7 Benefits of Customer Feedback System

7 Benefits of Customer Feedback System

The business of different sizes and types are all investing heavily in customer satisfaction solutions all over the world. Especially in Dubai and other parts of UAE, the business is competing very hard to satisfy their customers. It doesn’t matter whether you are a local store, a small shop, a medium-sized enterprise, or a large corporation, customer happiness and customer satisfaction are equally important for all types and sizes of companies. Businesses are trying to improve their services and products, the customer journey, and customer experience. Unless and until a business understands clearly what customers want and what they think of the brand, customer satisfaction is extremely hard to achieve. The customer opinion about the brand, its business practices, and its services/products, is extremely important to understand customer’s needs, demands, and market trends. The marketers not only in Dubai but all over the world are struggling these days to satisfy their customers. Businesses are also investing a huge sum of their hard-earned profit in customer satisfaction solutions to ensure a long-term relationship with their customers.

Businesses clearly understand the importance of customer satisfaction but most of the time businesses are unable to understand why feedback is important to attain higher customer satisfaction? Well, let us assume you are a marketer or a business owner or a general manager, and you have improved your products and services, you have installed a brand new IT infrastructure, you have started offering digital services, you have improved customer interaction with your staff by various training programs and you did whatever you thought was necessary, but the question remains, how would you quantify all your efforts? How would you know if all those efforts are making your customers happy? What do your customers think about all those efforts? The simplest answer is to ‘ask them directly’. And a digital customer feedback system is the best method to do so. These days are long gone, when your sales staff or employees were going after customers and asking them to fill in long feedback forms on paper. Today the world is technically more advanced and digitalized. People simply just don’t do that anymore. But if you can provide them a digital medium to interact, they will happily express their feelings and experience with your brand.

Here are some benefits of a customer feedback system:

1. Listen to Your Customers’ Opinion

Listen to Your Customers’ Opinion

These days the marketers and businesses are ditching the old traditional marketing techniques. The customer experience and customer satisfaction is far more important than ever before. In order to improve your customer’s experience, you must let them talk and you must listen to them. Give them an impression that you are eager to hear their opinion. Customer Feedback System provides a direct channel to your customers to express their feelings and thoughts. When your customers know that you care for them and you value their opinion they will become more loyal and more flexible towards your brand.

Personalized surveys and feedbacks are very important and can provide a very accurate and comprehensive understanding of customer’s mindsets. It is important to know what they like and what they dislike, it is vital to understand what your customers are expecting from you. If your customers think they are unheard they will immediately start thinking about other options. If they have the assurance that the business is eager to learn and resolve the problems they are facing they will remain loyal. A customer feedback system provides a chance to build trust and loyalty among customers and businesses. The data collected from the feedback doesn’t only help businesses to identify the areas of improvement but also leaves a very positive impression on your customers. These days the customers are very attracted towards personalized experience, once you ensure them that you will listen to them they will start getting attached to your business and brand.

2. Let Your Customer Know they are Important

Let Your Customer Know they are Important

A customer feedback system also gives an impression that the business value its customers and their opinions. This leaves a very great impression on customers’ minds. If they think they are valuable they will remain loyal to the brand as well. This is very important for customer retention that a brand conveys that message to their customers that they are very valuable to them, it builds a sense of importance. In Dubai and in fact, all around the UAE the customers’ expectations and behavior have been changed rapidly over the past few years. The two major factors that impacted the market are the competition, the entire UAE market is very competitive and growing, and the second factor is customer awareness, customers are far more aware and more demanding now. The customer feedback system is one of the most effective ways to increase customer trust and customer engagements, when a customer is proactively asked to opine or express their feelings and then adequate actions are being taken to satisfy the customer, this makes them happy and satisfied.

When a business regularly asks their customers about their opinion and then takes action, the customers feel more connected to the brand and think that the business is actively resolving their issues and problems and prioritize them. This improves customer retention and customer loyalty too. The customers with such experiences tend to remain with the brand even if they had a few bad experiences over time. And that is very important for customer retention. A sustainable and loyal customer base is a key to success. Without customer retention, a brand or business can’t survive. Their profitability will decrease, their marketing budget will be increased and their growth will be halted. So, maintaining a great, personalized, and trustworthy relationship with your customers is the key to success in the modern digitalized and internet-driven world.

3. Measure Customer Satisfaction

Measure Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is literally the direct measurement of the entire performance of the business. If your customers are not happy and satisfied then that means you are lagging somewhere. Here in Dubai and all around the UAE, the general population is very advanced and technologically sound, the trends are media-driven, the internet plays a very important role in a common man’s life. This is the reason the customer’s expectations from their brands are also very high. In such scenarios, customer happiness and customer satisfaction are extremely important for a business to sustain and grow. There are several methods to measure customer satisfaction using a customer feedback system, some of the most popular are:

  1. CSAT Score: This CSAT or Customer Satisfaction Score category has general questions with predefined answers, or smiley emoticons, or 0 to 10 scale and such.
  2. CES Score: The CES Score or Customer Effort Score is used to understand how difficult or easy the customer journey was in the eye of the customers.
  3. NPS Score: One of the most important customer feedback categories is NPS Score or Net Promoter Score, it asks the customers how likely they will going to suggest or recommend your brand to others.
  4. General Satisfaction: This is usually a random question about their experience, and is used to improve the customer engagement in the customer feedback or survey.
  5. Open-Ended Question: The open-ended question is usually a text box where customers can express themselves freely by writing their suggestions, feedback, compliments, or complaints.

These are just the basic categories of the questions in a standard customer feedback system and these are the most commonly used questions to measure customer satisfaction. These questions will help businesses in understanding various aspects of the customer interaction with the brand and this data can be further utilized as business intelligence input to make future strategies to ensure higher customer retention and growth. Moreover, businesses can directly ask them about their interaction with the employees and later businesses can easily take steps to improve employee performance which will directly impact customer satisfaction and customer experience.

4. Improve Products and Services

Improve Products and Services

The customer feedback system is a great tool to understand market trends, customers’ behavior, and their expectations. Using a customer feedback system businesses can directly ask them to opine on various aspects of the product they have purchased or the service they have availed. The businesses can ask them directly to opine on different specs and features of the products and services to evaluate them. This will help businesses to improve their products and services in the future. Here are some examples of the questions that businesses can ask:

  • The customers’ expectations from their purchased products or services such as what would they like to see in the future in the product or service they have purchased?
  • What things do they like and what they don’t like?
  • What makes their products and services better than the competition?
  • What other products or services they would like to purchase in the future?
  • What other products or services they think that you should offer in the future?

And a lot many other questions. Those questions could also be about a particular product or service and its features which will help businesses to get a better understanding of what is being appreciated by their customers and what else they should offer them to improve this particular product or service.

For example, let us take an example of a smartphone, the reason why I am taking this example is that in UAE almost everyone owns a smartphone, and there is a 60% chance that you must be reading this article from a smartphone or a tablet right now. Anyway, in the case of a smartphone, the brand can ask them why they are purchasing this particular smartphone, is it the long battery life, or the touch screen, or camera or the sound quality or any such thing, this will provide the brand with an understanding of the general liking and disliking of the people, for example with this example a brand can understand that a particular flagship for a certain price range is desired by its screen or long battery life, and in future, they can improve their upcoming models and make a marketing strategy to improve sales.

The customer feedback system is a very powerful tool and it provides a lot of information and data that help businesses in many ways to improve profitability and growth. Customer satisfaction is obviously the primary objective but all other relevant things can be improved too which either directly or indirectly impact customer satisfaction.

5. Improve Customer Journey and Customer Experience

Improve Customer Journey and Customer Experience

The customer feedback system is very capable of evaluating every touchpoint and all sorts of customer experiences throughout the entire customer journey. Whether you are selling products or offering services, or you are a small salon owner or an airline, customer feedback is equally important for all sorts and sizes of businesses. These days especially in Dubai and all around the UAE the customer journey has been completely changed due to huge shifts in customer behavior and market trends in past few years. Designing and improving customer journeys could be tricky. Businesses are introducing innovative solutions and systems to resolve this problem. Some are investing heavily in IT infrastructure and digitalization. Some are investing big in opening up new branches at newer locations. Some businesses are investing in marketing and social media to improve their brand image. Almost all sorts of industries and sectors have witnessed a huge rise in the adaptation of digital solutions and services. This is why the customer journey is getting trickier and difficult to manage.

Businesses are investing big time in improving the customer journey and customer experience these days. There are so many vendors and service providers advertising new solutions to improve the customer journey and customer experience. But the only way to evaluate and understand the effectiveness of all your efforts is to ask directly to your customers about it. Businesses can ask different types of questions to understand various aspects of the customer journey, such as:

  1. Q: How was your experience today? A: A score gage or scale, happiness meter, etc
  2. Q: How would you rate the agent? A: Rating Scale, 0 to 10 scale, Happiness Meter, etc
  3. Q: How well the agent understands your needs? A: 0 to 10 scale, Happiness Meter, etc
  4. Q: How was your waiting experience? A: A score gage or scale, happiness meter, etc
  5. Q: How easier or difficult was the payment process? A: 0 to 10 scale, Happiness Meter, etc
  6. Q: How likely will you recommend us to others? A: A score gage or scale, 0 to 10 Scale, etc
  7. Q: How difficult it was to find a parking spot? A: A score gage or scale, 0 to 10 Scale, etc

Such questions that help customers and visitors to express their feelings about their current experience and journey provide a deep insight into the customer experience. The customer feedback system with the right tools and features could be a great help in identifying the areas of improvements in the customer journey and customer experience and also evaluating your products and services. The businesses can easily understand the customer interaction on all touchpoints hence singling out the one that needs improvements is easier. On top of that, the customers do also opine on what they need or what they wish the brand to offer in terms of customer experience and/or products and services. Which is a great source of business intelligence data that is very helpful in taking actions, making strategies, and improving the customer experience throughout the entire customer journey.

6. Identify Happy and Unhappy Customers

Identify Happy and Unhappy Customers

Identifying happy and unhappy customers is very important and is very helpful in improving customer experience and customer retention. Whenever a business installed a customer feedback system both types of feedbacks are expected. Most businesses only focus on unhappy customers and negative feedback, but it is equally important to consider positive feedback too. Here in Dubai and all around the UAE our customers usually show concern about the bad customer experience, they are only focused on identifying the causes of the bad customer experience and trying to improve everything to prevent those bad experiences. However, good or bad all feedbacks are equally important and businesses can learn a lot from both types of feedback.

In case of bad customer feedback or negative feedback, the businesses should immediately identify the customer who has had a bad experience, then the concerned team should contact them to enquire further or take steps to prevent that. In case of any bad customer experience and negative feedback, the businesses must have to identify the root cause of the issue as well. The business should contact the customer, ensure them they will take steps to fix it, then inform them that we did this or we did that to ensure such a bad experience won’t happen again. Offer a promotion, or discount, or something good to the customer which could reduce the negative effects of their bad experience. There are tons of data and various studies showing that negative feedback has very negative effects on the brand reputation and in order to neutralize its effects almost ten to thirteen positive experiences are required. So, it is extremely crucial to identify the unhappy customers and then try to make them happy.

Similarly, happy customers are also very important. The happy customers will tell you about the good things about your products and services, you can try to improve those features and offer more similar features in the future to increase customer happiness. Another important thing is that the happy customers with positive feedback are the ones who are most likely to spend a little more in the future. So, the marketing team can try to pitch them new offers and the latest products and services and they can get a better conversion rate. In addition, the business can prioritize them to improve their experience and customer journey even further to increase their loyalty to the brand. A loyal customer base is considered to be the foundation of success. So, it is equally important to identify the happy customers as well as the unhappy customers.

Collect Vital Business Intelligence and Make Future Plans and Policies

Collect Vital Business Intelligence and Make Future Plans and Policies

The customer feedback system is a great source of business intelligence data. It provides very accurate data on customer satisfaction and customer happiness. The businesses can easily evaluate the existing customer journey and customer interaction with the brand and then this data can be analyzed to further improve the customer journey and customer experience. The business can also evaluate its products and services using a customer feedback system. Moreover, employee performance can also be analyzed on the basis of customers’ opinions and feedback data. Businesses can take initiatives to improve their products and services. The features that are most disliked can be discarded and the features most praised can be improved further to attract more attention from the customers and visitors.

One of the greatest advantages of a customer feedback system is that it provides very accurate and direct feedback from the customer. Since the customers are giving their opinion on an automated system, mostly the feedback is highly accurate and the opinions are very honest. This further helps businesses to make policies, strategies and plans to improve each and every area of the customer journey that can make their customers happier. The employee or agent’s performance can also be measured and then the business can take steps to either replace the low-performing employees or to train them to make them able to satisfy their customers. For decision making, such as an amendment in the customer journey or improving your products and services and quality the customer feedback system’s data is very vital. Using this data businesses can make plans and strategies to improve customer happiness and satisfaction.


