entire UAE has a large population of expats, in general the restaurants, fast food, cafes, and pubs are very common sighting everywhere. Even if on a hot summer weekend while we are sitting in our living room and want to order food quickly, we can have somewhere from 3 to up to 6 choices in our close proximity, who can deliver us in 20 to 30 minutes. This means the competition is very tough, furthermore the rapid growth of food ordering apps, such as Talabat, Zomato, Deliveroo, and Uber Eats, etc. are making it even more difficult for the small restaurants to sustain growth and stability in such a competitive environment.

The UAE alone is one of the largest food market in the entire GCC accounting for almost 31% of the total market share in the GCC. These all factors makes the UAE food sector very competitive. The small restaurants have to think out of the box in order to establish a brand and sustain growth over the time.

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Why Self Ordering Kiosks Are a Secret Weapon for Small Restaurants

Furthermore due to large scale presence of the multinational chains such as McDonald’s, KFC, Starbucks, Burger King, Pizza Hut and many such more, the market have become tougher for local and small restaurants. The interaction with international brands and highly developed chains have risen the standards of a common foodie. So, along with the competition another important aspect is to meet the customer’s expectations and following industry trends which could make it very difficult for small restaurants to sustain growth and profitability.

It is not just maintaining a standard in the food quality and variety but the customer experience have also become a very important aspect of the business in 2022 and this trend will only grow in future.

See Also: What are the Necessary Features of Food Ordering Kiosk?

Why Self Ordering Kiosks Are a Secret Weapon for Small Restaurants

The customer experience in the restaurant is very crucial for the success. Here is how a self-ordering kiosk can provide you a greater competitive advantage and how you can enhance customer experience, increase productivity, performance and profitability with the help of self-ordering kiosk.

What is Self-Ordering Kiosk?

Self-ordering kiosk is a specific type of interactive self-service kiosk that we are all familiar with. If you are living in Dubai or any other part of UAE you must have seen these flashy screens everywhere, at shopping malls, banks, government offices, parks, and even on streets. In fact the ATM/CDM machine is also a self-service interactive kiosk. When we apply the same technology in the food industry specifically at restaurants, it becomes a self-ordering kiosk. The name itself is self-explanatory, the self-ordering kiosk means an interactive kiosk which allow the customers to order their food at their own without any help from the staff.

The entire process is digital and even the customers can make payments through the kiosk as well. The self-ordering kiosk provides the entire menu, special offers, bundles, and any other option which is available for the customers, they can chose the required items and then they can pay through the credit/debit card or by depositing cash into the kiosk. That is called self-ordering kiosk.

See Also: Self-Service Kiosks in Retail: Revolutionizing the Shopping Experience

What is Self-Ordering Kiosk?

The Benefits of Self-Ordering Kiosk for Small Restaurants

Mostly you would have noticed the self-ordering or food-ordering kiosks at only large chains and high-end restaurants, cafes or fast food outlets and usually the local and small restaurants don’t deploy such technologies, in fact they prefer more traditional practices. This is what can provide you a greater competitive edge.

The rarity of the self-ordering kiosk in small restaurants makes it the secret weapon which can be a game changer for your business. Here are some key benefits of the self-ordering kiosk for small restaurants, cafes, casual dining and fast food businesses.

Benefits of Self-Ordering Kiosk: 1. Better Customer Flow and Queue Management

When we talk about small restaurants or any other small business the biggest challenge is the limited resources. In case of small restaurants the peak hours could be a queuing nightmare for the business. It could become extremely difficult to satisfy each and every visitor and manage customer flow during the peak hours of the day. The crowded restaurants and delayed service results in sire in customer churn rate and the bad experience also repel customers.

The poorly managed customer queues, delayed service and uncomfortable waiting experience will eventually decrease the footfall and could have devastating impact on the sales and revenue. However, with the self-ordering kiosk the business can divert some of the traffic to the kiosk which also help easing down the workload of the staff and improve overall customer flow and queue management.

See Also: Top 10 Self-Service Technologies for Business in UAE

Better Customer Flow and Queue Management

Benefits of Self-Ordering Kiosk: 2. Less Wait Time and Better Customer Experience

The self-ordering kiosk enable your customers to order form the interactive kiosk without any help from the staff. This can free up some of the staff and help small restaurants to manage their resources more efficiently. Hence the workload at the counters also reduced, which means more customers can be served in the same amount of time. This help reducing the overall wait time of each and every customer whether they are ordering from the self-ordering kiosk or through the counters.

Wait time is one of the biggest reason for the bad customer experience, if a small restaurant can manage the customer wait time effectively and improve the customer journey, the customer experience gets improved. When the customers start having good experience, they become more loyal. The long wait time and over-crowded counters are the major reasons for customer churn, if this can be reduced, the customer churn rate automatically get reduced.

See Also: What are the Types of Interactive Kiosks?

Less Wait Time and Better Customer Experience

Benefits of Self-Ordering Kiosk: 3. Improved Upselling and Increased Check Size

For small restaurants the upselling and increased check size are great tools to generate more revenue and profits. Every restaurants have some high-margin and some low-margin products, business usually rely on the staff to pitch high-margin items, special offers, or add-ons to the customers. However, that is not as that effective, especially during the busy work hours the staff tend to skip such things and only focus on the original order to ensure quicker service delivery.

The self-ordering kiosk comes with a large touch screen, which have a lot of real estate to show offers, add-ons, deals and other promotional content along with the main menu of the restaurant. McDonald’s witnessed huge increase in upselling through the self-ordering kiosk and they also noticed a significant increase in check size from the kiosk. Small businesses can utilize these features to generate more revenue and profits.

See Also: The Impact of Self-Service Kiosk on Customer Behavior

Improved Upselling and Increased Check Size

The upselling and increased check size are some of the primary goals of the small restaurants as they help them generating more revenue and profits. For example, you can offer additional topping along with the original order at a discounted price, you can offer them 2-in-1 combo, or you can offer them to go for a deal at discounted or even normal rates. You can also suggest add-ons such as sweets, cold drinks, water, etc. which can increase the average check size as well and it can also generate huge profits for your small restaurant.

According to Harvard Business study, when McDonald’s implemented self-ordering kiosks they found that 30% increase in check size and 20% of the customers who don’t order drinks initially end ups buying them when placing their order through the self-ordering kiosk.

See Also: How to Design User-Friendly Interactive Kiosks: Best Practices and Tips

Improved Upselling and Increased Check Size

Benefits of Self-Ordering Kiosk: 4. Improved Order Accuracy

Order accuracy is one of the most common problem at restaurants. When people are dealing with a cashier the chances of miscommunication are high. Especially in multi-cultural societies such as Dubai and other emirates of UAE the communication could be challenging. But when using a self-ordering kiosk such problems can be avoided and small businesses won’t have to bear the cost of wrong order. Furthermore the dispute between the business and customer are costly, either the business will lose the customer or else they will have to compensate them, both way the business will have to bear the cost.

The self-ordering kiosk offers an intuitive user interface (UI) which always have photos and several other details of the item the customer is selecting, so the chances of errors or miscommunication are slim to none. This way the small restaurant can save a lot of time and resource without compromising customer experience.

See Also: How Can Businesses Benefit From Self-Service Kiosks

Improved Order Accuracy

Benefits of Self-Ordering Kiosk: 5. Reduce Cost & Increase Profitability

For small restaurants it is always hard to maintain a balance between performance, productivity and profitability due to limited resources. The self-ordering kiosk not only facilitate customer journey and improve customer experience but it also divide some of the work of the staff. Which provide businesses more control over resource management, they can reassign staff during busy hours to improve efficiency and productivity. Furthermore the self-ordering kiosk is a one-time investment and it can effectively divide the workload of the staff which means businesses doesn’t have to retain additional staff.

As most of the time only during the peak hours, additional staff is required, which can be substituted by the self-ordering kiosk. I am not saying the kiosk could be an alternate of the human staff, obviously the business needs them, but in order to improve productivity during the peak hours, businesses might not need additional staff since the kiosk is taking up some of the work load.

See Also: Emerging Trends in Self-Service Kiosk Technology

Reduce Cost & Increase Profitability

Since past few years the interactive kiosk industry have witnessed unprecedented growth. Resultantly the increased completion in the market compelled vendors to produce most cost-effective solutions which reduced the initial cost. Furthermore retaining one or two additional employees could put a financial strain on the small restaurant, as it is costly and a continuous expense. However, the self-ordering kiosk is a one-time investment, and its operational cost is also very low comparing to a human staff. This helps small restaurants in improving productivity without putting additional strain on finance and increase their profitability in long term.

Furthermore the self-ordering kiosk is built on a very flexible technology which makes scalability and upgrade much more convenient and cost-efficient. Average lifecycle of a self-ordering kiosk is 3 to 4 years, and with minor upgrades and changes the small restaurant can increase the lifecycle to few more years which increase the ROI. Better resource management also help businesses reduce the operational cost and minimize the staff to obtain higher profitability.

See Also: 5 Future Trends in Self-Check-in Kiosks: What to Expect

Reduce Cost & Increase Profitability

Benefits of Self-Ordering Kiosk: 5. Achieve Higher Staff and Customer Satisfaction

The self-ordering kiosks add significant value to customer experience and reduce their wait time which help achieving higher customer satisfaction. The self-ordering kiosk offers more flexibility, freedom and control over their order which increase customer happiness. It also help promoting marketing content and other customer engagement tools help increasing customers’ interest in the brand. Customer happiness and customer satisfaction drive customer loyalty and ensures long term success.

Since the self-ordering kiosk can take up some workload from the staff hence they can focus more on their primary tasks, it improve their work efficiency too. Balanced workload lead to staff satisfaction. Happy and satisfied staff always perform well and are more passionate about their work. Collectively all these things add value to the brand image and brand reputation.

See Also: What Is a Self-Service Payment Kiosk? Unveiling the Future of Transactions

Achieve Higher Staff and Customer Satisfaction

Benefits of Self-Ordering Kiosk: 6. Great Marketing Tool

The self-ordering kiosks usually comes with a large display ranging from 27 to 45 inch screen. These bright flashy screens can easily get people’s attentions. Small restaurants can run promotional content on the screens and they can also insert marketing content in the interactive screens. This help small restaurant market high-margin products and other offers which can generate more revenue for the business.

Usually the small restaurants have limited marketing budget. The self-ordering kiosk can be used to promote marketing campaigns as well. It also comes with a powerful CMS (content management system) software which enable businesses to schedule multiple campaigns for different times of the day or for certain occasions. The self-ordering kiosk can help small restaurants with their marketing needs as well.

See Also: Integrating AI and Machine Learning in Self-Service Kiosks

Great Marketing Tool

Benefits of Self-Ordering Kiosk: 7. Customer Feedback Collection

The customer feedback is very important for small restaurants and in fact for any business. These days in Dubai and all around the UAE the customers tend to share their experiences in the social media and they post online reviews and feedback which help business promote their brand and the negative feedback can also repel several customers. Collecting customer feedback from the self-ordering kiosk can save a lot of time and efforts. It make feedback collection simpler and more convenient for the restaurant.

The touchscreen also made it easier for the customers to share their feedback. The feedback data can be collected, processed and analyzed by in-built analysis tools and customized reports can be generated from within the system which can be a great help during decision making and strategy building process. The customer feedback can provide valuable customer insight and help small restaurants understand their customers in a much better and well-organized fashion.

See Also: Why Interactive Self-service Kiosks are the Ultimate Customer Experience Transformation Tool?

Customer Feedback Collection

Benefits of Self-Ordering Kiosk: 8. Crucial Business Intelligence Data

Modern day businesses are heavily relying on data and digital solutions. Since the past few years have completely transformed the business landscape and our society become more integrated with technology and digital solutions. This raise the importance of collection actionable data which help small restaurants and businesses to align their resources and strategies with their long term goals and objectives.