The customer feedback system is a very important tool to improve customer happiness and customer satisfaction. The customer feedback system allows businesses to directly ask their customer about various aspects of their customer journey and customer experience. The business can also get a direct opinion of their customers on their products and services. The data collected from a customer feedback system is a great source of very accurate and important business intelligence. The business can utilize the data to improve their products and services, customer journey, customer experience, and overall profitability and productivity. The customer feedback system is also very convenient for the customers, it can offer multiple mediums and channels to the customers to let them give their feedback easily. The in-built data analytical engine process customer feedback and generates reports.

The customer feedback system is a very powerful tool designed to improve customer happiness and customer satisfaction. Especially in Dubai, UAE businesses are very concerned about their customer journey and the influence of modernization and digitalization. In such circumstances, a customer feedback system is a great source of gathering vital business intelligence and it also aids in building pleasant relationships with the customers. The customers feel a sense of importance when businesses proactively ask them for their opinion. It builds trust and loyalty. A loyal customer base is a foundation of success. It is always recommended to acquire professional help in such projects. RSI Concepts is a leading customer satisfaction solutions provider in Dubai, UAE. We are offering state of an art customer feedback system with modern and advanced features. Feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this: What is Employee Self Service Kiosk?

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What is Employee Self Service Kiosk?

The simplest answer is that it is an ordinary interactive kiosk with additional features to aid HR services. These days in Dubai and all around the UAE businesses across all sectors with desk-less workforce or the employees who don’t have convenient HR access are adopting Employee Self Service Kiosks or ESS Kiosks. Another primary objective to provide Employee Self Service Kiosk also known as an HR Kiosk is to reduce the HR workload, improve the department’s productivity and increase employee happiness and satisfaction. Employee Self Service Kiosk improves employee experience by offering 24/7 services at their convenient locations and doesn’t require any HR personal either. The employees can go to the ESS Kiosk at any time and immediately get served. This also reduces the wait time and makes the service delivery easier and more comfortable for the employees. Employee happiness is equally important for employee retention and employee performance. If your employee is happy and satisfied they will tend to be more productive and efficient. As the employee self-service kiosk is helping businesses to improve their employees’ performance, it is also very helpful in boosting HR performance. The HR staff will have less daily footfall, and they can focus on more strategic tasks, and productive initiatives to improve the overall culture and profitability of the organization rather than consuming their efforts in manual paperwork, filing, printing and mailing, and managing daily requests.

Employee Self Service Kiosk Introduction

Employee Self Service Kiosk Introduction

The employee self-service kiosk is a touch screen interactive kiosk with capabilities of offering self-service and much more. Self-service technology is widely spreading across all industries, not only in Dubai, UAE but all across the world, the businesses and industries are rapidly adopting self-service technologies. Especially in the late 2020 and throughout 2021 we have witnessed a huge growth in self-service technologies. The employee self-service kiosk or ESS kiosk is specifically designed to offer HR services on a self-service platform. The employee self-service kiosk doesn’t require any assistance from the staff or an attendee, in fact, the employees can avail various HR services on their own. This enables the businesses to provide HR services at any remote location such as the project site, employees’ accommodations, and site offices, or anywhere else where the HR personal are not available. And it is also very helpful in improving employee happiness and satisfaction which directly aids employee retention and improves the overall efficiency of the entire operations.

Employee Self Service Kiosk Technology

Employee Self Service Kiosk Technology

The employee self-service kiosks are built with very widely available and general-purpose technology. It is due to this reason the customized HR Kiosk or Employee Self Service Kiosk solutions are very cost-efficient. The ESS Kiosk mainly consists of an interactive touch screen, on-screen keyboard or a physical keyboard & trackpad, a regular size (A4) printer, a regular size scanner, Emirates ID Card or EID Scanner, RFID Scanner, Passport Scanner and in some cases biometrics scanner and camera or retina scanners as well. The development of the software is fairly simpler as all the hardware devices are very widely available so their programming and integration are not that difficult, this also reduces the cost of the system. The software is usually built as a core server-side application, which communicates with various other databases via secure web services or APIs and does all the logic and data processing. The software also provides an employee interface or self-service dashboard and administrative panel. The server is linked with interfaces via web-based apps/interfaces or native windows based applications. Of course, there are so many more hardware and software features that can be added depending upon the requirement. Covering all of them is not possible. But the above-mentioned components are the very basics of the employee self-service kiosk technology.

How Employee Self-Service Kiosk Works?

How Employee Self-Service Kiosk Works?

The working of an employee self-service kiosk is very simple. The ESS Kiosk is built on a software platform, which is linked to HRMS (Human Resource Management System) and Intranet or ERP. It could also be linked to various other enterprise solutions and systems to further improve the services and to provide more features and facilities to the employees. These all integrations and data synchronizations are being done at the software level, mainly at the core server-side applications. All the hardware accessories such as EID Reader, RFID, Scanners and Printers, and everything else is also linked and integrated with the core server-side application via the interfaces. Whenever an employee arrived at the ESS kiosk machine, the very first thing they will have to do is to identify themselves. This identification or signing-in is done either by Work ID, or EID, or Biometrics, or any other preferred identification method. Then the kiosk relays that information to the employee database to identify the employee. Another method is to allow sign-in or log-in by using the username and password credentials.

Whatever the case is, once an employee is being identified and signed in to the employee self-service kiosk dashboard, they are able to utilize various services. All these services and options are as per the access and authorization level of the employee, for example, a supervisor might be able to see the information of their subordinates as well, while the junior workers are only authorized to access their own information only. In Dubai and all around the UAE, the Employee Self-Service Kiosks or HR Kiosks are widely used to offer almost all sorts of HR services. All the HR services are listed in an interactive UI, once the employee navigates to their required services the service panel has been opened up, the employee can follow the instructions to avail the service. All the data is being processed in real-time and once the employee is done, all the relevant systems and corresponding databases are automatically and immediately updated. Then the system prompts a message to ask the user/employee if they want to utilize another service or if they want to end the session by logging out. For the employee the process is very simple, for the HR staff all the databases and HRMS or HR management system and any other relevant system get automatically updated, hence they also don’t have to do any manual paperwork or filing. This helps to reduce the workload of the HR staff as well.

Benefits of an Employee Self Service Kiosk

Benefits of an Employee Self Service Kiosk

The employee self-service kiosk has several benefits. Mostly in Dubai and all around the UAE businesses prefer to have a customized solution rather than any off-the-shelf ESS Kiosk. The customization further increases the efficiency and benefits of the kiosk. However the basic remains the same. Here are some benefits and important features of an Employee Self Service Kiosk:

1 Offer HR Services Remotely

Offer HR Services Remotely

Remote HR services or virtual HR is a very great feature for employees and the HR department as well. The employees who work desk-less or work at remote locations, project sites, or simply away from the head-office or HR office can easily avail HR services through Employee Self-Service Kiosk. The ESS Kiosk is equipped with various hardware accessories and the capability to access all necessary employee information and HR services. Without the HR Kiosk or ESS Kiosk, the employees will have to plan a visit, and the businesses will have to give them off-hours, arrange alternate and arrange transportation to the HR which is not only a big hustle but it is also very counter-productive. It ruins employee experience and makes them unhappy and unsatisfied with HR.

2. Improve Employee Experience and Employee Happiness

Improve Employee Experience and Employee Happiness

If the employee will have to schedule their visits then there are so many factors involved which could make the entire experience very bad for them. The first thing is they will have to request for the day off or even the half-day off could also be difficult in some cases. They will have to request their supervisors or immediate senior person to let them go there, then the transport manager will also have to arrange the transport, and a substitute might also be required to fill in the gap. This entire exercise is time taking and it will make employees very reluctant and hesitant to plan to go to HR. However, if the services are provided through Employee Self Service Kiosk then the employees can access the kiosk anytime when they want, these kiosks can also be placed at the accommodation, as the services are digitalized and automated so there is no timing compulsion as well. There are not long queues, and there is no stressful wait time either. This improves the employee experience, makes them happy, and enables a very pleasant customer journey.

3. Increase Employee Satisfaction and Aid Employee Retention

Increase Employee Satisfaction and Aid Employee Retention

A pleasant HR experience and a convenient HR journey make employees happy and satisfied. Employee happiness and satisfaction are key to employee retention. In Dubai and all across the UAE where work opportunities are always available, the market is very vibrant and people are continuously switching jobs the employee retention is a very big deal. The HR department is investing a lot of resources to improve employee retention. Employee retention is very important as skilled workers and experienced employees are a great asset for any business or production unit. No matter which industry or type of business you belonged to, employee retention and employee happiness are always very beneficial in increasing work efficiency, work quality, profit, and efficiency. The employee self-service kiosk is a great tool to boost up employee satisfaction and happiness.

4. Increase HR Department’s Efficiency and Profitability

Increase HR Department’s Efficiency and Profitability

Businesses and organizations are always pouring a lot of resources into their HR and still struggling to improve HR efficiency. The only reason why too many resources are required at the HR is the daily requests that the HR staff will have to serve and the tedious manual tasks. The business and organizations in Dubai, UAE, and in fact all around the world are still lagging in digitalization and modernization. There are too many manual tasks that are reducing the efficiency of HR. For example, each time an employee arrives at the HR department will have to take their requests, sometimes on paper, then they will have to do manual filling and then after the service delivery then there is more manual work, such as printing, keeping records, updating files, mailing and so on. In some cases, the HR department also requires to manually upload all the progress to the digital system.

This is very time-consuming work, the more the HR resources are consumed on such things, the HR cost gets higher and the returns are not satisfactory. However, with a digitalized version of the HR services and the HR Kiosks or Employee Self-service Kiosks almost 60 to 80 percent of such work can be avoided. The paperwork can be avoided which can significantly reduce the HR department’s cost. The employee’s journey and experience can be improved. The HR staff can be reduced. The HR staff can focus more on strategic initiatives and productive tasks to improve the employee performance and overall quality of the products and services, which could be very beneficial in long term for the business. This all results in long term sustainable growth, cost cut, and improved HR efficiency which directly increase profitability.

5. Effectively and Easily Implement Policies and Better Communication with the Employees

Effectively and Easily Implement Policies and Better Communication with the Employees

The Employee Self Service Kiosk not only helps to improve the employee experience and HR efficiency, but it also helps HR to easily implement company policies instantaneously. The ESS Kiosk can provide a direct and personalized communication channel as well. The HR department can make announcements and share company updates and news or such information through the employee self-service kiosk. HR can also communicate directly with the employees to provide them a better-personalized experience. The ESS Kiosk is also a very good source of collecting employee feedback. The manual feedbacks are difficult and sometimes the employee doesn’t feel better in talking to a person and expressing their true feelings, so an employee survey or a personalized questionnaire could provide direct insight into the employee’s perception of their company and much more. These all things are very helpful in improving employee’s skills, employee retention, and quality of work, efficiency, and overall profitability.

Employee Self Service Kiosk Cost and Maintenance

Employee Self Service Kiosk Cost and Maintenance

As I have mentioned that the employee self-service kiosk or ESS Kiosk are built with very widely available technology. It means the cost will be lower, the interactive kiosk industry is rapidly growing worldwide which attracted a lot of attention from global manufacturers and results in a great cost reduction. The hardware devices and components used to build employee self-service kiosks are widely available and also used in other industries so the competition is very high and the cost is very competitive. This reduces the cost of the kiosk as well as its maintenance and upgrade. Another great feature of the HR Kiosk or Employee Self Service Kiosk is that once it is being deployed, it can work fully automatic and doesn’t require any human attendee or regular maintenance. The interactive kiosk itself is built with a very rigid and long-lasting technology that doesn’t require maintenance for years. So, the employee self-service kiosk can remain operating autonomously for years. In case if the kiosks are placed outdoor or in places where the elements and dust is present then only timely cleaning can suffice. The components can last for years. This makes the entire system very cost-effective and easy to maintain.


An employee self-service kiosk which is also known as HR kiosk or ESS Kiosk is a simple interactive self-service kiosk machine. It enables its users to access a variety of HR services 24/7. The employee self-service kiosks are popular for offering a great employee experience and a great employee journey. All those employees who work desk-less or are posted on remote sites or are living away from the head office or are not been able to reach out to an HR person easily can be entertained through the virtual HR or Employee Self Service Kiosk. The ESS Kiosk is also very helpful in reducing HR costs and improving its work capabilities. Offering HR services to all employees 24/7 at their doorsteps, or at their accommodations, or at their worksite significantly reduces the daily footfall of the HR department and allows the HR staff to focus more on primary tasks and productive activities. It also provides HR staff with a direct communication channel with the ability of personalized communication as well.

The overall impact of the Employee Self Service Kiosk is great on improving employee happiness, reducing HR costs, and increasing HR efficiency. This helps businesses in increasing employee retention, which is very important to maintain good quality. The skilled workforce and experienced employees are more productive, efficient, and more capable of delivering high-quality work. Which is extremely important to sustain customers and improve brand image. Thus the Employee Self Service Kiosk and its impact on various aspects of the business can be very profitable in the longer run. RSI Concepts is a leading name in Employee Self Service Kiosk industry in Dubai, UAE and we are also offering HRMS and other HR solutions to help businesses to sustain steady growth and to increase their profitability. If you are seeking a solution to improve HR performance and employee happiness, feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you.