The self-ordering kiosk can collect a variety of statistical and system usage data at each and every step of customer journey. This provides businesses a better understanding of customer liking/disliking, current trends, and a lot more. The ability to record each and every order details allow businesses to understand the popularity of their products and enable them to test multiple strategies to fine tune their marketing and selling strategy.

See Also: Why more self service kiosks are being used in Dubai now?

Crucial Business Intelligence Data

The business intelligence data can be integrated with the POS and any other third-party system as well. The self-ordering kiosk are very flexible towards integration with third-party software and systems which enable small restaurants leverage the technology at its fullest.

Why the Self-Ordering Kiosk are Gaining so much Popularity?

Apart from the benefits and value the self-ordering kiosk can offer for the businesses and their operations, the biggest factor that is contributing to their rapid adaptation in the market is the customer behavior and market trends. With the rise of the food ordering applications and online platforms the customer are getting accustomed with the level of control, flexibility, freedom and convenient offered by these digital channels. That is why the customers expect the same kind of experience from the restaurants as well.

The self-ordering kiosk are specifically designed to enhance customer experience by offering them instant service and more personalized and convenient interaction. The multi-lingual UIs (user interfaces) also offer improved experience and better customer interaction. Furthermore the technology have become more cost-efficient and more easily available which also results in sudden popularity in the self-ordering kiosks in Dubai and all around the UAE.

See Also: What are the Features of a Best Self-Service Payment Kiosk Software?

Why the Self-Ordering Kiosk are Gaining so much Popularity?


For small restaurants it is crucial to optimize resources and achieve higher efficiency. Intelligent systems and solution like self-ordering kiosks can be a great help to improve several internal processes. Moreover following the market trends and meeting the customer expectations are also crucial to sustain growth and profitability. The self-ordering kiosk improve customer experience, reduce service time, increase staff and customer happiness and can help businesses in improving their operational and marketing strategies. The initial cost is not high and the operational cost is much less compare to hiring and retaining a new human resource.

That is why made them a perfect companion for small restaurants in Dubai and anywhere else in UAE. RSI Concepts is a leading customer satisfaction solution provider in Dubai, UAE. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want us to help you building a high quality cost-effective self-ordering kiosk system, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: Is Charging My Phone in a Public Mobile Charging Station Harmful?

See Also: The Integration of Mobile Payment Options in Kiosk Systems

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Is Charging My Phone in a Public Mobile Charging Station Harmful?

Is Charging My Phone in a Public Mobile Charging Station Harmful?

The smartphones and mobile devices have become an essential over the time. We always carry them wherever we go. However, with the passage of time, as the usage of the smartphone increases, the demand for high performance also arises. The smartphone, tablets and handheld devices’ industry have witnessed tremendous amount of progress and innovation. One thing that everyone always complaint about is the battery of the smartphones. These days some high-end smartphones are even equal to laptops with their computing powers and capabilities.

However, one thing is common among almost all smartphones that most of them last only for a day at full charge. We all faced situations when we had to make a very important call and our phone dies or we are out of office/home and our phone displays low battery warning. In such situations sighting a public mobile charging station is a great relief. That is the reason more and more businesses are offering public mobile charging stations, some are offering for free and some are offering for nominal fees.

Is Charging My Phone in a Public Mobile Charging Station Harmful?

Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the mobile charging stations are very common. Most of the people never think that a mobile charging station could pose a threat too. However, security experts have warned about possible malware threats from public mobile charging stations. A perpetrator can possibly install a malicious program in your smartphone through mobile charging stations.

This is often referred to as ‘Juice Jacking’ and according to FCC the perpetrators can use a special purpose dirty USB device in order to gain access to someone’s phone. They can collect valuable personal data, user accounts, financial data and much more which either they can use to orchestrate more criminal activities or they can sell the data to other cyber criminals.

See Also: Why Mobile Charging Stations Are Essential in Waiting Rooms?

What is Juice Jacking?

The juice jacking is a technique to install malware on the smartphones, tablets, and other devices. This malware can automatically look up at most obvious places to steal the user identity, user accounts, their banking details, email and social media accounts and much more. Basically the idea was first presented in the DEF CON 2011. The DEF CON is a security conference where ethical-hackers security experts and programmers held a conference and present their idea with like-minded people.

The Juice Jacking technique is developed to exploit the natural process of a USB device. Everyone knows the USB port at their smartphone have two functions, one is to charge the device and the other is to connect it with a PC or Laptop to transfer the data. That is what the Juice Jacking technique exploit, when we connect our phone with a charger we also provide possibility to transfer the data. That is how the Juice Jacking works.

See Also: Cell Phone Charging Station Guide for Businesses

What is Juice Jacking?

Should I worry About Juice Jacking?

Now in 2022 the smartphones have become way too smart and protected also. Now a days all smartphone popup a warning/permission message whenever they are connected to a USB post capable of data transferring. As I mentioned above the Juice Jacking was presented in DEF CON, however, we still haven’t receive a single report of someone data is stolen through Juice Jacking method in real-life. The smartphones manufacturers are well aware of these loopholes and they have taken concrete steps to prevent someone getting unauthorized access to you data.

So, no, you don’t have to worry at all. The Juice Jacking is long gone, it never proven to work in real-life scenarios, and since past 7, 8 years all smartphone manufacturers have introduced a several security layers to prevent such exploits. Just be cautious when using a mobile charging station, especially the free ones, when you plug-in your device wait for a few seconds and if a popup or notification appears on screen asking you to accept or cancel data transfer in any mode, immediately remove your device. But the chances of getting affected by Juice Jacking are slim to none. So, no need to worry about it.

See Also: Benefits of Mobile charging stations at Shopping Malls

Should I worry About Juice Jacking?

How would You Know if you are Juice Jacked or any other Malware has Infected Your Device?

There are so many different methods to check and examine a smartphone tablet or smart device to tell if it is infected by a malware. However, all those methods require at least some level of technical understanding and knowhow which is not so common. So here are some very common signs that everyone can notice if they look closely:

Rise in Battery Consumption

Rise in Battery Consumption:

A sudden rise in battery consumption is one of the most common sign that you are juice jacked or any other malicious virus have infected your device. These malwares run in the background, so you won’t be able to notice them, however, they will keep utilizing your processor which will consume a lot of battery.

Poor Performance

Poor Performance:

The smartphones, tablets or smart devices which got infected by Malware, Viruses or Trojans got slower, and keep freezing as all these processes are running in the background, sometimes it keep restarting itself. One can easily notice if the application they use more frequently are slower than earlier.

Changes in Device Settings

Changes in Device Settings:

You will have to look closely to notice if your device setting are getting changed automatically or you are changing settings but they are reverting back automatically after some time. The apps and their settings are also important to monitor. You might also notice several apps keep crashing without any reason.

Other Unusual Activities

Other Unusual Activities:

The most common abnormalities caused by the malwares and viruses that everyone can easily notice are increased heat at the back of the device, as these processes keep heating up the processors and other chips. Mostly in idle state the screen is completely dark, if your phone’s screen start flashing just for a sec or two then there might be something running in the background.

Data Usage

Data Usage:

Now a days almost every smartphone, tablet or smart device have in-built data usage monitoring tools, which help you understand which applications are using what amount of data, etc. You are also aware of your regular data usage, so if without any additional activity you notice unusual increase in the data usage, then most likely it could be a malware or Trojan virus using your data to connect to its source. So, closely monitor your data consumption.

Mostly the hacked devices got unnoticed as most of us are not aware of these signs. Sometimes even if we notice anything unusual we think that the device might be broken or if it is older than 6 – 8 months, the first thing that usually came to ones’ mind is that the device might have too much data in it which is slowing it down or causing these unusual behavior. Most of us just factor reset the device which mostly resolve a lot of problems.

What can I do if my Smartphone got Juice Jacked or Hacked?

First of all make sure you got one or more than one of the above mentioned signs. If you are certain that you got juice jacked or even if any other malware, virus or Trojan have infected your device, here are a few things you can easily do to prevent any more damage:

  • Immediately turn off your Data and WiFi, make sure it got disconnected from the internet
  • Obviously everyone have important data on their smartphones, so take a backup of your data
  • Both Android and Apple offer desktop applications to perform backups, reset, update, etc. features, better to use your brand’s desktop app
  • It is a plus point if the PC/Laptop you are connecting your device with have a good Antivirus on it
  • Take backup of your data and factory reset your device
  • Reset the passwords of all accounts that were signed-in on the infected device
  • Setup your factory reset device by signing-in with only necessary accounts/emails/IDs to avoid further damage
  • Install an Antivirus program and scan your device with it
  • Monitor your smartphone, tablet or smart device for a couple of days, and see if any abnormality appears again or not
  • If not, then it is save to restore your data and start using your device regularly
  • If any sign appears again, then contact a professional to help you out

What can I do if my Smartphone got Juice Jacked or Hacked?

There are several ways to get virus, malware or Trojans, however, the smartphone charging station is considered to be the safest till date. Now a days, the smartphone charging station vendors have made them more secure by adding charging-only cables, which are completely incapable of data transfer. Hence no one could exploit them. However, there has been some devices which are used by most sophisticated cyber criminals, these devices usually look like additional connectors, if you notice something like this, do not connect your phone on it, and immediately notify the relevant authorities.


The 2021 and 2022 witnessed some high-level corporate hacks, which involved huge corporations and the worldwide media made them popular which lead to several awareness campaigns and a lot many people learned about those cyber-criminals and their methods, etc. However, where these incidents help creating awareness they also raised fear. That is why the mobile charging stations have become a new debate these days. The idea of getting hacked through your smartphone or tablet in itself is freighting and when we start reading blogs covering Juice Jacking and smartphone charging stations, it become even worse. However, as I mentioned the Juice Jacking is almost obsolete but still people are concerned. Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the government take cyber-security very seriously, and have very strict policies against cyber-criminals.

When it comes to mobile charging stations, there is no harm in using them just be careful to see if anything is unusual. RSI Concepts is a leading smartphone charging station provider in Dubai, UAE. If you want to learn more about the subject or want us to provide you a customized mobile charging station please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: Key Features of a Customer Feedback System

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Key Features of a Customer Feedback System

Key Features of a Customer Feedback System

For any business the customers are the most important part of their success strategy. The customer happiness and customer satisfaction is a key to customer loyalty and customer retention. Which are necessary ingredients for a long term sustainable success. In order to please their customers businesses invest a huge amount of resources. Businesses try to improve each and every touchpoint in the customer journey, along with the offerings businesses made to the customers, they also invest in internal resources, IT infrastructure, and brand image building and communication channels.

Businesses try to improve each and every business function& process in any way possible with the aim to improve everything for the customers to obtain higher customer satisfaction. However, how would you know what you are doing is indeed improving customer interaction and experience? The simplest way is to ask them. By asking customers directly a business can clarify a lot of things, and it can gain much deeper understanding of the customers and their preferences.

See Also: Why Your Business Needs a Customer Feedback System?

Key Features of a Customer Feedback System

Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the businesses are realizing the importance of the customer feedback. Earlier only large enterprises and big companies were collecting customer feedback, now a day’s even local and small businesses are also collecting customer feedback. The biggest problem for small and medium sized enterprises were the resources required for customer feedback collection. However, with the advancements of technology that is not a problem anymore.

Smaller businesses can also acquire a customer feedback system to automate the feedback collection which save a lot of resources furthermore the digital customer feedback systems provides in-built analytical and data processing features which makes it a lot easier for a small business to manage the entire campaign is a semi-autonomous way. Furthermore the customer feedback system also allow businesses to share the surveys using online channels such as emails, SMS, website, etc.

When a business knows what its customers like they can invest more in those areas, and vice versa. That is the reason businesses commission a customer feedback system which not only help them utilizing the best channels to collect customer feedback data, but also help them to process and analyze that data with at most accuracy. Here are some key features of a customer feedback system which can help you achieve you feedback campaign goals:

See Also: 8 Proven Practices for Successful Customer Feedback Management

Effortless Customer Feedback Collection Process

For any customer feedback collection campaign the biggest challenge is to allocate resources who reach out to your customers, ask them survey questions and fill in the forms, etc. Furthermore the customer feedback forms data have to be compiled in excel sheets or any other format to make it useable for the higher management. Which is not only lengthier and expensive process but it also have higher error rates. When taking customer feedback in one on one meeting, or at store/service center or through phone call, the customers tend to provide a bit more sanitized version of their actual opinion.

People try to avoid saying bad or negative things in front of the company representative. However, with the help of a customer feedback system this problem can be avoided. As the customer knows they are responding on a tablet, touch screen, kiosk, or website or through their email, so they tend to provide more honest opinion without any fear of hurting someone’s feelings.

See Also: Integrating AI in Customer Feedback System

Effortless Customer Feedback Collection Process

As they are using digital channels so they also don’t rush to the answers, people tend to take more time to think when doing online surveys or utilizing any digital channel for their feedback. This not only offer them more freedom but also raise the quality of the feedback. The customers tend to be more honest when submitting feedback independently via a digital channel. Furthermore the customer feedback system also allow scheduling customer feedback campaigns for example NPS Score and CSAT Score can be pushed on different channels while the system is automatically sending post-purchase surveys to new customers.

The customer feedback system allow multiple campaigns for multiple audience group including regular monthly or quarterly or annual customer feedback campaigns. The automation saves a lot of resources and make the feedback collection process simple and more convenient. The customer feedback system can also utilize multiple channels to shoot out surveys and have features to consolidate all feeds into a single database to make the data analysis simple and easier.

See Also: Overcoming Challenges in Customer Feedback Collection and Management

Effortless Customer Feedback Collection Process

Improve Customer Feedback Data Quality and Quantity

The biggest problem with the traditional customer feedback collection methods is that in order to get more quantity businesses have to invest more time and resources. Furthermore the data collected from traditional forms, phone calls, one-on-one interviews, or from at-premises customers and visitors need to be processed manually. Usually a manager with a couple of supervisors and the customer care or sales team collects the customer feedback data. Businesses can also hire dedicated staff for this purpose and they can also appoint staff from multiple functions to form up a team for the customer feedback data collection campaign.

Whatever the case is, the customer conversion rate is very poor with traditional customer feedback channels and methods. The customer conversion rate means if the staff is reaching out to 100 customers how many of them provide feedback. This figure could vary from 10 to 40 out of 100. However, mostly it is in lower range. And in order to gather the required quantity of the feedbacks the team had to spend more time and in some cases more team members are also added to improve efficiency.

See Also: Best Practices for Collecting and Analyzing Customer Feedback

Improve Customer Feedback Data Quality and Quantity

Whatever the case is one thing is sure that the traditional customer feedback data collection methods are expensive and time consuming. That is not the only challenge. Once the feedback data is collected from different channels the real ordeal begins which is converting this manual data into digital formats which can be used by the managers to perform different analysis to extract actionable reports from the data. As everything is manual so the human errors are very common.

Mostly the errors occurs while data entry, furthermore the duplication is also very common. Which decrease the quality of the feedback data and impact the results/reports. Another important factor is the psychological, when customers are dealing with a staff member they want to remain polite and humble, which prevents them to fully express themselves.  However, with the customer feedback system none of that problem occurs, everything is managed by the digital software which conducts the feedback.

See Also: Leveraging Customer Feedback System for Business Growth

Improve Customer Feedback Data Quality and Quantity

The customer feedback system is very capable of automating various steps of the customer feedback campaign and make it easier to close the loop (closed-loop customer feedback system). All the data is digitalized form the get go. Customers don’t feel shy while expressing themselves and they give the most honest opinion through digital channels. The customer feedback system is also capable of automatically linking a feedback to a customer, hence most of the time the customer didn’t even have to input their personal details. The surveys become easier and convenient, a long questionnaire can be done in only a few clicks on taps on the touch screen or mobile.

Which increase the customer conversion rate, usually with the digital customer feedback system 30 to 80 out of 100 customers happily provide their feedback. Obviously for different businesses and different surveys the rate is different but in general the customer feedback system can produce far superior results than the traditional methods. The data is already digital, so errors are eliminated, there couldn’t be any duplication either. The customer feedback systems comes with in-built data processing and analysis tools which allow the user to generate highly accurate reports with a few clicks. Hence businesses can get more quantity and quality of the customer feedback data with a digital system in place.

See Also: The Role of Customer Feedback in Personalizing User Experience

Improve Customer Feedback Data Quality and Quantity

Automation Saves Time and Cost

The most important factor of customer feedback collection campaign is the cost. Businesses have to invest a lot of resources in a traditional customer feedback collection campaign. They should appoint staff who will be contacting and reaching out to the customers and visitors. Furthermore in some cases businesses might have to hire new staff and the staff retention in itself is expensive. Furthermore they will also have to appoint data entry operators, then they should have to assign at least one manager who will be overseeing and managing the entire project including the staff.

This makes it very expensive, and on top of that the quality of the data is also not as good as it should be and the customer submission rate is also low. Especially if you are conducting customer surveys at your premises the submission rate will be low, because most of the customers who have already done the transaction would like to leave as quickly as possible, whether you are a bank, hospital, retail store, shopping mall or any other type of organization. Which makes it harder to collect as much feedback as possible.

See Also: Your Guide to an Effective Customer Feedback System

Automation Saves Time and Cost

However, a digital customer feedback system prevent all those obstacles and problems. Hence the cost is very low, there is some initial cost but that too is not much comparing to the traditional methods. The running cost or operational expense of a customer feedback system is also very low. Furthermore it offer almost autonomous process which doesn’t require any human intervention. The business can appoint a manager who can create surveys from the customer feedback system dashboard/back office and push them to the relevant channels within a few clicks.

The administrator or manager can also have facility to schedule multiple campaigns for multiple channels and also for different audience groups. Which makes it more effective and efficient. Such features increase the customer feedback submissions. The system can be linked to customer data and eve with financial data, hence the customer are not asked to put so much details, in fact they are directly given the actual questionnaire and they can submit it within minutes. Which also encourage more customers to provide feedback and increase the feedback quality. Hence the business can significantly reduce the cost while they get highly accurate feedback data too.

See Also: 7 Benefits of Customer Feedback System

Automation Saves Time and Cost

Better Targeting Significantly Improves the Feedback Data

One of the biggest drawback of the traditional customer feedback collection methods is that they don’t offer good audience targeting. However, a customer feedback system can provide excellent audience management and targeting features. The customer feedback system software is usually empowered by AI and it is integrated with other internal systems as well. Which means it can synchronize data with other relevant internal systems as well such as CRM, Sales system, Customer portals, etc. This allow the customer feedback system to manage audience in different groups.

Furthermore the system administrator or manager can also choose audience based on various internal pre-programmed filters and tools to form a more precise and targeted list of the audience for the customer feedback campaign. This allow the businesses to collect highly accurate feedback data with at most relevance. For example if you want are selling male hats and female shoes, you want to get feedback on female shoes, then you don’t have to send the surveys to the male customers, furthermore you can also target the customer who have already purchased the female shoes and so on.

See Also: Utilizing Customer Feedback for Competitive Advantage

Better Targeting Significantly Improves the Feedback Data

Similarly if you are in service industry, let say you are a hospital or bank. Let say in case of hospital you want to learn what patients thinks about your new children section or if you are a bank you want to collect feedback about a new credit card that you have just launched or maybe for an existing most popular product. You can select the customers who have any past interaction with those departments or either you can analyze customer persona and their demographic details to set up a targeted audience group for the customer feedback campaign. In any case you can easily target the most relevant audience who can provide you more valuable insight of your product or service that you are interested to evaluate.

This can significantly improve the quality of the customer feedback data. For example if I bought a personal credit card, and I am employed at a local retail store, if the bank asks me about their corporate account services, what would I tell them? Most of the time people tend to ignore such requests, and in some cases people also submit their opinion, which not only reduce the quantity of the data for a particular campaign but it also reduce the quality of the data. That is why collecting feedback from only relevant audience is crucial for the success of the feedback campaign.

See Also: How to Collect Feedback using Customer Feedback Tool

Better Targeting Significantly Improves the Feedback Data

Centralized Management and Integration Offers Great Value

A digital customer feedback system is a great tools for collecting the customer feedback data from various touch points and different branches. A business could have multiple branches with one head office or main branch. The senior management and stakeholders usually sits in the head office. All the branches are monitored and somewhat controlled from the head office. That is why the management at head office is interested in monitoring activities, operations and performance at all branches. The digital customer feedback system allow businesses to add multiple hierarchal groups with different levels of administration and system access.

The system allow the head offices to add as many branches as they want and allow them to appoint staff and assign them different job roles with varying level of access and administration. This enables the head office to monitor each and every branch in real-time and it also allow them to compare two more branches side-by-side to analyze their performance. Similarly there are several other useful features that can help management in decision making and strategy building processes. Such features help them highlight several problems too and enable them to fix them in time.

See Also: How a Customer Feedback System Helps Your Company Grow

Centralized Management and Integration Offers Great Value

Furthermore the system integration capabilities allow the customer feedback system to connect with any other third-party system or tool to further improve the efficiency of the system which can add great value to your feedback campaigns. These days businesses have a very connected internal IT infrastructure, the flow of information is vital for any business. The customer feedback system can easily be added to the grid where it can automatically push data from the required software, tool or database and vice versa.

This make management even simpler and intuitive which is a key to success of any software solution. Businesses easily link customer data, their financial data, their demographic data and other information to the customer feedback system which can help the system to execute more targeted customer feedback collection campaigns. The post-sale surveys, regular surveys and other customer feedback campaigns can be set to automatic.

See Also: The Ultimate Guide to Execute a Customer Feedback Campaign

Centralized Management and Integration Offers Great Value

For example, if I have made a purchase the sales system will tell the feedback system to through me a survey, the customer database will provide my relevant information and the feedback can be automatically routed to the sales or customer care or anyone else automatically. The automatic data sharing can improve the internal data flow and help the management take necessary actions immediately. Furthermore the integration also allow the businesses to fetch the reporting data and other analytical data from the system to another internal system which also help improving user experience and make management more convenient and simpler.

Automatic Alerts and Notification Keep Management Informed

In case of a traditional customer feedback method by the time a manager knows about the negative feedbacks it is already too late. Mostly these campaigns last for minimum 2 to 4 weeks, and at the end of the campaign all the data is digitalized, analyzed and processed to generate actionable reports. Which makes it very hard for the staff and managers to identify the customers with concerns and negative feedback. In case after the campaign if a business tries to reach out to the unhappy customers, by that time most of them are already moved to a competitor.

However, the digital customer feedback system collects data in real-time and smart algorithms and AI processes it in real-time. As soon as someone submit a negative feedback an alert can be generated to the manager, customer care or even the service agent who serviced the customer. This can prevent any delay and notify the relevant persons immediately and provide them enough time to address customer’s concerns and prevent them from leaving for a competitor. The head office and the branch manager can also configure alerts to closely monitor the performance of the teams and even individual employees. Which helps businesses in addressing the issues swiftly which provide them a chance to save a customer.

See Also: Importance of Customer Feedback Tool for Small Business Owners

Automatic Alerts and Notification Keep Management Informed

The alerts and notifications are completely configurable and can be changed for certain incidents, let say if a day’s total feedback reached to 50 negative feedbacks, and even businesses can set comparison between negative and positive feedbacks such as if the negative feedbacks for the day reached to 20% of the positive feedbacks of the day an email alert should be sent to the branch manager, if the negative feedback reached to the 30% of the positive feedbacks and email alert should be sent to the General Manager at the Head Office and so on.