Check out this: Pros and Cons of Employee Self Service kiosk

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Pros and Cons of Employee Self Service kiosk

The Employee Self Service (ESS) System comes as an extension of HRMS (Human Resource Management System/Software). These days more and more businesses in Dubai and all across the UAE are adopting Employee Self Service Kiosks due to their great employee experience, convenience, and advantages for the HR departments. The Self Service Kiosk is very capable of reducing HR Staff’s workload, increasing the overall efficiency of the HR department, and also automating various HR processes and services. By placing HR Kiosks or Employee Self Service Kiosks in the proximity of where your employees are working or living can save a lot of time and resources. The employee can avail of various HR services immediately, and they can avail of the service at any time, all the services are available on kiosks 24/7. But before you consider purchasing an Employee Self Service (ESS) Kiosk, you should be aware of the major pros and cons of the system.

Pros of Employee Self Service Kiosk

Pros and Cons of Employee Self Service kiosk


There are too many benefits and advantages of installing an Employee Self Service Kiosk. Here are some benefits of having an employee self-service kiosk:

Increase Employee Happiness and Profitability

Increase Employee Happiness and Profitability

Usually in Dubai and UAE, we see that most of the time employees are posted off-campus or at project sites. Usually, the employees are also living in different locations. Or it could be a local or regional branch where employees are working. The problem here is that the HR is always located inside or closer to the head office. In case if the employees are living and working in a separate emirate and the HR is located in separate emirates, it could cause a lot many issues for both the employees and also for the HR department. The employees will have to take half leave or even a full day off in order to arrange the visit to the HR. That is not all, the company will have to arrange the transport too. This increases the expense in terms of both the cost and the human resource as well as the supervisor will have to arrange an alternate for that employee as well.

It is a common sight that at the HR department we always see a lot of visitors, most of the time the HR have to hire more staff to accommodate the incoming flow of the employees on regular basis. After applying for leave, getting approval to visit HR once the employee reaches HR they will have to wait again in long queues. That is a very difficult customer/employee journey and this could be very frustrating, the employees will end up unhappy and unsatisfied.

But once the HR department integrates the HRMS (Human Resource Management System) with Interactive Self Service Kiosks, and place those Interactive Employee Self Service Kiosks on easy to access places or near to the employees where they can easily access them. And they can avail themselves of the HR services from the HR kiosk without worrying about taking off or waiting in long queues or traveling. This can completely transform the employee experience and employee journey. The employees feel more empowered, more satisfied, and comfortable. They don’t have to make plans and do arrangements for their visit, in fact, they can instantly avail themselves of the HR services from the Employee Self Service Kiosk.

Happy employees are a great asset for businesses. Happy employees result in good quality work and better efficiency which is great for customer happiness and customer loyalty and ultimately it results in greater profitability and productivity. Happy and satisfied employees are mostly more loyal to the employer, this improves the employee retention rates as well. Which is very helpful in long-term success and stability.

Employees can avail themselves a variety of HR Service Instantly using Employee Self Service Kiosk

Employees can avail themselves a variety of HR Service Instantly using Employee Self Service Kiosk

Your employees can easily avail a variety of HR services instantly using Employee Self Service Kiosk. All of the services will be available 24/7. The employees don’t have to wait in long queues. The Kiosk can be placed at the closest locations to the employees either at their worksite or either at their accommodations. The HR department can significantly improve the employee experience, employee journey, and employee satisfaction by offering HR services using the Employee Self Service Kiosk.

Here are some of the services that are usually being offered via Employee Self Service kiosk in Dubai, UAE:

  1. Time Clock, Overtime Calculator
  2. Attendance and Schedules
  3. Benefits and Incentive Calculator
  4. Loan Status and Details
  5. Online Applications and Forms
  6. Leave Request
  7. Travel Requests
  8. Salary Certificates
  9. Document Printing and Scanning
  10. Announcements and Noticeboard
  11. EID Scanning, Passport Scanner
  12. Document Scanning and Uploading

Above all are the most commonly used services and features in Dubai and all across the UAE. However, there are tons of others features that can be offered through the ESS Kiosk.

Integration with other Software, Hardware, and Enterprise Solutions

Integration with other Software, Hardware, and Enterprise Solutions

The Employee Self Service Kiosk can easily be integrated with other hardware tools and software tools in order to offer more services or for certain operations. The ESS Kiosk itself is built with a very widely available technology so finding hardware accessories, such as RFID Scanner, Barcode or QR Code readers, Intercom, and such things can easily be integrated within the system.

On top of that, the Employee Self Service Kiosk is also very flexible towards customization and software integration. For example, the software and interface can be customized as per the business processes and policies of the business, hence there is no need to modify your business practices in order to integrate the ESS Kiosk. Another great feature is that the kiosk can easily be integrated with other organizational tools and databases to synchronize the data automatically. This saves a lot of time and lets businesses digitalize any kind of HR service. Data safety and security are ensured by allowing secure access and signing-in process.

Improve HR Efficiency and Reduce Cost

Improve HR Efficiency and Reduce Cost

The HR department is always the busiest department. Especially in Dubai and UAE, the businesses are struggling with their HR departments, continuously pouring resources to improve their efficiency. The HR department is a very vital part of any business or enterprise, it makes sure that:

  1. The skilled staff and employees are always available
  2. The employees are happy and satisfied
  3. The employees are performing at their best
  4. The resources are utilized effectively
  5. The maximum level of productivity and efficiency is achieved

These responsibilities ensure that the business will be able to achieve its goals. Those are not so easy tasks. The HR department is always overloaded with lots of work.

Most of the time the major HR resources are consumed in handling the daily footfall. As there are too many daily queries by the employees and the HR should have to assist them as well along with maintaining the documentations. The HR department has to maintain and everything, the traditional method in Dubai, UAE is to maintain everything manually and then upload the data to the digital system.

The HR staff has to go through tons of manual work including manual files, printing, and scanning, maintaining records, and then uploading each and everything in the digital version. Another tedious task is mailing and processing letters and applications. Altogether these all tasks require a lot of HR resources in terms of both the human resource and the cost as well. When measuring the cost over return ratio for HR under such circumstances, it is not satisfactory at all.

Businesses are always willing to go the extra mile in order to improve HR efficiency and expenses. The Employee Self Service Kiosk is a great tool to achieve both. The HR department can digitalize its services along with almost all of the service delivery processes. Digitalization enables automation, the automation reduces or completely eliminates human intervention. This helps the HR department to reduce its operating expenses and cost. Above all the reduced workload on the HR department means the HR department can perform better with fewer resources, which further reduces the cost and improve efficiency. The HR staff can now focus on more productive tasks than just taking prints, sending letters, and assisting the daily visitors.

The HR efficiency and increased productivity reflect on all other departments as well. HR is not more focused on productive tasks, such as resource allocation, employee performance monitoring, employee development programs, and training, etc. This can have a huge long-term impact on the growth of the business. And all that can be achieved by simply adding Employee Self Service Kiosks to the equation. The great thing about the ESS Kiosks is that they are also not very expensive, and they can easily be integrated into the system.

Easy Communication with the Employees

Easy Communication with the Employees

The ESS or Employee Self Service Kiosk opens up a direct communication channel between the employees and the HR Department. The HR department can easily make announcements, or push news and info on the screen of the HR kiosk. Such communication is simpler and robust. All the employees can instantly be notified and all the news or announcements or messages can be conveyed to a large sum of employees without any extra effort or cost.

The Employee Self Service Kiosk also enables direct or personalized communications for each employee. For example, whenever an employee will have to avail of any HR service they must have to sign in to the system to identify themselves. The system can then push the personalized message or notice to that particular employee. This made communication easier, quicker, and cheaper.

In case if there is a problem or issue or if an employee wants to visit the HR department they can also be provided with an online appointment booking service to book an appointment with the HR department, this can also save a lot of time as well.

Cons of Employee Self Service Kiosk

Cons of Employee Self Service Kiosk


As there are so many advantages of Employee Self Service Kiosk there are some disadvantages too. Automation and digitalization make the entire system autonomous. There is no limit of time to avail of the service, in fact, the services are all available 24/7. However, eliminating the human factor from the services is not always good, it has its own pros as well as some cones. Here are the cons of using Employee Self Service Kiosk:

Less Direct Interaction and Discussion

Less Direct Interaction and Discussion

As the Employee Self Service Kiosks open up easy communication channels between the employee and the HR department, but easy doesn’t always mean ‘effective’ too. In some cases, human interaction and direct discussion are also necessary. While utilizing the ESS or Employee Self Service Kiosk the employees can get distanced from the HR department. The HR department can also lose sight of the intellectual of an employee. Which could be counter-productive in managing disputes or taking instructions, the lack of face-to-face discussion or communication leads to distrust and unfriendliness. Which is neither good for the employees nor for the HR department.

The HR department must be able to understand the true potential of employees, in order to improve their performance and efficiency, the HR staff must have to understand their concerns and their problems. There is no better method than a one-to-one discussion. That is why human interaction is also necessary when it comes to employee development and employee performance. In some cases when the HR is communicating a certain matter or let say a certain decision that they have made for the employee or just a simple leave or rejection, the employees at that stage want to argue and discuss rather than reading a few sentences on a digital screen.

The HR department is responsible for better resource utilization, employee development, training, etc. They must have to understand the employees in order to encourage them to improve their work efficiencies. That is a big hurdle in the way of ESS or Employee Self Service Kiosk. This also leaves a very bad impression of HR on the employees.

Errors and System Training

Errors and System Training

In Dubai and UAE, the workers are welcomed from all around the world, most of them comprise of Asian nationals. The businesses are thriving and growing, which is even attracting more ex-pats and workers from all across the world. Not everyone who is working here is familiar with English and Arabic, the most dominating languages. This also causes trouble when people are utilizing the Employee Self Service Kiosk. Employees are not always much familiar with the language, in fact, most of the time, people can understand enough to perform basic functionalities such as availing of HR services, but not everyone is familiar with the interactive touch screens and they might make mistakes while operating the interactive touch screen interfaces.

Such problems require the HR staff to update the system as well as doing the process manually. Usually when users are asked to fill in online forms through the Employee Self Service Kiosk, or update their documents and information, for example, update the new Passport Number, or input the Emirates ID expiry date, etc people tend to make mistakes. In order to prevent that, sufficient training is required for all of the employees to enable them to use the Employee Self Service Kiosk.


The Employee Self Service Kiosk is a great tool for the HR department. Obviously like any other solution or system, there are some pros or upsides and some cons or downsides of implementing the Employee Self Service Kiosk system. One of the greatest advantages of the ESS Kiosk is to provide HR services right at the doorsteps to your employees, whether it is their project site, accommodation, or remote location, they can avail the HR services from the Employee Self Service Kiosk. This significantly improves the employee experience. When the employee feels good about the company they are working for, employee retention is easier, the employees tend to be more loyal and their work efficiency also increased.

The cost cut at the HR department is the most difficult task for any business. The HR has to have a lot of staff to accommodate and handle the daily inquiries and visitors. The next big thing that consumes a lot of HR resources is the manual filing, printing, and mailing of the documents. This also costs a lot to businesses. With the help of Employee Self Service Kiosk, these all expenses can be reduced and completely cut too, as the HR services can be digitalized and service delivery processes can be automated using ESS or Employee Self Service Kiosk. However there is a downside too, mainly the employees are not always familiar with utilizing technological solutions. As per our experience, the employees tend to make mistakes when updating information or filling in forms or doing data input using ESS Interactive kiosk. Businesses can include more supported languages, arrange training and make the user interface simpler to minimize such mistakes.

If we look at a macro level the pros of the Employee Self Service Kiosk are far greater than the cons. If you think your business can benefit from ESS or Employee Self Service Kiosk or if you are still confused about making a decision, feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page. RSI Concepts is one of the leading brands in the customized kiosk industry. We can help you out with our experience and customized solutions. You can also leave a comment in the comment box below and someone from our sales side will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this: Patient Satisfaction Survey with Feedback System

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Customer Satisfaction Survey – Top 5 questions in 2021

Customer Satisfaction Survey – Top 5 questions in 2021

The customer satisfaction survey is used to ask customers about their experience and their opinion about your product, services, and capabilities. It helps a business to understand how customers are feeling about their brand and business practices and the interaction they have had with the brand. These surveys are a very reliable source of data that tells a business that how happy or unhappy or how satisfied or unsatisfied a customer is about the brand and their interaction and experience with the brand. Here in Dubai and other parts of UAE, customer satisfaction is considered to be extremely important. As the market is growing continuously, there is a lot of tough competition and the demands and expectations of the customers are also very high. This begs the question of how to meet the expectations of a customer? Businesses and Enterprises in Dubai and all across the UAE are investing heavily in customer satisfaction solutions.