These alerts make monitoring more efficient and impactful. Furthermore the business can set alerts for the individual employee performance, as the customer feedback system can also collect feedback data for individual employee. Let say more customers are unhappy with an employee when he is providing credit card services and less more are happy when he is offering corporate account opening service. Such data can be treasure trove for a business who is eager to boost customer experience and employee performance.

See Also: How to Build Customer Feedback Strategy?

Automatic Alerts and Notification Keep Management Informed

Help Closing the Feedback Loop

Closing the customer feedback loops is one of the most important task of any customer feedback campaign. It means that when business collects customer feedback data on a particular subject and then later they do some changes in their internal processes or anything that is relevant to that particular subject, they inform the customers about it who have given the negative feedback for that in past. This is called closing the loop. Businesses tend to do that to improve relationship with their customers. If the customers are informed that their concerned are taken seriously and are addressed by adequate actions and policy changes they feel a sense of importance and feel more connected with the business.

It not only reduce the effects of their negative experience but it also help gaining their trust and loyalty. That is why closing the loop is considered to be an essential part of any customer feedback collection campaign. A customer feedback system provides a complete framework to manage the communication between the customer and the business both during the feedback campaign and even afterwards. It can also be integrated to customer relationship management software or complaint center system to further aid closing the feedback loop.

See Also: What is Multichannel Customer Feedback and Why it is so Important?

Help Closing the Feedback Loop


Businesses in Dubai and anywhere else in UAE are tend to collect customer feedback data to better understand their feelings, thoughts, liking/disliking, preferences and much more. The customer feedback data can be taken as the anchor point for the future strategies, policy making, product development, brand identity and much more. This help businesses to align themselves with customers’ interests and market trends. The traditional customer feedback collection methods are no longer beneficial for the businesses. They are slow, require a lot of resources which make them expensive, and the traditional customer feedback data collection methods tend to produce poor quality data.

However, a customer feedback system leverage the power of digital advancements and provide a great tool to collect, process, and analyze the customer feedback. With the added benefits of the automation the cost and the hustle can be reduced to almost a fraction of a traditional customer feedback data collection campaign. Businesses can not only collect more data at lower cost but with higher accuracy which improves the quality of the feedback data and help businesses to plug it in to their strategy building and decision making processes. It enables businesses to immediately identify a problem and take timely actions to prevent any customer from leaving and also help them to gain the trust of the customer by fully or semi-automatic customer feedback loop approach.

RSI Concepts is a leading customer feedback system provider in Dubai, UAE. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want us to help you develop a customized or standard customer feedback system which can help to gain deeper insight to your customers behavior, mindset and market trends, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: Advantages of a Self-Service Kiosk at a Cinema

See Also: How to Enhance Customer Experience with Customer Feedback Surveys?

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Advantages of a Self-Service Kiosk at a Cinema

Advantages of a Self-Service Kiosk at a Cinema

Self-service kiosk at a cinema can help the management improve the customer experience and enable them to generate more revenue along with several other perks. Actually businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE are proactively seeking ways to improve digital experience and interactions with their customers. For that businesses might use a variety of digital tools and platforms. The interactive self-service kiosks are not a new thing for the residence of Dubai and in fact they are fairly poplar all across the UAE.

Some people use interactive self-service kiosks on daily bases and some might interact with them once or twice a week. That is why more businesses are adopting interactive self-service kiosks and other self-service technologies. The self-service technologies have become so popular in UAE that customers often expect from their favorite brands to offer them some kind of self-service technology. There are several other very compelling benefits too, which is why businesses are inclining towards the interactive self-service kiosks.

See Also: Emerging Trends in Self-Service Kiosk Technology

Advantages of a Self-Service Kiosk at a Cinema

The cinemas are no exception. As during the 2020 all such activities got to an abrupt halt. The businesses are seeking ways to optimize their operations for higher profitability while recovering from the long closures. The interactive self-service kiosks are proven to be very beneficial for the cinemas and such businesses. An interactive self-service cinema kiosk not only help businesses improving their daily operations but it also help them dealing with several other challenges. Here are some key benefits of deploying interactive self-service kiosks at a cinema:

Interactive Self-Service Kiosks Help Reducing the Queue at Cinema

Usually there are two separate queues at the cinema, one is for the tickets and the other is for the concessions. The cinema staff always struggle with moving both queues so that everyone can get into their seats before the movie/show begins. Although there are so many different ways to watch movies at home however, people in Dubai and all around the UAE still love to watch movies in cinemas. The cinema and theater industry is gradually growing with competition getting tougher day by day. There are two main streams of income for a cinema one is the direct sale of tickets and the other is the concessions they sell at the theaters.

In fact in most of the cases the concessions can earn more than the tickets. In case if the queues are too long and people think they might not be able to reach inside the theater before the show starts, they will skip the refreshments which will result in a huge sales lost. However, if the queues are short and there are other channels to order the popcorns or anything else the customer will like, then the ticket size will increase and cinema will be able to generate more revenue.

See Also: What is a Self Service Kiosk? Here’s All You Need to Know

Interactive Self-Service Kiosks Help Reducing the Queue at Cinema

In such scenarios the interactive self-service kiosk can help cinemas to improve customer flow which will eventually translate into more sales and revenue. The interactive self-service cinema kiosks provide an alternate channel for the customer to opt in from. The multi-lingual user interface and the seamless operation allow more customers to purchase ticket or redeem their online purchased tickets from the kiosk with only a few taps on the screen. The secure payment methods allow quick transactions and improve customer flow.

The customer service staff at counter is always engaged in multiple activities hence the service delivery time is slightly higher and in some cases it could get even higher. The queues and waiting lines also cause stress among the customers which lead to unexpected delays such as disputes or line jumpers or any such problem. That is also one of the main reason the customer service staff at the counter take more time in service delivery comparing to the interactive self-service cinema kiosk.

See Also: Integrating AI and Machine Learning in Self-Service Kiosks

Interactive Self-Service Kiosks Help Reducing the Queue at Cinema

Another benefit of providing interactive self-service cinema kiosks to the customers is that the traffic can be divided between the kiosks and the counters. Which can significantly reduce the workload of the staff and allow them to focus more on their primary tasks which resultantly reduce the service delivery time and improve customer flow. As some customers are using the interactive self-service cinema kiosk so the queues will be shorter at the counters. Hence the average wait time can be reduced significantly.

Interactive Self-Service Cinema Kiosk can Increase Upselling

Every cinema and theater owner knows the concessions and other add-ons that they offer along with the movie ticket are extremely important. In fact more revenue can be generated from these sales. An interactive self-service cinema kiosk allows users to explore all available products along with facility to instantly pay from the in-built POS and payment gateway features. Furthermore the interactive self-service cinema kiosk comes with a very efficient content management system software which allow businesses to execute various upselling campaigns.

Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the cinemas display a lot of movies for a lot of different audience groups. Each audience group usually have unique behavioral and personal traits which allow the management to program more effective upselling campaigns along with ability to push, suggest, and advertise different items at the screen which could easily attract user’s attentions. The interactive self-service cinema kiosks help increasing the revenue and generating more sales by facilitating the marketing and the upselling campaigns.

See Also: Self-Service Kiosks in Retail: Revolutionizing the Shopping Experience

Interactive Self-Service Cinema Kiosk can Increase Upselling

Improved Service Quality

The interactive self-service cinema kiosks comes with in-built software tools which allow the management to offer several innovative features to facilitate the customer journey. The ability to combine the ticket purchase and the concessions in a single transaction not only make the service delivery fast but it also reduce the customer churn rate. As most of the time customers don’t purchase concessions and refreshments in fear of getting late for the show due to long waiting lines at the counters.

The interactive self-service cinema kiosk also allow the customers to choose the most convenient method of payment and let them select their desired seat easily, which make service faster and more accurate. When user is inputting the data by themselves and selecting the items they want to purchase then there is no chance of mistake or human error in their order. This also reduce the workload of the service staff and let them focus more on primary tasks which also increase the service quality for the customers who are still opting for the sales counters instead of interactive self-service cinema kiosk.

See Also: What Is a Self-Service Payment Kiosk? Unveiling the Future of Transactions

Improved Service Quality

Interactive Self-Service Cinema Kiosks Reduce Cost and Increase Profitability

For any business the primary goal is to minimize the cost and expense and maximize the sales, revenue and profits. That is not easy at all, however, with the help of interactive self-service cinema kiosk businesses can now have a quick boost in revenue and sales and they can also reduce some operational cost by reducing the labor and by intelligently utilizing the available resources to maximize the operational efficiency. Obviously the technology can’t completely replace humans.

As there are certain customers who prefer to use and interactive self-service solution similarly there are customers who value human interaction more. However, the cinema businesses can deploy 2 to 4 or even more interactive self-service cinema kiosks to digitalize a few of their counters. This will free up a few staff members, hence business can reduce the staff as well. Moreover it can also assign some of the free staff to other important tasks to further improve the customer experience and the overall operations.

See Also: What is Employee Self Service Kiosk?

Interactive Self-Service Cinema KiosksReduce Cost and Increase Profitability

For any hospitality business the human resource cost is always a big expense, an interactive self-service kiosk solution can help businesses reduce it. Which on one hand reduces the cost of employees while allow businesses to intelligently utilize their human resource to maximize the performance and customer experience. Which in return attract more customers. Hence a business can easily reduce some of its expense and at the same time it can increase its revenue and profits. Which tend to deliver excellent ROIs (return over investments) in long term. On top of that the interactive self-service cinema kiosks are much cost efficient the initial cost is also not so high and the operational and maintenance cost is almost equal to none.

These interactive kiosks are made with very long-lasting and rigid technologies which ensures a longer lifecycle. They can also operate 24/7 non-stop which also help reducing some staff and saving some expense and eventually it adds up to the profits and revenue. Hence business can generate more revenue and profits without compromising customer experience and quality of service. In fact the interactive self-service cinema kiosk boost performance and improve service quality and customer happiness.

See Also: How Can Businesses Benefit From Self-Service Kiosks

Interactive Self-Service Cinema KiosksReduce Cost and Increase Profitability

Interactive Self-Service Cinema Kiosks Collect Valuable Business Intelligence Data

Interactive self-service cinema kiosk can collect valuable business intelligence data for the business as well. The modern day’s businesses heavily rely on digital systems and solution which produce a tons of system usage and statistical data which can be analyzed to understand your customers and internal processes. This provide a great leverage and allow businesses to prepare their strategies and plans on the bases of highly accurate reports which results in good decisions and excellent results.

The interactive self-service cinema kiosks can also collect a variety of customer data which can provide a detailed overview of your customer persona and make you able to build strategies and plans to improve customer satisfaction and gain customer loyalty. For example, businesses can easily understand which movies are getting more ticket sales from the kiosk and which are getting more sales form the counters. What kind of refreshments are popular among what types of audiences and so on and so forth.

See Also: Top 10 Self-Service Technologies for Business in UAE

Interactive Self-Service Cinema Kiosks Collect Valuable Business Intelligence Data

Such data can help management in decision making process as well as let them understand the customer behavior which is absolutely necessary for the customer retention and customer loyalty. The customer retention and customer loyalty is a key to long term sustainable growth and success. Furthermore the interactive self-service cinema kiosks can be used to collect customer feedback with quick surveys and customer happiness meters.

The customer feedback can help business in understanding what customers are liking and what they are not appreciating that much. Such information is crucial for future strategies and help businesses creating a more customer-centric customer experience to boost customer loyalty. The customer loyalty help establishing a good brand name and results in more repeated business. The business intelligence data can provide a great competitive advantage and also help cinemas to generate more profits and revenue.

See Also: What are the Necessary Features of Food Ordering Kiosk?