For example, you have upgraded the IT infrastructure, your marketing efforts are well paying off by attracting more visitors, you have upgraded your products and services and each and every interaction point. But does your customer also think and feel the same? How would you be able to find that out? The answer is pretty simple, just ask them! This is what the customer satisfaction surveys are used for. Businesses can set up customer surveys and feedback systems and wait until they got sufficient data to process and understand. Then they can make up new policies and strategies to improve their practices, methods, products, services, and staff.

However, it is not as simple as it might look. Setting up a survey always requires critical thinking and clear objectives. The very first thing that a business should understand is that each survey is designed to achieve a particular objective, and the objective here is to attain information and data about customer happiness and customer satisfaction. Too many questions and the customer might not answer, too few questions and you might not be able to fully understand or achieve the objective. A balance should always be maintained while setting up questions between the length of the survey and the types of the questions.

Here are the top 5 questions in 2021 that you should ask your customers and visitors to understand their satisfaction, your service quality, customer journey, and their overall opinion about your brand:

1. CSAT Score

CSAT Score

The first and most important question should be from the CSAT Score category. CSAT Score means ‘Customer Satisfaction Score’. The question should ask the customer about how satisfied or dissatisfied they are after their today’s experience/interaction with your brand.

The question could be:

  • How was your experience today?
  • How happy or unhappy you are with your today’s experience?

Something like that. The answers could be 3 or 5 options, emoticons, smiley icons, rating scale, etc. The objective of this question is to understand how good or bad your customer journey was? Or how good or bad the service delivery was? If a customer had to wait for a long time the possibility is they might end up answering ‘unhappy’ or ‘unsatisfied’ even if the rest of everything was up to the mark.

2. CES Score

CES Score

Customer Effort Score or CES Score is meant to understand how easy or difficult it was for the customer to avail a particular product or service. It is also a kind of related to their experience but since we have already asked them about the experience so now we should ask them a bit more precise question.

For example:

  • How easy or difficult it was to avail of the service you were looking for?
  • How easy or difficult it was to purchase the product you were looking for?
  • Were you satisfied with our purchasing process?
  • How easy or difficult it was to do the sign-up/paperwork/payment, etc?

And so on. The answer to that question should be a rating scale or five descriptive word options or emoticons. The objective of this question is to understand the difficulty level of your processes and business practices. Obviously, the scrutiny of the entire process could take so many more questions, but at least you will identify that the problem is with the process. Later on, more steps can be taken to find out the actual root cause of the bad experience, such as you can follow up with the customer to enquire about their problems.

3. General Satisfaction Question

General Satisfaction Question

Usually in Dubai and UAE, we have noticed that businesses most often don’t ask such questions, but these questions have a great impact on your customers. If the right question asked, the customers and visitors build a positive image of the brand and think that the business truly cares about their experience and convenience. These questions are very generic and it depends upon your business type and many other things.

Here are some examples of general satisfaction questions:

  • Did you find the parking spot easily?
  • How was the air conditioning?
  • Was the waiting area sufficient?

These are very easy questions and the answers should be multiple choice or happiness meter, or a rating scale. The objective of such questions is to encourage the customers and visitors to attempt more questions and to provide more details such as requests for suggestions or opinions, which requires them to type something. As per studies and data, only the customer with a very bad experience are most likely to type in the details or post comments uncles you encourage them to write. So, such questions are a great way to encourage your customer and visitors to write or type in their feedback for coming questions.

4. NPS Score

NPS Score

The Net Promoter Score or NPS Score is a question asking you customers and visitors about how likely will they be to suggest your products/services or brand to others, such as their family, friends, and colleagues. It measures customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. If a customer is satisfied they will stay loyal to the brand and they will share their experience with others as well.

The net promoter score or NPS questions are very simple, such as:

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely would you suggest or recommend our products/services to your family, friends, and colleagues?
  • Considering your today’s experience with us how likely are you to recommend our products/services/brand to your family, friends, and colleagues? Please answer on a scale of 1 to 10:
  • Considering the service and the behavior of the staff/agent today, how likely would you be suggesting us/[BUSINESS NAME] to your family, friends, and colleagues?

The NPS Score questions are very simple and easy, the answers are mostly a scale of 1 to 10 or 0 to 10 or just a percentage scale. The objective of Net Promoter Score questions is to understand the level of satisfaction and happiness of the customer. Only the happiest and satisfied customers are likely to recommend your brand or products and services to their family, friends, or colleagues.

5. Open-Ended Question

Open-Ended Question

The open-ended questions are sometimes follow-up questions to a previous question and sometimes just asking for the opinion or suggestions from the customers by providing them free space to type in or write their comments. Such questions provide extremely rich data and very accurate measurement of customer happiness and their viewpoint. Obviously, such questions can’t be processed by automatic analytical engines so a person must have to read them to compile actionable reports.

Here are a few different examples of the open-ended questions:

  • What was the reason for rating [whatever they have rated[in their previous answer/scale] on the NPS score scale?
  • Would you like to tell us what we can do to make you happy?
  • What do you like the most about us/ [BUSINESS NAME]?
  • What do you like the most about the product/service (they availed or acquired)?
  • Would you like to suggest something to help us improve your experience on the next visit?
  • How often do you visit our branch to avail of our services?
  • When the next time should we expect you?
  • How was the behavior of the agent/server and the staff?
  • Would you like to upgrade if we offer you a 20% discount voucher?

Something like that. There are too many questions that can be asked at this time. The objective here is to get a detailed insight into the customer’s perception of your business and products/services. Normally the text area is limited to a certain number of words/characters. This is to prevent customers from typing too much which causes delays in the next customer calling.


The Customer Satisfaction Surveys are a great way to collect direct feedback from your customers. The data is very helpful in understanding the image and perception of your business from your customer’s viewpoint. Obviously, a business wants to ask too many questions to their customers but that is not very helpful, if your customer satisfaction survey will have too many questions, the customers will not attempt it, if it has too few questions, you might end up confused as the data would be unclear and incoherent.

The CSAT Score, CES Score, General Satisfaction Question, NPS Score, and at least one open-ended question can do the job very well. As per our experience, this is the most appropriate approach. The customer feedback system interface (kiosk, tablet, touchscreen) should be placed on each counter, this will encourage more customers to give feedback. If the interface is placed at the entrance or exit of the premises then the chances are most of the people will skip it.

RSI Concepts is a well-reputed Customer Satisfaction Survey and Feedback, System provider. Our skilled staff and experience have enabled us to deliver some of the most effective customer feedback and survey systems in the entire GCC. If you want to ensure customer happiness and steady growth, feel free to reach us through our Contact Us page. Or leave a comment in the comment box below.

Check out this: Employee Self Service System for Kiosk by RSI Concepts

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Patient Satisfaction Survey with Feedback System

Patient Satisfaction Survey with Feedback System

The healthcare industry has a very delicate customer relationship or is a precise patient relationship. It is extremely important to provide a great patient experience and patient journey. The hospitals, clinics, and healthcare facilities in Dubai and all across the UAE are investing heavily in improving their services and service delivery. Still, the healthcare industry is always at risk of losing its customers/patients or damaging its reputation. In this industry, reputation is everything, if a clinic or hospital or any sort of healthcare facility somehow ruined their reputation it is extremely hard to recover. If the patients are not happy with the care and service of the facility, sooner or later the business will find itself in a downward spiral, sinking and bleeding revenue.

Why Patient Satisfaction is so Important?

Why Patient Satisfaction is so Important?

Customer/patient satisfaction is one of the most important factors contributing to any business’s success or failure. It is a direct measurement of your quality and efforts to grow your business. The satisfied customers will be more loyal to your brand and business. With a strong foundation of loyal customers, you can grow exponentially. Loyal customers tend to promote a positive image of the brand which leads to a higher conversion rate. A positive brand identity help businesses to grow quickly. Especially in the healthcare industry in Dubai and all across the UAE, the competition is very high, the quality and standards are far superior, the government has strict quality and standards guidelines, which results in very higher expectations of the patients. And it makes patient satisfaction even harder and more expensive. Even then it is very crucial for your growth. If you are unable to retain your existing patients, you cannot achieve your business goals, no matter how many new leads or conversions are you getting. All your marketing efforts and expense could result in failure if you are unable to retain your existing patients. That is why patient satisfaction is an extremely important factor in any business’s success or failure.

How to Measure Patient Satisfaction?

Here are some basic questions that every healthcare facility, clinic, hospital, or testing lab should ask themselves:

  1. Are your patient happy with your services?
  2. Will they endorse you in front of their family and friends?
  3. Are your services and practices are efficient enough?
  4. Will your patient return back to you?
  5. Are they happy with the service delivery mechanisms and processes?
  6. How was the behavior of the staff with the patients?
  7. How happy they are with the quality of medical care?
  8. How easy or difficult it was for them to get access to the required service?
  9. How were the diagnostic services or doctor’s behavior with patients?
  10. Is there anything that can be improved to further improve patient experience?

These questions are merely a fraction of so many more. The question here is not only about the patient’s happiness but it is about your performance as well. Happy customers mean a good reputation, a good reputation means more business, it is as simple as that. But how can you get answers to all those or many more such questions? This poses another important question “How to Measure Patient Satisfaction?” The best way is to implement a Patient Satisfaction Survey and Feedback System. A best patient satisfaction survey and feedback system is that which not only provides you with the answers to your questions but also collects data, gathers business intelligence, analyzes it, and produces actionable reports. These reports will help you building up new strategies and making changes in your practices to ensure patient satisfaction and great quality.

How does a Patient Survey and Feedback System Works?

How does a Patient Survey and Feedback System Works?

Before we answer how does a patient survey and feedback system work? We should first understand what is a patient survey and feedback system? The simplest definition is a system which has the ability to collect patient feedback through patient surveys and patient feedback interfaces such as web portal or kiosk or smartphone apps or SMS or email or social media or any other medium. The main concept of any customer feedback and survey system is that it has two major components, one is the customer interface where the customer can give their feedback and the second component is the administrative interface where the management can view, analyze and extract the data and results of the surveys and feedbacks.

The Patient Survey and Feedback System also works in the same way as any other ordinary customer survey and feedback system works. The management first creates a survey or feedback inputs, it could be a simple multi-question survey or a simple rating scale or a happiness meter, or a nested survey as well. Usually, nested surveys are used for more in-depth analysis which is often not required in healthcare environments where the patients are usually always in hurry. The nested survey is a mesh of interconnected questions, and the next question is being asked depending upon the answer of the previous question. It is usually time taking and long and is being used for deeper market researches and more in-depth data collection.

Anyway, once the survey or feedback interface is created, it is being offered to the patients through multiple mediums. Another good thing about the patient surveys and feedback systems is that any kind of survey can be offered at any medium. Which is great and ensures more conversion rate. Usually, interactive kiosks, or tablet kiosks, or iPads are being used to cater to in-premises surveys and feedbacks. However, using internets such as Emails or Social Media Inbox or Smartphone Applications and SMS are also common in Dubai and other emirates of UAE.

What are the Types of Customer/Patient Surveys and Feedbacks?

What are the Types of Customer/Patient Surveys and Feedbacks?

There are many different types of customer/patient surveys and feedbacks. Here are the most popular and most effective customer surveys and feedback types:

  1. NPS Surveys (Net Promoter Score)
  2. CSAT Surveys (Customer Satisfaction Score)
  3. CES Surveys (Customer Efforts Score)
  4. Rating Surveys and Feedbacks
  5. Customized Survey and Feedbacks

Any efficient Customer/Patient Survey and Feedback System should be able to provide all the above-mentioned types of surveys and feedbacks.

1. NPS Survey (Net Promoter Score)

The NPS Survey or Net Promoter Score Customer Satisfaction Survey is basically a rating score followed by an open-ended question asking the patients that why did they give that particular rating.

2. CSAT Surveys (Customer Satisfaction Score)

The CSAT Survey or Customer Satisfaction Score is used to measure customer loyalty. It consists of multiple different metrics, designed to particularly measure the interaction or overall experience of the customer with the brand. The CSAT Surveys are very crucial to improve customer retention.

3. CES Surveys (Customer Efforts Score)

The CES Surveys are designed to ask particular questions to understand how difficult or easy it was to avail a service. It is used to gauge the ease of using the service or product. The aim is to improve the customer experience.

4. Rating Surveys and Feedbacks

The Rating Survey and Feedbacks are usually used for a particular interaction or an experience. More often the rating surveys are also referred to as ‘Happiness Meter. The happiness meter could be 3 or 5 emoticons or simple inputs such as “Very Happy” to “Very Unhappy” etc.

5. Customized Survey and Feedbacks

The Customized Surveys and Feedbacks are used to measure multiple factors or to get more in-depth feedback from the customers. These types of surveys and feedback systems are used to collect comprehensive business intelligence which could be very helpful in improving customer happiness.

What Type of Patient Feedback Channel do You Need?

What Type of Patient Feedback Channel do You Need?

There are so many different types of feedback systems with respect to the channels you are offering them to the patients. Multiple channels can also be used. The main idea is to collect patient’s feedbacks and to understand their needs and their experience with your brand without annoying them or compelling them to give their opinion. The important thing here is to understand that you do not need to bombard your patients by sending the same survey through multiple channels. Once a patient did a survey, there is no need to send them that survey again until they have availed of the same service again. But it is also important to maintain a balance when offering your surveys to the patients. As if a person start receiving the same survey from so many different channels, they would think that in order to stop receiving any more request they should attempt it, so they would go to just attempt the survey and mostly the response would not be the actual opinion of the patient.

Here are the popular patient feedback survey types with respect to the channel:

  1. Online or Web Portal: The web portal is the oldest channel for offering patient surveys. You make a section in the online patient portal or just at your website and request the patients to submit the survey.
  2. Emails& SMS: Email and SMS are also the oldest methods for conducting customer surveys and feedback. A link to the survey can be sent to the patient after they have availed of service or got treated at the hospital or clinic or so on. It is important that the patient receive the email or SMS within a couple of days of their visit. Else the quality of the feedback could be lower.
  3. Smartphone Applications: These days’ smartphone applications are very popular and most healthcare facilities, hospitals, and clinics are also offering smartphone applications. That is also an excellent channel to collect patient feedback.
  4. Interactive Kiosk: Interactive Kiosks are the most modern method of conducting surveys and collecting patient feedback. The kiosk has a reasonably large touch screen where the patient can input using a touch-based interface to provide more detailed feedback.
  5. Tablet Kiosks and Stands: Tablet Kiosks made up of Android or Apple (iPad) tablets usually small in size, at least smaller than the kiosk. The tablet kiosks or stands either wall mount or table mount are used for taking smaller feedbacks and are most popular for happiness meters and rating scales.
  6. QR Code Based Surveys: Another modern method is to pass QR Codes with a sign or instruction or request to provide feedback. These days’ especially in Dubai, UAE everyone is using smartphones, the QR code can be easily scanned using the smartphone camera and the user can be directed to a link where they can conduct the survey or provide their feedback.
  7. Staff with Tablets: This method requires a staff member or employee to take feedbacks. The employee goes to the patient and asks them some questions and then inputs their answers through the tablet interface. Both Android and Apple (iPads) are used with an app or web-based interface.
  8. Manual Surveys: This is the oldest survey channel or method and still being used in many industries such as retail and hoteling or the food industry. In healthcare facilities, an employee has to go to the patient and ask them some questions or provide them a paper to answer questions. This is a very hard way to collect feedback, ultimately the feedback or at least the results have to be digitalized which requires more resources. And during those conversions or transitions, the accuracy can be decreased.

These are the most commonly used customer feedback collection and survey channels. For the healthcare facilities such as hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, and testing facilities, any one or a combination of the above methods can be used. The best choice is to have tablet kiosks at the facility on strategic locations, if you want to conduct short surveys with MCQs or a simpler happiness meter or performance scale, etc. If you want to conduct long surveys and require more in-depth details then use slightly bigger screen kiosks. Whatever the case is the Emails, SMS, and QR Codes can be utilized for any kind of survey or feedback. The web portals are too formal, and people tend to go less on their portals unless you have an appeal, even if there is a requirement or attraction to login to the patient portal, the people are less likely to conduct the surveys in their web portals.

Why Choose RSI Patient Satisfaction Survey and Feedback System?

Why Choose RSI Patient Satisfaction Survey and Feedback System?

RSI Patient Satisfaction Survey and Feedback System is one of the oldest customer feedback systems available in Dubai, UAE. With years of refinement and superiority of experience, it is one of the best customer survey and feedback systems. For the healthcare sector such as hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, test labs, and other facilities we have developed a dedicated system keeping the needs and demands of the market in mind. RSI Patient Satisfaction Survey and Feedback System is completely customizable and can easily be linked with other systems, such as ERP, Sales System, Patient Databases, Web Portals, Interactive Kiosks, Tablet (Android and Apple iPad) Kiosks, email, SMS, QR Code, and smartphone applications.

RSI Patient Satisfaction Survey and Feedback System offer a simple user interface with tons of in-built features to easily create different types of surveys. The system allows the management to instantly push surveys on all or any node. The surveys and feedback can be organized as well. For example, different surveys or feedbacks can be pushed to different channels. The smartphone apps, web portal, email, SMS, kiosk, or any channel could have a different survey. The RSI Patient Satisfaction Survey and Feedback System also allows to manage and schedule campaigns. The real-time updates and centralized information center are also great for multi-branch setups. The RSI Patient Satisfaction Survey and Feedback System offer a highly advanced in-built analytical engine to analyze the statistical data and patients feedbacks. These features help healthcare facilities to improve their patient satisfaction. Which ensures steady growth, improved productivity, and profitability.


Patient Satisfaction Surveys are used to measure patient satisfaction, quality of the services, and multiple other indicators which can help healthcare facilities to improve their productivity, profitability, and customer retention. Patient retention is a key to success. If you are operating in Dubai or any other part of UAE, you must be aware of the ever-changing trends and very high patient expectations. In order to gain a competitive edge and to improve your patient satisfaction. The healthcare sector has the most delicate relationship with its customers/patients. That is why it is extremely important to continuously nourish that relationship. The Feedback System is a great tool to gather patient feedback and valuable business intelligence.

RSI Customer Satisfaction Survey and Feedback System is dedicatedly designed for the healthcare sector to provide them all the necessary tools they require to collect crucial feedback data and valuable business intelligence. Our System allows the customized survey and feedback option along with integration with multiple channels. RSI Customer Satisfaction Survey and Feedback System can be integrated with multiple other enterprise solutions and systems as well. If you want to improve your patient satisfaction and patient retention, all you need is to reach us out through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below.

Check out this: Employee Self Service System for Kiosk by RSI Concepts

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Employee Self Service System for Kiosk by RSI Concepts

Employee Self Service System for Kiosk by RSI Concepts

An Employee Self Service System or ESS is rapidly gaining popularity in Dubai and other emirates of UAE. These day’s businesses are actively seeking methods and technologies to improve employee satisfaction, employee retention, and productivity. As the entire world is in the middle of a transition from traditional or conventional business practices to modern and digital adoption, HR has also been revolutionized with digital advancements and new technologies. The biggest problem with HR in Dubai, UAE is that most of the businesses have adopted the technology a long time ago, you must be thinking your HR system is up-to-date or you have recently implemented a brand new HR solution, even then the entire structure of the HR or the industry itself has never got modernized as most of the other sectors are.

That is why almost everyone working in HR thinks that working for hours on manual work, printing, mailing, filing, etc is normal and the standard of the industry. However, that is not the case, with just a simple technology like Employee Self Service System businesses and organizations can boost the performance and efficiency of HR. The Employee Self Service System is also not new, but the integration with the HR Kiosk or Interactive Self Service Kiosk is a relatively new concept in the HR industry. This provides a great opportunity to offer HR services to the employees who can’t reach the HR department, or are living or working at different locations or in different shifts and maybe they just don’t have access to the computer at all. This is when HR Self Service Kiosk can facilitate the HR department as well as the employees.

What is Employee Self Service System?

What is Employee Self Service System?

The name itself is self-explanatory. The words Self Service means the employee can avail HR services by themselves without any involvement of the HR staff. The employee self-service systems are not new to the market. In fact, a lot many major HRMS (Human Resource Management Systems) offer integration with Employee Self Service System as well. More often businesses and organizations prefer to customize it, especially in Dubai, UAE the trend is to build a customized Employee Self Service System to ensure better efficiency and a good user experience.

The Employee Self Service System lets employees done so many different things such as accessing HR resources and IT, applying for HR services, updating documents, and availing regular HR services without ever visiting the HR department or HR office. But usually, the Employee Self Service System is offered through web portals which are often confined to the organization’s internal network and all of the employees have access to it, it is not a dedicated system for HR but mostly employees access the HR services through such portals. However, in most cases, the majority of the employee work on different project sites or in fields and are not been able to access the Employee Self Service System or portals. Especially in manufacturing, digging, oil and gas, construction and such industries mostly employees are not so familiar with sophisticated web portals, hence businesses have to provide the HR services which also increase the cost to a lot.

How does RSI Employee Self Service System Works?

How does RSI Employee Self Service System Works?

The RSI Employee Self Service System is a combination of web-based interfaces integrated with a lot of many databases and also with other enterprise systems. Although the stats reflect most of the HR services are being used at Employee Self Service System but such systems also provide a lot many other services too. The entire organization or its departments can be linked and a more like social media kind of communication can also be achieved. Like I said earlier it totally depends upon the requirements of the businesses and organizations. In our experience mostly the Employee Self Service Systems are utilized to access the HR services quickly along with a few other tasks. That is why linking it to an interactive kiosk can provide virtual HR for the employees who are outside of the organization’s network or working off-campus. Another great advantage is to provide the HR services 24/7 via the interactive self-service kiosk and make them available to everyone.

Here are some very popular services that can be offered through RSI Employee Self Service System via the HR Kiosk:

  1. Documents Upload and Update
  2. Documents Printing and Scanning
  3. Time Clock and Schedules
  4. Payroll Information
  5. Salary Certificates and Salary Slips
  6. Benefits Information
  7. Loan Information and Status
  8. Online Applications and Status
  9. Travel Requests and Leave Requests
  10. Company Notice Board and Announcements
  11. Employee Complaints, Surveys, and Feedback
  12. HR Appointments

Obviously, these are just the very basic and most popular HR services usually offered in the ecosystem of Dubai and UAE using the Employee Self Service System. However, there is a huge potential in customization and integration of the Employee Self Service System with an Interactive Self Service Kiosk. Businesses can easily improve various processes through automation and digitalization. Above all the performance of the HR can be improved significantly and the employee satisfaction and employee experience can be enhanced and all that is not with any additional cost but in fact it cut the cost of the HR operations as well. Happy employees are a key to success.

How and What Kind of Kiosk can be used for RSI Employee Self Service Systems?

How and What Kind of Kiosk can be used for RSI Employee Self Service Systems?

For the Employee Self Service System, we require certain types of kiosks, usually, these kiosks are known as ‘document kiosks’ or also referred to as ‘HR kiosks’. Actually, in order to perform certain functions and for certain services we may require additional hardware. Another important aspect of integrating an Employee Self Service System with an interactive kiosk is security and data privacy. For that certain login, mechanisms are used. Here are the basic components of an Employee Self Service Kiosk or HR Kiosk:

  1. Interactive Touch Screen
  2. Login Mechanisms
    1. RFID Scanner
    2. Job ID Scanner
    3. EID Scanner
    4. Fingerprint or Biometric Scanner
    5. Facial Recognition
    6. IRIS Scanner
  3. Documents Scanner
  4. Documents Printer
  5. Passport & EID Scanners
  6. Physical Keyboard and Trackpad
  7. Intercom/Call Center Support (Optional)
  8. Thermal Printer (Optional)

These are just the basic components required for the Employee Self Service Kiosk or HR Kiosk. There are a lot many other hardware accessories that can be included in the kiosk to provide more services. The login methods listed here are different login tools, the most popular among them are the EID Scanner and the Job ID or RFID Scanner. Some companies also use fingerprint scanners as well. No matter whatever scanner you use the main objective is to provide a secure login mechanism.

The other components such as the document scanner and printer are the most used tools. Mostly HR prefers to have a physical keyboard and a physical trackpad, which we also suggest. As the touchscreen inputs often contain more error than the physical keyboard’s inputs.

The intercom is always an IP Intercom and is connected to either the call center or to the HR department. It is to provide instant help to the employees. Apart from the hardware, the major customization and innovation are done at the software part. The software can be developed to build new innovative features and a variety of services can be delivered using some or all of the above-mentioned hardware. Sometimes some other hardware can be used to further simplify the process. For example in some cases, the HR department allows the employees to plug in USB sticks to download or upload certain documents.

How do RSI Employee Self Service Software works?

How do RSI Employee Self Service Software works?

RSI Employee Self Service System comes with highly advanced software. The software is designed to provide excellent services for the employees and to automate various processes which enable the businesses to significantly reduce HR expenses. The main objective is to provide HR services in a simple and easy-to-use way to empower the employees and to enhance their experience. No matter what hardware configurations is used, the RSI Employee Self Service System Software is capable of providing superior service quality and greater management for the HR department.

There is three major part of our RSI Employee Self Service Software:

  1. Administrative Dashboard
  2. Employee Interface (Kiosk)
  3. Server Side Application

Basically, a server-side application is installed on a local server or online, or in a cloud. The server-side application is the core of the software, all the logic, computation and data processing, and linking is done at the server-side app. The Administrative dashboard is the back-office or control panel for the Employee Self Service System. The HR staff and the management can use the control panel to implement company policies and to enable various services using predefined workflows. The administrative hierarchy enables the businesses to easily manage the workflow and data access across the entire system. The employee interface is the interactive kiosk interface where the employee can interact to avail various different HR services.

RSI Employee Self Service System’s Security and Data Protection

RSI Employee Self Service System’s Security and Data Protection

The HR department holds the most sensitive information of an organization along with personal information and other important databases. Security and data protection is the top priority of any business while commissioning an HRMS, ESS (Employee Self Service System), or Virtual HR (Employee Self Service Kiosk). RSI Employee Self Service System comes with multiple layers of security to protect unauthorized access and to prevent data leaks. The security has been managed on multiple fronts, including the physical security and protection of the Employee Self Service Kiosk itself.