Interactive Self-Service Cinema Kiosks Collect Valuable Business Intelligence Data


Any business would want to achieve higher customer satisfaction, lower expense and increase in profits. However, it is not as that simple at all. Here in Dubai and all around the UAE everyone is very familiar with interactive self-service kiosks. These kiosks are commonly used by a variety of businesses, whether you are at a shopping mall, a bus station, a public office or even at an entertainment hub, you will find small floor standing or wall mount kiosk with flashy screens attracting passing by people. The interactive self-service kiosks are supporting all sorts and sizes of businesses in the country. Cinema and theaters are still recovering from the 2020 and later lockdown situations. Hence the competition is also getting tougher and the market demands are also increasing. In such situation it is important to boost performance and productivity while keeping the expenses at the minimum. The interactive self-service cinema kiosks are a great companion to achieve a long term success.

The interactive self-service cinema kiosks can help reducing the queues which are main cause of sale loss, especially in concessions and refreshments, etc. It also help improving customer experience and provide businesses with a very active marketing channel to support their marketing and upselling campaigns. On top of that the interactive self-service cinema kiosks are very capable of collecting valuable business intelligence data which can be utilized to improve strategies and policies. The business intelligence data help cinemas to understand their customer better which is very helpful for improving customer satisfaction efforts. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want us to set up an interactive self-service kiosk system for your cinema or any other hospitality business, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this: Why Mobile Charging Stations Are Essential in Waiting Rooms?

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Why Mobile Charging Stations Are Essential in Waiting Rooms?

Why Mobile Charging Stations Are Essential in Waiting Rooms?
These days’ smartphones have become an essential part of our lives. Everyone have a smartphone. The biggest problem with the smartphones is that their battery is limited. Whether you bought a high-end flagship phone such as Apple, Samsung or Huawei, or a mid-range device the smartphones will last only for a day not more than that. That is the reason we always want to plug them in whenever we can. We are so much engaged and connected through our smartphones that even if for a few minutes it got off, we get worried. Have you ever heard about Nomophobia? It is a phobia of not having mobile phone, there has been several studies which concluded that having a smartphone or cell phone battery low or completely depleted could trigger anxiety and caused stress.

Obviously the level of this stress and anxiety is different among different people, but let us just admit, it is a bit frustrating to see 1% on our cell phones. Imagine if it happened while you are sitting in a bank or even worse if you are sitting at a hospital. No matter where you are the first thing you would want is to quickly finish your business are reach home or office to get your cell phone charged.

Mobile Charging Station Help Improving Waiting Experience

That is how it can impact your customers and their mood. The customers and visitors who are sitting in the waiting area might need to charge their devices. When you are offering them a charging solution it not only helpsin reduce thestress but it also improves waiting experience. When your mobile is at 12% and you placed it in a cell mobile charging station you won’t mind waiting for another 20 minutes. This may sound not much but it have huge impact on the customers. Actually it provides them one more purpose to wait and when our mind thinks and relates the outcome of any action it changes our behavior and thinking patterns. When we have two purposes to wait instead of one the value is being added to it which makes the waiting more worthy hence the boredom and stress is reduced.

Mobile Charging Station Help Improving Waiting Experience

Mobile Charging Station Help Reducing the Customer Churn Rate

The customer churn is one of the biggest challenge for the service and retail sector. The customer churn is the measurement of the number of customers who enter the premises but left without making a transaction. Improving customer churn is difficult because most of the time the customer who left without doing a transaction also not provide any feedback. Several worldwide studies and researches have concluded that a business can lose somewhere from 10% to 60% sales revenue due to customer churn. Obviously different businesses got different impact but one thing is for sure that the customer churn is very harmful for the business and it directly impacts its profitability and growth. A mobile charging station can be a delicate thread that keeps your customer from leaving and eventually they end up waiting longer and the chances of conversion also increase which reduce the customer churn rate.

Mobile Charging Station Help Reducing the Customer Churn Rate

Mobile Charging Stations Supports Customer Feedback and Marketing Campaigns

The modern day mobile charging stations comes with in-built medium sized digital signage display which can be made interactive too. The flashy screen can be used to run marketing materials and adverts, as the mobile charging station itself looks very eye-catching the flashy display could attract more eyes. It can provide more visibility to your content and can also be used for upselling as well. Furthermore the mobile charging station’s interactive touch screen is a great tool to conduct a quick customer feedback survey or to collect NPS (Net Promoter Score) or CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score) data. For customer feedback data collection the biggest problem always is to get customers’ attention on the feedback device. The mobile charging station can do that very well. And it is also a great tool to aid your digital marketing campaigns and other sales related activities.

Mobile Charging Stations Supports Customer Feedback and Marketing Campaigns

Mobile Charging Station in the Waiting Areas Add Value to the Brand

Although the mobile charging station is one of a lot many perks that a business offers to attract more customers. However, it is more beneficial in some aspects. Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the businesses are rarely offering such facilities at their offices. Whenever a customer arrives at the branch or business and they saw a mobile charging station it gives them a very nice impression. It made them think that the business cares for its customers and the business is proactively working to improve their experience and satisfaction. It helps businesses gaining more trust and credibility. The next time the customer will have in their sub-conscious mind that in case if their mobile phone is low at battery it can be charged in the waiting area and while they are awaiting their turn. The modern smartphones can easily get enough battery juice for a few more hours in merely 20 to 30 minutes of charging. It also indicates higher standards of care a business is offering for its customers.

Mobile Charging Station in the Waiting Areas Add Value to the Brand

Mobile Charging Station can provide a Good Competitive Advantage

The mobile charging stations can provide a good competitive advantage. Customers always love extra treats. Offering that a business made to please their customers are majorly responsible for the customer retention and customer loyalty. For certain businesses mobile charging stations could be a game changer, especially for local and small businesses. Let us take an example of a salon, usually here in Dubai and in fact in the entire UAE such small businesses are located in bunch. You will rarely found a single salon for a small neighborhood. There would be always 3 to 5 salons just in at a walking distance. For such businesses the mobile charging station can be another attraction, same is for restaurants and cafeterias, etc. Even for shopping malls and large retail stores the free mobile charging station could be a great competitive advantage.

Mobile Charging Station can provide a Good Competitive Advantage

Businesses can Monetize the Mobile Phone Charging Station

There are several mobile phone charging station types some of them can be hanged on the wall some are free standing and some can be integrated in the furniture and interiors of the waiting areas. A businesses can also monetize them. There are several models witch have capabilities to charge the users via cash, payment gateway, credit/debit card or any other modern payment methods such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc. A bank with an average daily foot fall could recover their investments in a couple of months and afterwards they can generate more revenue from this service. The Dubai and in fact the entire UAE have a great potential for the mobile phone charging station. Businesses can deploy multiple mobile phone charging station all around their facility and branches which can generate a substantial amount of revenue and in long term the ROI is also good.

Businesses can Monetize the Mobile Phone Charging Station


These days everyone owns a smartphone and no matter how high-end or low-end the smartphone is the one common flaw is their poor battery time. We all tend to forget about the charging or taking the charger with us all the time. That is why businesses can offer mobile charging stations for the customers and visitors. This will not only be a great service but it will also help businesses in gaining their trust and loyalty. As the customers will think that the business is taking customer care initiatives and it cares about the problems and difficulties of its customers. Furthermore the mobile charging stations can help reducing the customer churn rate and they are a great tool to improve customer’s waiting experience. It can also provide a good competitive advantage and it adds value to the brand image. For all these benefits and so many more the mobile charging station have become an essential part of your customer satisfaction strategy.

RSI Concepts is offering a wide range of all types and sizes of mobile charging stations. Whether it is payment enabled version, or with digital lock or a more traditional open-door design, we do it all. If you need any more help about the subject or if you want us to provide you with a great mobile charging station for your business, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this: How Customer Feedback can be Helpful for Online Store or e-Commerce?

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How Customer Feedback can be Helpful for Online Store or e-Commerce?

How Customer Feedback can be Helpful for Online Store or e-Commerce

The e-Commerce industry is rapidly growing in UAE and in fact all around the world. It is relatively easier to expand to other regions. Furthermore the e-Commerce industry is very competitive and the market is changing at a rapid pace. Sometimes even it is hard to keep up with that pace. Businesses use various different tactics and strategies to improve their internal processes and customer experiences. In order to evaluate those efforts, businesses usually conduct customer feedbacks and surveys. For any business it is important to have a loyal customer base. The customer loyalty is very much driven by their satisfaction which heavily rely on the customer experience.

The customer experience and customer relationship are the most crucial aspects of any e-Commerce or online store. Furthermore the customer opinion is also important for the sales. According to several studies an e-Commerce customer prefer to purchase products with more reviews and comments. Almost 95% of the online store shoppers check the comments and feedback before making a purchase and a product with minimum five customer reviews can have up to 250% more chance to sell.

See Also: The Role of Customer Feedback Systems in Improving Business Performance

How Customer Feedback can be Helpful for Online Store or e-Commerce

The e-Commerce businesses and online stores are different from regular businesses, as there is no brick-and-mortar store so the business doesn’t have a face-to-face interaction with the customers. This means the business will have to rely on their website and digital strategies. Traditional feedback collection methods also don’t work with the e-Commerce businesses and online stores instead the business will have to utilize digital communication channels to collect customer feedback. Here I would also like to mention that for e-Commerce businesses the customer feedback is not only limited to product reviews.

In fact the online stores must have to ask questions related to other aspects of their interactions as well. Fortunately there are so many simple and easy methods to collect customer feedback about their experience and the products. Businesses can collect valuable business intelligence data utilizing multiple customer feedback channels and converge it into a single database to analyze them and then the reports and data can be integrated in the strategy building and decision making processes.

The digital customer feedback system offers many features and technical tools, whether it is collecting customer feedback data, performing different analysis on it and integrating it in your core business processes, the prime objective still remains more sales and revenue generation.

See Also: Overcoming Challenges in Customer Feedback Collection and Management

In this blog we will discuss how customer feedback can be helpful for online store or e-Commerce to ensure a long term steady growth and satisfactory customer experience:

Customer Feedback Helps Measuring Customer Satisfaction

Any business whether traditional or e-Commerce requires customer satisfaction. A business cannot achieve its goals without customer satisfaction. The customer feedback is the best way to measure the customer satisfaction in a quantifiable way. Another big advantage of the customer feedback collection is that you can learn about their unhappiness very quickly. This ways businesses can quickly address to customer’s concerns and make adjustments and changes to please them.

The online stores and e-Commerce businesses had completely different challenges and most of the time they are too much occupied with their products, inventory, supply chain and that kind of stuff, they mostly don’t focus on how their customers feel about their products. A continuous customer feedback collection keep businesses informed and provide them up-to-date data which help them understand about the customers as well as their perception of different products.

See Also: Leveraging Customer Feedback System for Business Growth

Customer Feedback Helps Measuring Customer Satisfaction

The customer feedback data help businesses understand what products are liked and for what reasons or features. Furthermore the customer satisfaction is not only about the products, it is about the entire user experience. How they interact with your website and mobile application is equally important. One of the major reason of customer churn is the complicated or lengthy checkout process. There are certain aspect of customer experience that are usually neglected by the e-Commerce businesses and online stores however, they can have huge impact on the conversions.

Furthermore the market landscape in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and all around the UAE is very vibrant and dynamic, the competitor can also have a huge impact on the business. For example if an e-Commerce business or online store is offering special occasion discount and you are not offering the same, the chances are most of your traffic could divert to that store, at least during that event.

See Also: Utilizing Customer Feedback for Competitive Advantage

Customer Feedback Helps Measuring Customer Satisfaction

Customer Feedback Data can be used to Improve Products and Services

For any e-Commerce business or online store the key point is its products and the service it provides to the customers. There are several services involved such as shipping and courier service, payment gateway and online payment methods, return and warrantee claims, complaint center, customer support service, etc. These all and several others are very important in customer lifecycle. All services that you are offering should be intuitive and easy-to-use, in case if a service is failed to solve the problem the customers will go to a competitor.

For e-Commerce and online stores it is very common to have multiple other businesses selling the same products. However, there could be slight price difference or any other perks one can offer to attract customers that is why providing them a flawless experience could provide you a great competitive advantage.

See Also: What is Multichannel Customer Feedback and Why it is so Important?

Customer Feedback Data can be used to Improve Products and Services

Most of the time the customer feedback for e-Commerce businesses and online stores revolves around the product reviews. Customers post those reviews and their genuine opinion so the other customers or prospects can decide whether they should buy it or not. The both positive and negative feedback is good for the customers and visitors however, businesses usually don’t leverage it properly. The e-Commerce and online store should utilize the customer feedback and review data for product development and product search.

Usually an e-Commerce or online store is selling products from so many different vendors it can utilize the customer feedback to evaluate those vendors and even individual product. Hence it is easier to manage the inventory and take full advantage of the upcoming market trends. Furthermore the e-Commerce and online stores can utilize the customer feedback data for their marketing strategy and promote the products with good customer response. Selling high quality products can build a good repute and it can attract more customers.

See Also: The Impact of Real-Time Feedback on Customer Experience

Customer Feedback Data can be used to Improve Products and Services

Customer Feedback Help Improving Customer Experience

For any e-Commerce business or online store the flawless customer experience is absolutely essential. As customers are totally dependent on the website to checkout so the website has to be up-to-the-mark. The website can have multiple tracking mechanisms and it can provide precious analytical and statistical data as well. The most important is the customer churn. The customer churn is the customer who added products to the cart but decided not to checkout. The e-Commerce businesses and online stores should pay more attention to such visitors. As they have huge potential to convert.

Businesses can push surveys and feedback messages to these customers and ask them to provide the reason of why they didn’t checked out? Such customer feedback can help businesses understanding the common obstacles or problems that are resulting in a great sale lose. There could be several reasons such as incompatibility of the payment mode or higher shipping charges or even bad web page design. The e-Commerce and online stores should pay special attention to these areas.

See Also: 8 Proven Practices for Successful Customer Feedback Management

Customer Feedback Help Improving Customer Experience

The e-Commerce businesses and online store can conduct regular surveys while targeting multiple audience for the same questionnaire. For example, businesses can ask the customers who have already made a purchase about their experience with the website and the checkout process or it can utilize various tracking methods to track the audience who is visiting the website but not converting. Businesses can leverage the social media too to improve the customer feedback data quantity and quality. For the website they key areas are the product pages, products’ details, specs and the CTA.

A CTA is a call to action button which in case of an e-Commerce business or online store is a ‘checkout’ or ‘purchase’ button. There are various other design and navigation related aspects of a web design which can be scrutinized with the customer feedback to make improvements. All those improvements will help improving the customer experience and help businesses boosting their sales and revenues.

See Also: Why Your Business Needs a Customer Feedback System?

Customer Feedback Help Improving Customer Experience

Customer Feedback Data Help Reducing Customer Acquisition Cost

For any e-Commerce business or online store the customer acquisition cost is always a big challenge. There are two aspects where the customer feedback data can help optimizing and significantly reducing the customer acquisition cost. One is improving customer loyalty and have repeated business. Studies have revealed that acquiring a new customer is 5 to 25 times more expensive from selling to an existing customer. The second method is by acquiring a deeper understanding of customer persona and their behavior. When a business understands who its customers are and who are more likely to convert, it can further improve its targeted audience and save a lot on the marketing.

The e-Commerce businesses or online stores have different types of marketing campaigns, for example if we talk about only digital marketing there are several platforms from where an e-Commerce or online store business can generate organic and non-organic website traffic. If the business clearly knows who its customers are and what customer segment is purchasing what kinds of items more, they can accurately cater the right content at the right touch point which can significantly boost their sales and revenue.

See Also: The Ultimate Guide to Execute a Customer Feedback Campaign

Customer Feedback Data Help Reducing Customer Acquisition Cost

Customer Feedback Data can be used to improve each Customer Journey Touchpoint

For any online business model and especially e-Commerce or online stores having a deeper insight to the customer journey is a key to long term success. Businesses usually only rely on CRM (customer relationship management) tools to analyze the customer experience. However, mapping the entire customer journey and monitoring it can be a game changer. That is why the customer journey mapping techniques are used to identify the critical customer touchpoints. A typical e-Commerce or online customer journey consists of following four major Stage:

Discovery Stage

The discovery stage is when a customer discovers about a product. For example they saw a post at their social timeline or they saw an adverts in the YouTube, or they say a billboard, etc. The discovery stage also includes customer who are looking for a product which can possibly solve their problem. For example I need a solution to automatically feed my pets while I am away from home. The solution is automatic pet feeder, which can be found on multiple online stores and e-Commerce website. That is how a customer discovers a product.

See Also: What to Collect and When with a Customer Feedback System?

Comparison Stage

The comparison stage is when the customer found a relevant product or a solution to their problem and they are interested to purchase it. The next step they do is compare it with other available options and also other e-Commerce websites and online stores until they found the best match in terms of cost and value. This stage is the comparison stage.


The next stage is the purchase stage where a customer actually purchase the item from an e-Commerce business or online store. That is not the end of the customer journey, in fact the customer journey still keep going on. Sometimes customer face difficulties with the delivery or courier sometimes they want return and sometimes they just don’t like the product and want to purchase another one. The e-Commerce business and online store will have to be prepared for all those and other possible scenarios.

Pre-sale and Post-sale Support

The reason why I merged the pre-sale and post-sale support is because it is relevant to only one department. However, in some cases there could be different departments but whatever the case is the e-Commerce business or online store must have to provide a satisfactory support to its customers. Whether they are enquiring about the features before making a purchase or they are facing difficulties in operating the item, they should receive adequate support.

See Also: 11 Customer Feedback Examples for Business Success

Customer Feedback Data can be used to improve each Customer Journey Touchpoint

The customer journey doesn’t end here, in fact if a business wants to establish a long lasting relationship with its customer it is the time to begin it. As a customer have already made a purchase, the business should know what they are interested in, for example if we take the example of the automatic pet feeder, if a customer purchased it then they might be interested in pet pen or pet toys too. At this stage the e-Commerce or online store got an idea of what they can possibly sell to this customer. Now they can direct their resources to promote relevant products to this customer and the chances are they can get a few more sales from them.

For the lost leads, or prospects who showed interest but not made a purchase the e-Commerce or online stores can offer them deals, promo codes, discounts and much more to get them onboard. The e-Commerce business or online stores can also collect customer feedback at all touch points, whether they convert of not the last touch point is extremely important. And that is the reason mapping the entire customer journey can be very helpful in improving customer experience and maximizing the quality and quantity of the customer feedback data.

See Also: Best Practices for Collecting and Analyzing Customer Feedback

eCommerce Purchase Cycle


The voice of customer is extremely important for any kind of business. Especially in Dubai and all around the UAE the e-Commerce businesses and Online Stores are having a very competitive market. The customers are also demanding and savvy. Another more important thing is that the entire business model is based on the internet and digital interaction. Anything can get wrong, which could harm the sales. That is the reason why the e-Commerce businesses and Online Stores should take customer feedback. It can help them understand customer’s point of view about the brand.

There are tons of digital data collection tools which can be integrated with an e-Commerce website or online store to collect valuable business intelligence data. However, the voice of customer has its own unique place. The feedback data can provide businesses a far deeper understanding of the customer mindset then any automated data collection tool. The customer feedback data can help e-Commerce and online stores to optimize their customer journey, improve customer experience, increase customer engagement and raise customer satisfaction.

See Also: Integrating AI in Customer Feedback System

The customer satisfaction and loyalty is a key to long term success. The customer feedback data not just only highlight the customer’s needs and demands but it also point out the flaws and areas of the improvement. The e-Commerce businesses and online stores can streamline customer feedback in their strategy building and decision making processes to make more informed decisions.

RSI Concepts is a leading customer feedback system brand in Dubai, UAE. We are also specialized in e-Commerce website and online stores. If you want to learn more about the subject or want our help to build you a tailor-made customer feedback system or even an e-Commerce website or online store website, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: Why Temperature Kiosks for Schools are Vital to Keep Students Safe?

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Why Temperature Kiosks for Schools are Vital to Keep Students Safe?

Why Temperature Kiosks for Schools are Vital to Keep Students Safe?

The COVID 19 have completely changed our lives. In the beginning there were lockdowns everywhere, the schools had been shut, businesses got disrupted, travel, transport and everything was affected by it. However, now that the Corona Virus has been almost eradicated everything is getting back to normal. There are still some SOPs and regulations in place to prevent the outbreak, but mostly everything is restored to its normal, the social distancing and face mask related rules are also lightened and in some countries and regions all restrictions are lifted.

Here in Dubai and anywhere else in UAE the rules are also eased down but still the people are very skeptic. Especially when it comes to schools, and other children activities the parents are very concerned about getting their kids in contact of COVID 19 or any other contagious disease. The Corona Virus have left a deeper scar on people’s minds, they immediately get worried even with a normal cold or seasonal flue. That is why it is important for schools to have a temperature kiosk.

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Why Temperature Kiosks for Schools are Vital to Keep Students Safe?

Another important thing is that if anything happens in school such as someone caught viral flue or something, its spread is lot faster than from any other place. In schools kids are not as that cautious and vigilant. They always make mistakes, they play with other kids, and they share things, food, toys and tend to be sloppy in following the social distancing rules as well. Which make them more vulnerable and prone to contagious diseases.

If any kid got such disease they could put other kids, teachers and parents on risk too. They will play with their siblings after the school and they will also play with other kids from neighborhood. Whomever got into physical contact with them or get closer is at risk of getting the disease. Similarly when all those other kids will go to their schools and homes they could cause further spread.

See Also: How Can Businesses Benefit From Self-Service Kiosks

Why Temperature Kiosks for Schools are Vital to Keep Students Safe?

That is how the Corona Virus outbreak spread so quickly and that is how most of the viral and bacterial contagious diseases spread. It is not only about COVID 19, in fact any other common or viral flue can spread like that. There are several other diseases which can spread the same way. However, a temperature kiosk help schools identifying the kids with initial symptoms such as fever or high/low body temperature which help them to isolate these kids from others or send them back to home or get medical attention if needed.

And that is why the temperature kiosk for schools are vital to keep students safe and healthy. Another reason of checking the body temperature of kids at schools is that same like COVID 19 most of the other contagious diseases have very low or mild symptoms in kids, sometimes it is just a slight body temperature rise. However, if the temperature is taken at the entrances of the schools they can prevent teachers and other adults too from these diseases.

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Why Temperature Kiosks for Schools are Vital to Keep Students Safe?

Due to the lockdowns and the COVID 19 restrictions, the schools have been shut for almost more than a year in Dubai and all around the UAE. The same had been observed all around the world. The educators had to adopt online methods to deliver lecture and to continue the regular tasks. Which was unfortunately not so good, especially when kids are at home and for younger kids it was very difficult as they always required adult supervision. Despite all those efforts the educators reported that the year 2020 and also 2021 were the years when children made the least progress in their academics and they want to prevent any such scenario again.

That is why the school administrations had to take extra measure to increase the trust of the parents, students and teachers too. A temperature kiosk is a simple but excellent solution to give confidence to the parents, teachers and students. It is also very capable for detecting temperature anomalies and it can alert the authorities in real-time to enable them to take immediate actions.

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Why Temperature Kiosks for Schools are Vital to Keep Students Safe?

As the mask mandate reached to its minimum, the travel restrictions are lifted and the Dubai and in fact the entire UAE start receiving tourists and visitors from all around the world. It is time for schools to seriously reconsider their policy and plans. A temperature screening kiosk can be great help in preventing COVID 19’s latest variant which is Omicron and several other contagious diseases.

For Omicron the symptoms are very mild and as the studies have proven that children shows very mild symptoms of even the earlier and tougher variants of COVID 19, it is very obvious that if any kid got Omicron they will show very mild symptoms. That is why it is crucial for schools to deploy temperature screening kiosk to continuously monitor the temperature of all children, teachers, visitors and staff to prevent another wave of COVID 19 in 2022.