Majorly the system is only accessed by the login. Which identifies the person who is accessing the information or services and also limits the access to certain information and services which are allowed by the management for that particular level. For example, an employee can only access their personal information and they are also authorized to access the address book of their department only. However, the supervisor or manager is authorized to access the address book of the other departments as well. This is just an example, our RSI Employee Self Service System enables the businesses to define the hierarchies as per their internal structure. Furthermore, customization also enables to meet the unique needs of businesses and organizations.

The system only allows access by a predefined login protocol. The login data is transmitted on secure lines in a very secure and encrypted form. The interactive employee self-service kiosks are linked to the server using encrypted lines to provide more security and this also prevents cyber-attacks. The integration and data synchronization with other enterprise systems and organizational tools is achieved using secure web services, which further improves security. Our RSI Employee Self Service System is a product of a very long experience and extreme testing, we strictly follow the industry standards and trends. Our software developers are well versed with the industry trends, latest advancements and also with all major known threats and we ensure that our clients get a great well protected and highly secure solution.

What are the benefits of the RSI Employee Self Service System integrated with the Kiosk?

What are the benefits of the RSI Employee Self Service System integrated with the Kiosk?

One of the great benefits of our RSI Employee Self Service System is that it is very flexible and can be customized to completely meet the needs of our clients. The problem with off-the-shelf systems is that they are built as per certain rules and standards. Whenever a business or an enterprise commissioned a new tool or system they will have to make adjustments to their processes and workflow in order to get aligned with the new tool. However, as we know the markets in Dubai and UAE are very dynamic and businesses from all around the world are flourishing here. This means that one-fits-all doesn’t fit here at all. That is why we always sit with our clients, study their business and needs, and then propose them a completely customized solution to ensure maximum efficiency without forcing our clients to alter their methods and processes.

When an Employee Self Service System is integrated with a kiosk it provides the following benefits:

Virtual HR 24/7

The main advantage of the HR kiosk is to provide HR service 24/7 to the employees. As it is a self-service interaction so the employees can avail the services on their own without any help from the HR staff.

Reduce Wait Time

The employees can avail of HR services and access other information without being standing or waiting in the long queues which are normal at any HR department. The HR kiosk can instantly provide services.

Improve Employee Experience

The instant availability of services significantly improves the employee experience. Employees can avail of multiple services as well and whenever they want. Which improves their happiness and satisfaction too.

Automation and Innovation

The automation of various processes and innovation to introduce new ways to improve employee experience is not only helpful for the employee but also reduces the workload of the HR staff as well.

Reduce HR Cost

With automation and digitalization, the HR cost can be cut significantly. As very less staff is required to manage the HR department and there are not many expenses for mailing, printing, and filling, etc.

Improve HR Efficiency

With the help of automation, digitalization, and HR kiosk, the HR department can significantly reduce the daily visitors and the manual work which they usually do. This can let them focus on more productive tasks and it improves the HR’s efficiency and productivity as well.

Implement Company Policies Easily

With the help of the Employee Self Service System and its integration with the kiosk, it is very convenient and easy to implement company’s policies instantly and inform everyone through the kiosks.

Utilize HR Kiosk for Communication

Communicating with employees is easier with the HR kiosk, company announcements, news, updates and even personalized messages can be sent to the employees via the kiosk.

Utilize HR Kiosk for Employee Feedback

The HR Kiosk can be used to collect employee feedback. As studies suggest, an automated feedback collection is more effective than a personalized discussion. Employees sometimes hesitate to express themselves when talking to a person. However, people tend to be more honest and open while using a digital feedback medium.

RSI Employee Self Service System Provides Great Business Intelligence

RSI Employee Self Service System Provides Great Business Intelligence

Business intelligence is an extremely important source of data that can help businesses in reducing their cost, improving efficiency, measuring and monitoring the employees, KPIs, and much more. Business intelligence provides great insight into all the operations, employee performance, and performance of IT and infrastructure and everything else that involves the business’s overall performance. It helps businesses to identify the areas of improvement and to monitor and measure the impact of their policies, strategies, and steps they have taken.

Employee Self Service System when integrated with HR kiosk can provide the effectiveness of various processes and strategies. The management can effectively monitor the employee’s happiness and service quality. The HR performance and productivity can also be monitored. There is a ton of data and feeds that can be analyzed by RSI Employee Self Service System as well as they can be fetched to other systems and tools to further improve the quality of the data.

One of the great aspects of integrating an HR Kiosk with the Employee Self Service System is that it provides a direct communication channel and a feedback medium. This personalized feedback can provide extremely crucial data which helps businesses to understand their employee’s needs, problems, and demands. The businesses can make vital decisions and build up their entire strategy on the basis of business intelligence and employee feedback collected from the RSI Employee Self Service System and the HR Kiosk. Above all, the businesses can monitor and measure the impact of their new policies and strategies with our Employee Self Service System easily.


RSI Concepts is an innovative and reputed IT service provider in Dubai, UAE. We are serving our customers and clients for more than a decade now. Our Employee Self Service System comes with the flexibility to include a lot many hardware accessories along with customized software. The system when integrated with HR Kiosk or Document Kiosk provides additional benefits. The businesses can provide HR services to their employee who is working off-campus or not has any access to the business’s internal network. The purpose of integrating the HR Kiosks with the Employee Self Service System is to provide convenience and instant service delivery. The employees don’t have to visit the HR department either they would be required to wait in long queues to avail of a service. This autonomous way of service delivery digitalizes various processes. Automation and digitization come with added benefits such as very low human intervention prevent human errors, make the system smooth and increase agility.

The HR department can also reduce their workload and cut their expenses. As most of the HR staff is always engaged with the daily visitors, manual work such as mailing, printing, and manual filing of the documents. Which consumes a lot of HR resources as well as it increases the cost a lot. With the help of the RSI Employee Self Service System integrated with the HR Kiosk the HR department can significantly improve their productivity by focusing their resources on more productive tasks. The HR Kiosk also helps organizations and businesses instantly implement new policies and rules. It also provides a communication channel enabling news and announcements along with personalizing messages for the employees. RSI Concepts is a leading IT and HR solution provider in Dubai, UAE. If you need help with improving your HR capabilities and employee happiness, feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get back to you.

Remember! Happy Employees and Productive HR is a key to success.

Check out this: How to Improve Customer Satisfaction?

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How to Improve Customer Satisfaction?

How to Improve Customer Satisfaction?

Customer satisfaction is a measurement of how good or bad a relationship a brand has with the customer. It is a fairly complex phenomenon. It is not just measurement and monitoring of a few KPIs, but in fact, the customer satisfaction is a bit more of critical thinking, sophisticated analysis, and more substantial rather theoretical. Businesses are investing a huge amount of their hard-earned revenue on improving customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction directly influences sales and revenue. The satisfied customers promote a positive brand image and help business improving their conversion rate and vice versa. Customer satisfaction is the biggest contributor to customer retention and helps improving customer loyalty. Loyal customers are always a great asset of a business and act as a foundation to build a successful business. Loyal customers ensure your business grows gradually with having more new sales while sustaining the existing customers. That is the reason why businesses and organizations are investing hundreds and millions of dollars in customer satisfaction and its relevant fields.

Here are some methods that can be very helpful in improving customer satisfaction:

Plan & Manage Customer Journey

Plan & Manage Customer Journey

Customer Journey is very important in improving customer satisfaction. The customer journey begins from the very first introduction of the brand till the purchase/CTA (call to action) or the objective have achieved. As in the modern world, there are so many different platforms available to communicate and to conduct business with or to provide services through and each platform is different than the other. For example, a digital service can be offered through the website or via a self-service interactive kiosk and it can also be offered at a customer service center. This means the customer can avail of the same service through three different platforms. Each platform has a different approach and should be prepared accordingly. Each platform requires different methods and can offer a completely different customer experience. The customer journey should be planned as per the platform.

Although there are many different scenarios and different examples that can be discussed but the basic rule that you should follow while planning a customer journey is that it should be simpler, convenient, and short. Another important thing to understand while preparing a customer journey that can improve customer satisfaction is to analyze the industry trends and study your audience. Think from the customer’s perspective and try to analyze what would you like to have or what steps you like and what you don’t, this is how a customer journey is planned. Moreover, businesses can engage a few customers to have their reviews about their newly build customer journey.

When a good customer journey is provided that meets the needs of the customers and also provides those more facilities and convenience then your customer satisfaction will rise eventually. The customer journey plays a very vital role in customer satisfaction.

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Manage Customer Flow

Manage Customer Flow

Customer Flow Management or Queue Management is always a big challenge for businesses especially for those who got hundreds upon hundreds of daily customers and visitors. Managing customer flow and queue in a way that not only streamlines the customer flow but it also should be able to reduce the wait time and improve the customer experience is very important. A queue management system is a great solution to all those problems. The customer flow can easily be managed by a queue management system which will definitely improve customer satisfaction.

There are a few things that need to be understood before choosing an appropriate queuing solution for your business. As all businesses are different than each other and in fact the branch or office or the physical infrastructure of the same organization could be different than one another for different locations and branches. The services that are being offered could also be unique. Whatever the case is the basic remains the same for almost all of the times.

Here are a few basic scenarios of customer flow management or queuing types:

  1. Linear Queuing or First Come First Serve
  2. Single Service Single Counter Delivery
  3. Single Service Stepped or Multi-Counter Delivery
  4. Multiple Services Single Counter Delivery
  5. Virtual Queuing
  6. Mobile Queuing

These are just very basic or generic classifications of the queuing types. There are so many other types of queue management systems available in the market. Most different industries have a slightly different type of queue management system for example a queue management system for a bank would be different than a queue management system for a clinic or healthcare facility. All these efforts are made only to improve customer satisfaction.

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Offer Self Service Interactive Kiosk

Offer Self Service Interactive Kiosk

Self-service Interactive Kiosks are a great way to improve customer satisfaction. No one likes to wait in long queues and with the self-service interactive kiosk, the businesses can provide instant service to their customers. It doesn’t require any staff to avail a service, neither does the customer had to wait in long queues. Having kiosks installed in closer proximity also added up to the overall customer satisfaction. Most of the time businesses can’t easily expand to new unexplored territories due to cost, or paperwork, or any other matter. However, businesses can easily expand to new territories without allocating higher resources using a self-service interactive kiosk.

The interactive self-service kiosk also provides additional features that can help businesses further improving the customer experience and customer satisfaction. The interactive kiosks can easily be integrated with multiple systems and can offer instant services to the customer. The interactive self-service kiosks are widely used and very popular due to their easy availability, instant service delivery, and easy availability. Self-service interactive kiosks can help businesses significantly improve customer satisfaction and customer happiness.

See More: 10 Useful Features of Interactive Kiosks

Offer Multichannel Communication and Support

Offer Multichannel Communication and Support

Communication with the business and their support are the two very strong factors in customer retention. The customer can only be satisfied if the business meets its expectations. These days there are so many different mediums of communication and especially with the rise of smartphones and social media the methods and techniques to communicate with your audience are completely transformed. Digitalization has taken over everything. The customers who are interacting with other brands and businesses through various different mediums would also expect the same from you.

The important thing here is to understand the trends and see what others are doing and then decide what and how you can do better. The expectations of your customers should be the top priority. For example, if your business has a Facebook Page which is not a complaint registration portal but still a customer sends you a message complaining about anything, you should immediately take action and treat this message as an actual complaint.

Communication and support play an important role in customer retention, if a customer is not happy with your communication and/or support you might end up losing that customer. Businesses often focus more on pre-sale support and pay less attention to post-sale support, but both are equally important. There are several ways and channels of communication such as Call Center, Email, SMS, Website, Customer Portal, Complaint Portal, Social Media, Smartphone Applications, and Complaint Counters at the branch/office. Make sure your customers are able to get in touch with your business through multiple channels and mediums. This is a great way of improving customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.

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Treat and Train Your Employees Well

Treat and Train Your Employees Well

Employees’ technical expertise and skills are very relevant and have a huge impact on customer experience which is basically the defining factor of customer satisfaction. How can a customer be satisfied if they have had a bad experience? And why wouldn’t a customer be satisfied if they have had a great experience? We have witnessed this often in Dubai and UAE that businesses invested too much in technology and tools to improve the customer experience and customer satisfaction, but more often don’t allocate many resources to boost the morale of their employees. And that is a very big mistake.

One way or another even if at any given point of time a customer will eventually end up interacting with a business representative or customer support agent or sales staff or anyone from the business. At that time if your employees are not trained enough or not satisfied enough they will perform poorly which will also impact the customer experience. It is extremely important that your employees are trained well and treated well so that they can provide a good customer experience to ensure customer satisfaction.