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Why Temperature Kiosks for Schools are Vital to Keep Students Safe?

The temperature kiosk not only monitor the temperature in real-time but they are also capable of alerting the authorities. These kiosks comes with a software which keeps record of all previous readings and with the help of facial recognition technologies it can ID each individual and maintain their temperature history in the system. Furthermore the system is very flexible and is configurable which allow the management to take extra measures to prevent any sick kid or adult entering in the school. The temperature screening kiosk allow a certain range of the temperature and only alerts when the temperature is above or below the threshold points.

However, it is common to have fever which is just at the boundary of the limit to skip from notice of the security or appointed staff member. However, the kiosk can keep record and if it found 2, 3 consecutive reading which are still in the normal temperature range but are always near the limits, it can alert the concerned staff to have a look at it. This can further improve the accuracy and efficacy of the system and help preventing the spread.

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Why Temperature Kiosks for Schools are Vital to Keep Students Safe?

The temperature screening kiosks can also be used to add an extra layer to the security. As most of the temperature kiosk comes with in-built facial recognition technology, some also have RFID readers/scanners which can help the school administration to take attendance and track record of the movements of the staff. The kiosks can also be installed on the places where access is restricted for students and where only certain students are allowed to enter.

For example, in the chemistry lab only students from grade 8 to 10 are allowed and all junior students are not allowed, the facial recognition temperature screening kiosk can provide features to ID the student who want to gain access to the lab or any other such facility. This could be very helpful and it also help back tracing someone who was found infected with COVID 19 or flue. The temperature screening kiosks are also very useful in the winter season when the flue and fever is common among the children and adults also.

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Why Temperature Kiosks for Schools are Vital to Keep Students Safe?


Schools are the places where kids spend almost half of their day, the parents are very concerned about their health and safety. The COVID 19 and the worldwide outbreak made parents more cautious and concerned about the health and safety of their kids. For schools after long lockdowns and online studies it is difficult to build trust of the parents again. The educators worldwide are showing concerns about the academic progress of the children during 2020 and 2021 due to long lockdowns and online studies. Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the mask mandate is also relaxed, several restrictions are also eased. On top of that for COVID 19 and the last variant of Coronavirus which is called Omicron the symptoms in kids are very mild.

Mostly the kids got less affected by the disease which make them perfect carrier for the virus. That is why it is vital for schools to keep the temperature kiosks to regularly monitor the temperature of the kids and adults at the schools. It is not only about the COVID 19 in fact there are several other diseases that are contagious but not as that harmful, such as seasonal flues, viral flues, infections, and a lot of other diseases which can spread from person to person. Thankfully most of these diseases have a lot of common symptoms too and the fever is among the most common symptom. If the school is detecting the temperature of the kids it can easily identify and isolate kids with symptoms and then either send them back on leave or get them medical attention in needed. Such precautions can help preventing a lot of diseases which can spread from schools.

As kids are not very cautious and vigilant so they can cause quick spread of such diseases. The temperature kiosk can also help schools adding an extra security layer with its facial recognition features and in-built RFID scanners. These all benefits make temperature kiosks vital for schools. RSI Concepts is a leading customized kiosk solution provider with a wide range of temperature monitoring kiosk and equipment. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you need our help to make your school, office or any other facility more secure and people friendly, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: Cell Phone Charging Station Guide for Businesses

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Cell Phone Charging Station Guide for Businesses

Cell Phone Charging Station Guide for Businesses

The cell phone charging stations are popping up everywhere in Dubai and all around the UAE. Whether it is a shopping mall, office, retail store, restaurant, entertainment hub, beaches, hospitals & healthcare facilities and even in educational institutes and libraries. The cell phone charging stations are gaining rapid adaptation everywhere. There is a very strong reason for it. In UAE almost 98% of the population is using smartphones. The non-smartphones are just fading away, the tablets and other smart personal gadgets are also gaining popularity. The smartphones and personal gadgetry is getting powerful by each year so much so that my current smartphone is powerful than one of my previous laptop just about 5 – 6 years ago. More processor, memory and computing power means more battery consumption, the displays are also getting brighter which also consume more power.

Cell Phone Charging Station Guide for Businesses

On an average a flagship smartphone have 5,000 mAh battery and mid-range and low-range smartphone are having around 3,000 to 3,500 mAh. This is due to the physical limitations, hence we all have to use a charger every day. Sometimes even more than one time a day. We all had those moment when we are in middle of something and our phone gives low battery warning sign or the screen become dull. Maybe one forgot to plug it in at night, and in morning they don’t get enough time to charge it, or maybe your kid watched cartoons for too long, or you love to play games or chat or browsing through social media. Maybe you had a lot of calls from work or emails or anything. At that time if you are not at office or at home, but in a mall, or at a bank or at another public place and you spot a cell phone charging station, how relived you would be? That is what attracts more people to your business and improve your customers experience in the waiting area.

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Cell Phone Charging Station Guide for Businesses

There are endless applications of the cell phone charging kiosk. For example you are at gym, your phone is low on battery, and you can plug it in a public cell phone charging station in the changing room. Or maybe you are at a beach or a cafeteria or at an airport, the cell phone charging stations are a blessing for the smartphone users. That is the main reason all sorts and types of businesses are deploying them everywhere. Most of the time people don’t know much about the smartphones and their technical specifications and all that. If you are using iPhone 13 or Samsung Galaxy S22 you might know some details about it but not about all other cell phones. When businesses decide to deploy a cell phone charging station they must know some basic details about the cell phones and the charging methods which most of the modern day cell phones are using. That is why we are writing this guide to provide basic understanding of the charging mechanisms and other important aspects of the cell phone charging station which will help businesses to select a more appropriate cell phone charging station for their needs.

What is a Cell Phone Charging Station?

The cell phone charging station or cell phone charging kiosk is basically a medium sized kiosk, usually floor standing which have multiple boxes (4 to 40+) in it, where users can place their smartphones, tablets or handheld devices to charge them. There are two types of cell phone charging station, one is absolutely free where users can use it free and the other type is a vending machine where users have to pay to get their smartphone and devices charged. Furthermore there are two additional classifications, one is with the lockable door/window and the other is open without any window or lock. Different types of the cell phone charging stations are used by different businesses. There are three major charging ports or cable types that almost 98% of the smartphone and cell phones in the world are using. These three types are Micro USB (For Android Smartphone & Tablets), C-Type (For Android Smartphone & Tablets) and Lightning Connector (For iPhone, iPads and Apple Devices). Some modern smartphones also comes with a secondary charging mechanism which is wireless or inductive charging.

What is a Cell Phone Charging Station?

What is the Difference between Micro USB, C-Type and Lightning Charging Cables and Standards?

Without adding any technical details the biggest difference between the Micro USB, C-Type and Lightning cables is the charging power they can transfer and the speed of the data they can transfer. That is the simplest explanation. However, the Micro USB is slightly older technology, the Lightning connectors are old too but they are much more efficient than the Micro USB or Mini USB connectors. The Android based devices are using Micro USB connectors for charging and data transfer between your smartphone/tablet and computer. The lightning connector technology is developed by the Apple, and it is exclusively designed for Apple devices that is why its performance is much better. However, the USB C-Type technology is fairly recent and extremely efficient. It is far better than the traditional Micro USB connector and it is also superior to the Apple’s iconic Lightning connector. Each connector has a unique shape and set of internal wires that connect your device with charger or computer for charging or data transfer.

What is the Difference between Micro USB, C-Type and Lightning Charging Cables and Standards?

The Micro USB is the miniature version of the standard USB port. The USB C-Type was first made available in 2015 and since then it is rapidly adopted by the manufacturers so much so that almost all mid-range and high-range modern Android cell phones comes with the C-Type connector. There are rumors that Apple is covertly testing the C-Type for its future devices. It is hard to tell that in future we will be able to see a universal charging cable for all of our mobile devices but the one thing is obvious that the manufacturers are aggressively adopting to C-Type. Now a days, you can find C-Type connector on cell phones, wireless headphones, laptops, tablets and a lot many other smartphone and computer accessories. The C-Type can provide far superior charging power and data transfer ranges which as of now in completely unmatched.

What is the Difference between Micro USB, C-Type and Lightning Charging Cables and Standards?

Apart from the connector type the charging cables and the data transfer protocols also matters. The Micro USB or even Standard USB has various different versions which are usually classified as A, B, C or V1.0, V2.0, V3.0, V3.1, etc. These all details are very confusing, but if you have to choose the best, chose the later versions, the latter is better at efficiency and power. Then there are different generations too, with each newer generation the power and data speed raised. For example if we talk about only USB data transfer, for USB 1.1 it was 12Mbps and for the most latest one which is USB 4 Gen 2 it is 20Gbps and for USB Gen 3 it is doubled, 40Gbps. However, for the cell phone charging station you should only concerned about the power of the cable rather the data transfer.

What is the Difference between Micro USB, C-Type and Lightning Charging Cables and Standards?

What is Fast Charging and Why it is Important for Cell Phone Charging Stations?

Normally your standard mobile charger or a USB cable connected to a laptop or computer delivers 1 Ampere current at 5 Volts. The power is a measure of current multiply by the voltage so in this case the power is 5 watts. The USB standard power delivery mechanisms support a variety of current at 5 volt. The fast charging is when your device gets more than or equal to 2.1 Ampere at 5 Volts. Usually when a power adopter is used, the fast charging delivers 2.1 ampere to 3 ampere with different voltages 5V, 7V, 9V, and in some cases 12V and even up to 20V. These all different voltage values and amperage is very confusing. However, for a simple cell phone charging station it is ideal to use a power adopter which can deliver all different ranges of voltage. For smartphone and tablets, it won’t harm them as they have in-built very sophisticated circuits which only takes the power they are designed for. Here another important thing to understand is that it is not only the power adopter that should be capable of fast charging but the device that you are using and the cable should also have to be capable of fast charging only then it will work.

What is Fast Charging and Why it is Important for Cell Phone Charging Stations?

Furthermore each cell phone manufacturer also have their proprietary fast charging standards. Some of them can boost the voltage somewhere from 7V to 20V with the amperage boost of up to 5 Ampere from standard USB 3 power of 3 Ampere. For example the modern Apple iPhone support fast charging but for that you can’t use your standard 5W charger, you must have to have an 18W charger which comes with a USB C-Type to Lightning Type charging cable. Similarly there is a very popular brand for smartphone chips and circuits which is called MediaTek, it has its own fast charging standard which is called MediaTek Pump Express. The Pump Express enabled smartphones can obtain fast charging by increasing the voltage from 5V to 20V and ramping up the current from 3A to 4.5A which increase the charging power to up to 15W maximum. Similarly the OnePlus Wrap Charge and Dash Charge are fast charging standard from Oppo which keep the voltage to 5V by increase the current to 4A (Ampere) and deliver maximum 20W (Watts) of power. The latest versions of Wrap Charge can even deliver 30W power by increasing the current from 4A to 6A while keeping the voltage same at 5V.

What is Fast Charging and Why it is Important for Cell Phone Charging Stations?

There are certain smartphones which can even take the fast charging to the next level by having any combination of voltage and current. Some can deliver a maximum of 45 Watt with a record breaking range of 65 Watt as well where the Oppo SuperVooc Flash Charge delivers 6.5A at 10V. However, this information is just to provide you basic understanding of how the fast charging works. For a cell phone charging station the best is to understand your audience, and try to deliver to the maximum audience. An average fast charging standard with up to 3A current would be enough for almost 90% of your users. Furthermore some businesses use cell phone charging station as vending machine, so fast charging would encourage users to charge their phone while paying less and getting mobile charged quickly.

What is Wireless Charging and is it Important for Cell Phone Charging Station?