Happy and satisfied employees can provide good quality work and ensure a great customer experience. For example in a customer service center if an employee or let say a service agent is working and they are not satisfied neither happy with their work or employer or whatsoever. Due to this, their efficiency will automatically reduce, which results in handling fewer customers in a shift and it will also result in causing more wait time for each customer. The poor experience, low quality work, and poor employee/staff behavior lead to unhappy and unsatisfied customers. But with proper training and high morale, the same employee can provide excellent service, great customer experience, and ultimate customer satisfaction. This is how businesses can improve customer satisfaction.

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Utilize Business Intelligence

Utilize Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence is extremely crucial for a business’s success. Most companies and organizations are investing huge revenue into IT, infrastructure, and human resources but still end up failing to achieve their targets. The main reason is their monitoring and business intelligence gathering is not so strong. Business intelligence is basically just the data coming from different measurements and inputs, some are live feeds and real-time data some are performance-based markers and indicators, collectively the business’s intelligence envelops the entire operation including all departments and business units. It is crucial to measure the performance or benefits of any change, whether it is just a policy change, strategy change, or any new upgrade. It is extremely important to measure the return on your investments. These stats and analytical data will allow the management to quantify their decisions and strategies to improve customer satisfaction, it will help the businesses to improve their strategies and outputs of any consumed resource whether it is digital, materialistic, or human resource.

Another most important aspect of business intelligence is customer feedback. Customer feedback is a direct measurement of a business’s efforts altogether. Thus the businesses should focus more on strategies to collect customer feedback. There are certain methods and techniques to ensure collecting maximum feedback from the customers. The customer feedback will not only provide you the direct accounts of the interaction and experience your customers had with your brand but it will also provide you a detailed insight into the upcoming market trends. The customer feedback forms, surveys, and methods should be chosen with great care. It not only provides high-quality business intelligence but will also improve the bond of the customer with your brand and build up a sense of trust. The customer feedback also improves customer’s loyalty towards the brand as it leaves a very good impression on the customers and they will think that the brand truly cares for them and is very serious in improving everything to facilitate the customers. This data can be utilized to make strategies and to improve existing business processes.

See More: Why HR Departments should deploy HR Kiosks?

Make Continuous Improvements

Make Continuous Improvements

Customer satisfaction can be improved by various means, there are so many different methods and strategies that a business can adopt to immediately boost their customer satisfaction. But one thing that most businesses failed to realize is that the market, trends, and customer’s behavior are continuously evolving and ever-changing. This could impact the business growth in the long term. For example, you have installed a new customer relationship management system, a highly advanced queue management system, an upgraded complaint center, etc. Things suddenly got improved, you have received a great response from your customers but slowly and gradually the customer response started fading away. This is because people easily get used of a thing. For example, the improved customer journey could get old, due to the passage of time or due to competition, your competitors might start offering better customer journey or any such case, as result, your customers will start thinking that your brand is old and is not up-to-date, etc. These things can impact the growth gradually but definitely.

It is not that changes are always welcomed, you shouldn’t change or modify the existing strategies that are giving you desired results. But instead when you start noticing a gradual decline then you must have to think critically about how to improve customer satisfaction. It could be either your staff, who require more training, it could be your old IT infrastructure who is slowing things down, it could be your old queue management system who is less effective with higher traffics, or it could be anything, the only way to find out is to monitor each and everything and then try to identify the cause. No matter whatever is responsible, an attitude of continuously making improvements, adopting new trends, and innovation is a key to long-term success.

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Customer satisfaction is not just a simple process or a method that can be easily improved by making some upgrades and updating your strategies. In fact, it is a very complex and comprehensive phenomenon. It requires very critical thinking, deep analysis, and greater business intelligence to improve your customer satisfaction. Businesses should think from the customer’s perspective in order to understand what will please them. Adapting new technologies, offering digital mediums and/or services, improving the customer journey, and customer effective flow management to improve customer experience is a key to customer satisfaction. Businesses not only required to adapt to new technologies, or improved strategies, but businesses these days have to think out of the box and should be very friendly with innovation and modernization. The customers are very demanding these days and the competition is tough, which even further makes it hard for organizations and businesses to improve customer satisfaction. This is why businesses and organizations have to utilize technological solutions as well as highly qualified and expert human resources.

Businesses and organizations have to examine all the touchpoints and the interactions of the customers through all those touchpoints. This is very crucial. Businesses and organizations also have to gather comprehensive business intelligence and statistical data to monitor the performance of their existing processes and resources in order to identify the lags and then to take steps to improve those areas of concern. RSI Geeks is a leading IT service provider in Dubai, UAE. We have helped hundreds of organizations and businesses to improve their customer satisfaction with the help of technological solutions and marketing services. If you want to improve your customer satisfaction to ensure the steady growth of your business or organizations, please feel free to reach us out at our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below.

Check out this: 5 Best Features of Employee Self Service Kiosk

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5 Best Features of Employee Self Service Kiosk

Features of Employee Self Service Kiosk

The Employee Self Service Kiosks are gaining popularity these days in Dubai, UAE. These kiosks are used to provide HR services to the employees at remote locations, or in simple words, the Employee Self Service Kiosk (ESS Kiosk) is a Virtual HR. It is a common trend in UAE that the HR always located at the head offices, or some businesses and enterprises could have regional HR or branches for their HR, mostly the HR doesn’t have local branches. It means that each time an employee who has to avail any HR services, must have to visit the HR office, which not only causes waste of time for the employee but this practice put huge pressure on HR department as well. The HR and most of the resources are consumed to handle daily inquiries and visitor’s flow management. This not only makes the HR processes slower but it also requires a lot much manual documentation and filing too which is an additional workload. However with the Employee Self Service Kiosk, these all problems can be solved, employee satisfaction can be improved, HR productivity and efficiency can be enhanced, and much more. The Employee Self Service Kiosk or HR Kiosk is a great tool for businesses and organizations.

1. Employee Satisfaction

Employee Satisfaction

One of the biggest advantages of the Employee Self Service Kiosk is that it facilitates the employees. In most of the cases in Dubai, UAE companies and businesses are operating in multiple locations having the HR department located inside the head-office only. In such scenarios, if an employee needs HR services they will have to take a day off or some hours off to plan a visit to the HR office. This not only causes a delay in employee’s tasks but it also costs more resources such as the replacement for that employee (if required) and travel arrangements to the HR office from the work site or accommodation. In some cases, both are located in different emirates also.

After all, that hustle when an employee managed to arrive at the HR department, they will have to wait in long queues, which could ruin their experience at the HR office. Not only that sometimes the employees may have to stay for the entire day, which is very bad. This not only makes the employee unhappy but also reduces the productivity of the HR department as well. The unhappy employee could lead to devastating long-term effects on business growth.

The HR Department is the interaction of an organization with its workforce. If that interaction is unhappy and unsatisfactory, it means the employee will think that their organization or businesses don’t value them hence they will also start thinking in the same way, which will result in poor efficiency and poor work quality. It is extremely important for an organization to maintain a healthy relationship with its employees. If the employee will be satisfied they will be more productive.

See More: 10 Useful Features of Interactive Kiosks

2. Reduced Work Load of the HR Department

Reduced Work Load of the HR Department

Having hundreds of daily visitors at the HR department is a huge work manual and otherwise for the HR staff. Daily visitors require more resources to attend to them and then later on the paperwork, filling and manual work is also a huge problem for the HR department. Most of the time the HR department is utilizing their resources in the manual works such as paperwork, filing, printing, and mailing, etc. Without the Employee Self Service Kiosk the HR staff will have to do a lot of manual work, for example, if an employee needs a salary certificate, they should have to come to the HR department to receive the certificate, the entire service delivery process begins with the employee signing-up for the queue at the HR office, then waiting in the queue then reaching to the counter, then identification might be required, then the agent or server will take the print, put it in an envelope and will hand it over to the employee. This is just a very small and common HR service there are other services too, and sometimes an employee needs service in urgency, such as it could be a request for travel, etc.

The manual business processes not only make the employee unhappy but also tremendously increase the workload of the HR department. All such processes and works are done manually, a lot of paperwork is involved and a lot of manual filling is required which increases the service delivery time. However, with the Employee Self Service Kiosk, the employee can avail most of the HR services at the HR Kiosk instead. They don’t have to go to the HR office each time they need a service. This not only improves employee happiness and satisfaction but it also reduces a huge amount of manual work for the HR department. The reduction in HR workload can be very healthy for an organization’s growth. It means that the HR department can focus more on productive activities rather than handling daily visitors and doing manual work for almost most of their workday daily.

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3. Benefits of Digitalization & Automation

Benefits of Digitalization & Automation

Digitalization and automation are the future of each industry. Technology is making our lives easier day by day. Whether it is our personal life or professional life the automation and digitalization have completely revolutionized the lifestyle. There is a huge potential of innovation and advancements in digitalization which can literally change transform an entire organization or business. The HR department is no exception at all. The technology is also consuming HR as well and the benefits are staggering. For example, technology has completely changed the recruitment process by introducing online portals and screening tools. Actually, the bigger issue is that businesses and organizations often don’t pay much attention to the HR department and their performance particularly in satisfying the employees.

However, with the digitalization and automation, the HR department can not only boost their efficiency and productivity but the employee satisfaction indicators are also significantly improved. The main advantage of digitalization is that the employee is no longer dependent on the HR department, which means they don’t have to visit the HR office each time they require an HR service.

Here are some benefits of digitalization and automation:

  • 24/7 Service Availability
  • Quicker Service Delivery
  • No wait time at HR Office
  • Reduction in human errors
  • Satisfied Employees
  • Huge reduction in HR workload
  • Improved HR Productivity
  • Improved Profitability
  • Cost Reduction

The automation aids the manual processes and is very capable of improving the entire business operation. Automation also reduces the human factor and human-related errors or deficiencies. Digitalization and automation reduce the resources and enable the businesses and organizations to easily do cost cuts and better resource management with added value to productivity and profitability.

See More: How to Choose Digital Signage in Dubai

4. Integration with HRMS

Integration with HRMS

The modern-day HRMS or Human Resource Management Systems include an in-built module for HR Kiosks or Employee Self Service Kiosks. In case if that feature is not available, the integration can easily be achieved as well. The full HRMS integration further allows additional features for the Employee Self Service Kiosk. The Employee Self Service Kiosk can also be integrated with different other systems and corporate tools to further improve the service quality and enhance the employee/user experience. For example, if an employee wants to access any HR data such as their overtime or bonuses or loans, and installments, they should have to identify themselves using any login method.

The employee login portal could reside in a separate tool or system in order to provide the logging-in facility at the Employee Self Service Kiosk we should have to integrate it with that system which is hosting the employee login portal and so on and so forth. There are endless possibilities and innovation has no limits. There are tons of services that can be offered with tons of more ways and methods to improve them to enhance the employee experience and to increase the system usability.

Here are some of the HR-related services that are most often offered by Employee Self Service Kiosk:

  • Employee Forms and Applications
  • Documents Update, Scanning, and Printing
  • Employee Clock, Schedules, and Overtime
  • Salary Slip Printing
  • Online Forms and Applications
  • Bonuses and Benefits
  • Loans and Dues
  • Leave and Travel Requests
  • Online Overtime Calculator
  • Announcements and Updates
  • HR Appointment and Bookings

These are just a few services that are most widely offered through Employee Self Service Kiosk in Dubai, UAE. Furthermore, it depends upon the nature of the service and the company policy that which services will be offered through the Employee Self Service Kiosk. Overall it is a great tool to boost HR performance and to enhance the employee experience. Satisfied and happy employees work better and produce good quality work, which makes your customer happy and satisfied which is a key to success and growth.

See More: Why HR Departments should deploy HR Kiosks?

5. Business Intelligence and Employee Feedback

Business Intelligence and Employee Feedback

Employee feedback and communication is a very important factor in employee performance and morale. When an employee is ensured that their voice will listen they will be more comfortable in expressing their problems, needs, and expectations from the employer. If the employees are not encouraged to freely speak, their morale will be lower, and sooner you will witness poor performance and even poor behavior too. The Employee Self Service Kiosk not only provides a great communication channel that allowed the HR and management to collect direct feedback from the employees but it also gathers a lot of statistical data that can be analyzed to gather business intelligence which could be very crucial in strategy making and decision making.

Above all the direct employee feedback is extremely important to understand individual employees and to address their problems. It also provides them a personalized interaction with the HR department. Moreover during personalized communication and discussions sometimes employees are hesitant to express themselves or to talk openly but, with online feedback, this is not the case, the employees can more freely express their feelings and provide more honest opinions than face-to-face or verbal discussions. This is why employee feedback is very important in employee development and increasing the overall efficiency of the business.

See More: Importance of customized Kiosks in 2021


The Employee Self Service Kiosk is extremely effective in improving employee experience, employee satisfaction, and HR productivity. The HR Kiosks are a great alternate of the HR office at remote locations, worksites, and employee accommodations, etc. The employee can easily receive the HR services 24/7 from their nearest Employee Self Service Kiosk. The technology behind the kiosks is very widely available which makes them very cost-effective and it also increases their lifecycle. The Employee Self Service Kiosk or HR Kiosk comes with the added benefits of digitalization and automation. Which further simplified the service delivery process and reduce human efforts. The HR department’s workload is significantly reduced by providing HR services through interactive kiosk and digitalization of various business process also improve the work efficiency.