The wireless charging have now become almost as a standard for all high-end and most of the mid-range smartphones. The wireless charging is basically electromagnetic induction charging. The compatible smartphone doesn’t need to be connected to a cable or adopter, instead it can be placed on the charging pads, charging stations, or charging surfaces and they will start charging wirelessly. The compatible smartphone haves a copper coil inside of it, and the charger also have almost similar kind of coil in it. The charger generated electromagnetic field, which is induced in the smartphone’s wireless charging coil and then it is converted into electricity which charges the phone. The charger itself consume some of the energy from the adopter hence the wireless charging is relatively slower than the wired charging. So if a 5W wired charger is taking 2 to 2.5 hours to charge your phone then the wireless charger will take approximately 3.5 to 4 hours for the same amount of charge.

What is Wireless Charging and is it Important for Cell Phone Charging Station?

When it comes to wireless charging we all have heard a term ‘Qi Wireless Charging’ it is actually a standard and in Chinese language it means the ‘energy flow’. Samsung, Apple, Huawei, Motorola, Sony and various other popular brands have adopted to Qi standards. Although some companies are working at the wireless charging which can work at a small distance, however, currently the wireless charging only works when the phone is physically placed on the charger, even the phone covers can also interfere with the wireless charging. Having wireless charging feature in a cell phone charging station is great to gaining user’s trust, as some people are reluctant to connecting their smartphones with wires at a public place due to the fear of the safety of their phone data. So, the wireless charging could encourage them to use your cell phone charging station.

What are the Key Benefits of the Cell Phone Charging Station?

The cell phone charging kiosk provide convenience and comfort to your customers. Modern cell phone charging stations comes with in-built digital displays which can be used to play marketing and advertisements. The cell phone charging station can make your customers to stay longer in your store which is helpful in generating more sales. Furthermore if you are a gym, or a sports club, or local business, it can provide you a great competitive advantage. Businesses always struggle with their queues and customer’s waiting experience. If a customer is waiting in the waiting area, they found a cell phone charging station or kiosk, they can charge their phone, while waiting for their turn, this will add another reason for them to stay, hence they won’t feel negative about the waiting time, instead it will have positive impact on them and it improves their waiting experience.

What are the Key Benefits of the Cell Phone Charging Station?

Similarly in the cell phone charging station can be great companion for the libraries and facilities where usually the visitors are not allowed to take their phone while they are having their business. In such scenarios the customer can happily put their phone in the cell phone charging station to get whatever extra bit of the charge they can get during their short visit. Similarly for some places such as Hospitals, airports and shopping malls, the cell phone charging station can enhance your customer’s experience. These are the places where the smartphone is much needed and most of the time people loss their cell phone charging. Furthermore the cell phone charging station provides you an additional communication channel. The in-built touch screen can be very helpful for marketing, up-selling, generating more sales, and attracting more customers.


The smartphone have become an integral part of our lives. As the smartphones are getting powerful, bigger and brighter, the battery life is reducing, the most expensive flagship cell phones can’t even provide backup for 24 hour under above average use. Here in UAE almost 98% of the population owns smartphone. And that is very common that due to some reason we failed to fully charge our cell phone before leaving for the day, and during the day or by evening suddenly our smartphone died. We are so much connected through our smartphones that anyone can panic in such situation. Especially if you are at a hospital or at a bank, where you might need your phone. Even if you are shopping, it could ruin the mood for sure. Businesses started deploying cell phone charging stations, which is a great offering for your precious customers. The cell phone charging station not only help you provide a great service to your customers and visitors but it also help you improving their experience as well. Either they are waiting in the waiting room, or at a retail store or at a hospital a quick charge to the phone is always nice.

In this blog we have covered the basic technology that is used for the smartphone charging and how different charging methods and standards work. This will provide you enough knowledge to choose an appropriate cell phone charging station with right specs for your targeted audience. If you have any question or if you want to learn more about the topic or if you want us to help you building a loveable cell phone charging station for your customers please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us (Call) page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this: Why Customer Feedback Still Matters in 2022?

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Why Customer Feedback Still Matters in 2022?

Why Customer Feedback Still Matters in 2022

Businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE spend a large chunk of their hard earned profits in modernization, upgrades, improvements, IT and their facilities. However, most of the time businesses failed to recognize the crucial part of customer feedback in customer satisfaction. Everyone knows for a long term and sustainable success the customer satisfaction is absolutely essential. Studies have revealed that customers put experience equal to the quality of the products. No matter how good you are at quality and pricing of your products, if you have failed to provide satisfactory service and experience, the customers will eventually move on to another competitor. Even the most loyal customers are tend to leave the business after having just a few bad experiences. Here in Dubai and in fact all across the UAE the markets are very competitive and the customers have too many options. This makes the user experience even more crucial for the customer retention.

Why Customer Feedback Still Matters in 2022

It is important that a business meets its customers’ expectations and make them happy. This raise another important questions, how would a business know what its customers expect from it? The simplest and easiest way is to ask them. Being a business owner or manager you should be able to understand the customer trends, preferences and what they are expecting from the business transaction they are having with you. The speculations are not good, let say you are not having much complaints, so you can think your customers are happy. But in reality, maybe some of them have already left you, some are planning to move on and exploring other businesses, some might be too shy to complain and some just don’t even bother to report an issue instead they immediately start looking up for an alternate. None, of this means your customers are happy. There could be some customers who would be happy but not all of them. That is why a business needs a very clear and accurate data which can tell them the actual customer satisfaction level and which could also help them understand the factors that are impacting the customer experience. Such data can only be collected using a customer feedback system. Here are some reasons why a customer feedback system is important for businesses in 2022.

Why Customer Feedback Still Matters in 2022

Customer Feedback Provides Customer Satisfaction Matrices

No matter what a business do and how much it invests in improving customer experience and internal business processes, the ultimate measure of all these efforts is the customer satisfaction. The customer satisfaction surveys and feedback can tell how many customers are happy and satisfy and how happy or satisfied they are. These matrices are not just customer happiness score or customer satisfaction score. In fact a business owner or manager can conduct customized surveys which ask customers about very specific aspects of their experience. Similarly a business can prepare multiple surveys to analyze the entire set of touch points and all relevant aspects of the customer experience which can help them identify the areas which needs improvements and the problems your customers are facing.

Customer Feedback Provides Customer Satisfaction Matrices

The ability to pin-point the exact problem your customers will raise the chances of rectification of that problem. These all key elements and the customer feedback can be classified as per their importance, impact and priority. This will help business building an action plan to eliminate all the problems and boost customer satisfaction and happiness score.

Customer Feedback Helps Gaining Customer Loyalty

The customer feedback not only provide customer satisfaction matrices and other data but it also help building and strengthening the relationship with your customers. When a business ask its customer about their feedback, opinion and suggestions, it means the business cares for its customers and it wants to listen to them. When customers knows their say is important for the business, they automatically get attached to it and feel a sense of importance. They think the business give them importance and care for them. It help strengthening the relationship and also increase customer loyalty. Furthermore the customer feedback loop takes this to next level. When a business takes adequate actions in response to customer feedback and then inform them about the actions or changes that are made in the wake of their feedbacks and suggestions, the customers become more loyal and are most likely to stick with the business for a long.

Customer Feedback Helps Gaining Customer Loyalty

The loyal customers not only give repeated business, but they are tend to be a good brand advocate. Moreover the loyal customers help spreading good words about the brand and refer its products and service to others which also increase the sales and revenue. The loyal customers are more likely to tolerate a bad experience and stick with their favorite brand. Studies have revealed that it is 5 to 25 times more expensive to acquire a new customer comparing to selling to an existing customer. Hence the loyal customers can be a great asset which help improving the outcome of both sales and marketing efforts.

Customer Feedback Improves Product Development Process

Product development is something that is extremely crucial for a business’s success. No matter what product or service you sell, or if you are working at a B2B (business to business) or B2C (business to consumers) business model, if you are in Dubai or anywhere else in UAE it is extremely important to meet your customers’ expectations and demands. That is what can only be done through a good product development process. Business can easily analyze various aspects of their existing products, they can learn about the liking/disliking and other preferences of their customers by executing an effective customer feedback campaign. Businesses can also ask customers about what particular features they want to see and what they don’t like much. This provides a base for the product development and changes in the future. Businesses can easily learn about the trends and popularity of their products and services which provide them enough data to be able to identify the areas of improvements and to understand what the customers are expecting from them.

Customer Feedback Improves Product Development Process

Businesses can use the customer feedback data to develop new products and services as well as they can improve their existing products and services too. By simply asking your customers about various features of existing products are services you can easily learn what your customers are not liking, hence improvements can be done, or simply a product or service can be replaced with a new and better one. The customer feedback provide that crucial information which help businesses in making new strategic decisions and future plans.

Customer Feedback Improves Customer Experience and Customer Journey

For any business the customer experience and the customer journey is a key component for their growth and progress. Businesses in Dubai and all across UAE doesn’t invest much in customer experience solutions. Several international studies and surveys have revealed that businesses can experience huge growth within 3 to 4 years by investing in customer experience solutions. For example the large businesses with revenue in range of a Billion USD this growth could be up to USD 700 Millions in just 36 to 48 months. The same is applicable for small and medium size businesses as well. That is how the customer experience and customer journey can impact a business. That is why it is extremely important for a business to understand it and improve it. The customer feedback help businesses understand the customer experience and customer journey in great details.

Customer Feedback Improves Customer Experience and Customer Journey

Furthermore the data can be easily quantified and analyzed to identify the areas of improvement which help businesses transform the customer journey and help them enhancing customer experience to ensure customer satisfaction. Businesses can evaluate and assess very tiny details and all relevant business processes which helps taking smart actions and making better policies and strategies to maximize customer happiness and customer satisfaction. In the long term the improvements in customer experience and customer happiness can significantly boost the sales and revenue.

Customer Feedback Is a Great Tool to Improve Employee Performance

For any business the employees and human resource is one of the most valuable assets. The HR department works very hard to improve the workforce. There are several other tools and employee performance management systems that can help HR in improving employee performance. However, the customer feedback can provide very valuable data in regards to employee performance. Most of the time the employee performance management systems provide KPIs (key performance indicators) for professional competencies.  However, the behavioral competencies are often overlooked, the customer feedback can help businesses to collect data for the both behavioral and professional competencies. For example the business can ask customers about their opinion on how professional or skilled the staff was? Or how quickly they solved the technical issue? How good their behavior was? How helpful they were in solving the customer’s problem and giving them helpful suggestions, etc. Such data can be very useful to analyze the employee performance.

Customer Feedback Is a Great Tool to Improve Employee Performance

Furthermore the customer feedback helps identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the employees which help HR department in improving their training programs. The HR can utilize the direct employee feedback as a measure of their performance and success. Obviously there are several other factors but it could be considered as a great indicator. Thus the HR can take decisions and the management can manage resources more effectively and efficiently.


The 2022 brings growth and progress in markets in Dubai and all around the UAE. In fact the entire world witnessed good financial indicators since the beginning of 2022. Most of the businesses are proactively seeking ways to expand and grab as much market share as possible. Making improvements in customer experience and customer satisfaction could be a game changer for a business. The customer feedback is a great source of highly valuable business intelligence data. Businesses can use customer feedback to improve customer loyalty and customer satisfaction. Businesses can utilize customer feedback to learn about the liking, disliking, needs, demands, and expectations of the customers. Furthermore the customer feedback data can be plugged-in into the product development process. The customer feedback help strengthening the relationship with the customers and also increase customer loyalty.

The customer feedback can also help businesses in evaluating and monitoring the performance of the employees. The customer feedback data can help HR and management in improving training and development programs which in long term could help improving the overall performance of the business. The customer feedback have direct and indirect impact on almost all major business functions. That is why it matters and it matters a lot. RSI Concepts is a leading customer feedback system provider in Dubai, UAE. If you want to learn more about the subject or want our help to build a great customer feedback system, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

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