The Employee Self Service Kiosks reduce the operational cost of the HR department as well. The HR department has to spend a lot on paperwork, printing, mailing, filing, and manual record keeping. Which also requires more human resources. Along with that, the HR department will have to have a lot more resources and staff to handle the daily incoming visitors than it would have usually required without too many daily visitors. This is another big advantage of the Employee Self Service Kiosk. The integration with HRMS and the employee feedback systems can further amplify the effects of the HR kiosk. Employee feedback is very crucial to understand their strength and weaknesses. Overall the Employee Self Service Kiosk can do wonders if utilized properly.

RSI Concepts is a leading brand in HR Kiosk or Employee Self Service Kiosk and HRMS or Human Resource Management Systems. If you want to improve your HR Department’s efficiency and effectiveness, feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page.

Check out this: What is Employee Self Service Kiosk aka ESS Kiosk?

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Employee Self Service Kiosk (ESS Kiosk)

Employee Self Service Kiosk (ESS Kiosk)

ESS Kiosk or Employee Self Service Kiosk is basically an Employee Self Service tool deployed in a Kiosk. It provides employees with a digitalized version of the HR services. The Employee Self Service Kiosk or ESS Kiosk is a touchpoint where the employee interacts with the HR department to avail HR services that are being offered from an interactive self-service kiosk with a touch screen. Employee Self Kiosks are deployed on common places in the office or the branch office to facilitate employees and save their important working time. The main advantage is the convenience for the employees and the quick service delivery. The Employee Self Service Kiosk can offer HR services without any human intervention, the employee can follow the instructions on the screen to perform a certain task to avail a particular HR service. The ESS Kiosk not only makes the service delivery quicker but it automates the processes and saves a lot of time for the HR staff which otherwise requires a lot of paperwork and manual tasks.

The Employee Self Service or ESS is a bit modern term, but all the HRMS or Human Resource Management Systems usually comes with in-built support for ESS these days. The ESS enables the employees to perform certain tasks by themselves which also relieves the HR staff from a lot of work. The digitalization of the services also saves tons of manual HR work and the cost of printing, mailing, manual filling, and paperwork. Usually, most of the HR staff’s work hours are consumed by manual processes and paperwork. This could also cause errors and sometimes requires revisions, the updates are lengthier due to the manual processes and manual workflow. However, the Employee Self Service Kiosk or ESS Kiosk can easily fix all these issues and it can provide an excellent experience for the employees as well as for the HR staff.

The ESS Kiosk is based on two major components, the software, and the hardware:

Employee Self Service or ESS Kiosk Software

Employee Self Service or ESS Kiosk Software

Employee Self Service Kiosk or ESS Kiosk software is basically just a module of the modern day’s HRMS (Human Resource Management System), in fact, it is an extension of the HRMS. All the services are converted to digital and are provided at the ESS Kiosk for security and authentication there are certain protocols that are followed to ensure regulations and checks are in place. Usually, the ESS kiosk doesn’t require additional stand-alone software, but in cases where the HRMS doesn’t have support for the kiosk or doesn’t have enough support to allow the businesses to achieve required functionalities and objectives, then an intermediary application or software is being developed which only synchronizes with the HRMS, other database and corporate tools to achieve the functionalities required to be performed on the interface of the ESS Kiosk software. Most of the time having dedicated ESS software is the best approach. It allows tons of customizations and a lot of future improvements/upgrades can also be done very easily on the customized ESS Software.

Here are some possible software components of the ESS Kiosk:

  1. Kiosk API integration
  2. ESS Interface for Employee
  3. Administrative Interface
  4. HRMS API Integrations

However, all of the above-mentioned components are not mandatorily to be deployed in each scenario but these all are widely used in the market. The most popular method is the web-based interface or a desktop application.

The ESS Kiosk’s API is the main brain of the system, it collects and updates data from and to various corporate and enterprise systems, it takes commands from the employee and then performs the logic and returns the results on the employee terminal. The server-side software is installed on a local server or a cloud or online and is always connected with the ESS Kiosk or employee terminal. The employee terminal is usually a web-app-based user interface, and it just requires a browser. The employee can come to the interactive touch screen and tap on different buttons to choose whatever they are looking for and the entire computing is done at the server-side software. This is just a basic explanation of the workings of the ESS Kiosk obviously there is a lot going on behind the scene. The ESS Kiosk System also collects statistical and usage data and can be used to collect employee feedback too. All these inputs can be processed through a powerful software engine and valuable reports can be generated.

Employee Self Service or ESS Kiosk Hardware

Employee Self Service or ESS Kiosk Hardware

Employee Terminal or ESS Kiosk hardware has a basic foundation and all other features are built on and around this foundation. And that foundation is basically a computer, it could be a full or mini-sized Windows or Linux-based computer or it could also be an Android or iOS-based tablet. Mostly a full-sized windows based computer is used as the foundation of the employee terminal or Employee Self Service Kiosk. The entire system is built around this foundation. As it is an employee terminal and it should provide various HR services which may require printing, scanning, and such tasks so there could be a lot of hardware accessories or peripherals required too. That is why Windows-based computer is the most suitable choice, as the technology is widely available, cost-effective and it is compatible with tons of easily available hardware accessories and peripherals.

Here are different hardware components of the ESS Kiosk:

  1. Display Screen/Touch Screen
  2. Computer (Processor, RAM, and Storage)
  3. Physical Keyboard & Track-pad
  4. Documents Printers
  5. Documents Scanners
  6. NFC or Contact Card Readers
  7. Passport Scanners
  8. Intercom or Call Center IP Phone

Of course, these are just some of the most popular peripherals that are used at the employee terminal. There are so many other devices that can be attached with the ESS Kiosk to support more exclusive HR services. The entire employee terminal is customizable which enables the HR department to include any kind of compatible and relevant hardware to provide the required service and to keep the interface and interaction simpler and easier for the employee.

The hardware accessories are easily available in the market and can be configured with the employee terminal through software integration. The selection of the hardware is determined by the scope of the service that is being offered at the Employee Self Service Kiosk or ESS Kiosk. For example, if an employee needs to print their salary certificate then the employee terminal should have the printer, or if an employee has to scan their medical reports to apply for leave then they should have a scanner in the ESS Kiosk and so on and so forth. This is how the hardware and peripherals are selected for the Employee Self Service Kiosk.

HR Services Offered via ESS Kiosk

HR Services Offered via ESS Kiosk

There is a range of services that can be offered from Employee Self Service or ESS Kiosk. Most of the time all the most required services can be digitalized and offered through the employee terminal/ESS Kiosk. Automation not only makes the service delivery fast but also reduces the human effort to manage the manual processes and paperwork by automating various steps and processes for particular service delivery. The system can authenticate an employee using a predefined method of authentication, for example, an employee can come to the ESS Kiosk and scan their Emirate ID Card and the system will automatically authenticate them. Once the authentication is done the employee will be able to perform certain tasks and avail of certain services or to get access to certain information. Automation and digitalization result in quicker service delivery, and as the human intervention is limited so the chances of error and repeated work are also very less.

Here are some of the very popular HR Services offered through Employee Self Service or ESS Kiosk:

  1. Documents Update (Passport, EID Card, etc)
  2. Loan and Other Benefits, Incentives, and Overtime
  3. Time Clock and Work Schedules
  4. Annual Leaves and Travel Requests
  5. Salary Certificate Printing
  6. Appointment Booking for HR
  7. Online Forms and Registrations
  8. Printing and Scanning Requests/Forms/Applications
  9. Employee Feedback Survey and Suggestions
  10. News, Updates, and Announcements

Obviously, these are the very basic services an employee terminal can offer. There are tons of other services too which can be offered from the Employee Self Service Kiosk.

The Employee Self Service Kiosk can be integrated with HRMS, other enterprise databases, and a huge variety of hardware accessories. The technology used to build the employee terminal is very supportive with innovation and unique ideas. The HR department can innovate their own new ideas to further facilitate the employees and to reduce the steps in a service delivery process.

Benefits of Employee Self Service aka ESS Kiosk

Benefits of Employee Self Service aka ESS Kiosk

Providing an Employee Self Service aka ESS Kiosk not only improves the employee experience but also helps the HR department to significantly reduce the workload and expenses. The ESS Kiosk or Employee Terminal is always integrated/linked to the HRMS (human resource management system). The integration allows the employee terminal to authenticate the employees and let them access their data to avail certain services. The Employee Self Service aka ESS Kiosk is a Virtual HR and it can significantly improve the efficiency of the HR department by automating a lot many processes and reducing the workload of the HR staff. With the help of the Self Service Employee Kiosk, the HR staff can focus on more productive tasks.

Here are some benefits of the Employee Self Service aka ESS Kiosk:

  1. Employee satisfaction
  2. No more long queues and no wait time
  3. Instant service delivery (24/7 Operation)
  4. Onsite Document Printing
  5. Onsite Document Scanning
  6. Simple and Easy to Use Interface
  7. Multi-lingual, On-screen instructions and Call Center Support
  8. The reduced workload of the staff and increase HR productivity
  9. HR Cost Reduction
  10. Automation results in greater HR efficiency
  11. Improved Employee Satisfaction and Retention
  12. Integration with other databases enables real-time updates
  13. Allow HR to push the latest news and make announcements at the employee terminal
  14. Help HR to implement new policies and rules
  15. Provide HR Services at Remote Locations
  16. The system commissioning cost is low
  17. Employee Terminals require very less maintenance
  18. The system is long-lasting and can easily be upgraded to extend its lifecycle
  19. The Employee Self Service Kiosk system can collect vital business intelligence
  20. The ESS Kiosk have excellent ROIs rates

The Employee Self Service Kiosk comes with great value and benefits. It could significantly improve HR work efficiency and productivity. It helps the HR department to achieve its goals and objectives. The HR department can instantly implement company rules and policies at all employee terminals. The monitoring and KPIs help the management to make improvements and the business intelligence help businesses to take vital decisions and make future strategies to ensure business growth.


The HR department is the busiest department at any organization or business. Most of the time the HR is occupied with the daily employee queries and attending the visitors. The remaining resources are consumed in tons of paperwork, filing, mailing, printing, and manual routine processes. This not only requires a huge HR department with a larger staff and more expenses but also reduces the overall productivity of the HR department. Above all the employee satisfaction and employee experience is another big challenge under such circumstances. The main responsibility of any HR department is to acquire the right staff and take steps to improve employee satisfaction to ensure greater employee retention and maximize employee performance. The HR Kiosk or Employee Self Service (ESS) Kiosk is an employee terminal that allows instant and remote interaction with the HR department and can offer most of the HR services through an interactive kiosk machine. The HR Kiosk can be placed anywhere near to the employees, either at their work or their residence or their project site, and so on. This is to provide instant HR access to the employees without any worry of being waiting in long queues or traveling to the HR department and skipping the work or any such problem.

The Employee Self Service Kiosk or ESS Kiosk system consists of a software and a hardware unit. The software is always linked with the HRMS (human resource management system) and it could also be connected to other databases and corporate tools. The hardware entirely depends upon the objectives and scope of the service that has to be offered through the employee terminal. The Employee Self Service Kiosk offers an excellent employee experience and it can significantly improve the HR department’s efficiency. The overall system offers remarkable ROI rates as it directly causes to reduce the HR resources and HR expenses and on the other hand the Employee Self Service Kiosk significantly improve the HR performance and employee’s experience. If you are seeking an HR Kiosk or Employee Self Service Kiosk feel free to reach us through our Contact Us page or write us in the comment box below.

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Importance of customized Kiosks in 2021

Importance of customized Kiosks in 2021

As 2021 comes with very unique and new challenges, the preference and expectations of the customers have also been changed. Business and organizations are actively seeking ways to reduce their operational cost. In Dubai, UAE the year 2021 is the year of Expo as well, which will attract millions of people and a lot many businesses and investors from all around the world. That means new business opportunities as well as more competition. The last year has completely changed the landscape of the market. Especially in the services industry, all the standards, procedures and business practices have been changed. Business is seeking ways to expand their areas of operations with as minimal cost as possible. The customer experience and satisfaction is the biggest concern of the businesses. In Dubai, UAE all sort of industries are adopting digital solutions to reduce their costs which also help them improving profit rates. Automation and digitalization can significantly reduce the operational cost, and fix expenses. This is why more and more businesses are implementing interactive kiosk-based solutions and the best way to get maximum out of a self-service or interactive kiosk is to have customized for you, a tailor-made solution is cost-effective and can serve the needs of the customers better.

As all businesses have established their own unique business identity, everyone has a unique kind of customer experience and customer journey. All are offering something unique to stand out. Customers appreciate uniqueness and innovation. New ideas which can bring convenience and comfort to the customers could have a huge impact on business reputation and growth. The problem with any standard solution is that it follows a standardized process and approach, however, your current business practice or approach could be different than that. In order to resolve this conflict, the business has to change or modify their business practices, which definitely cost more human work hours for the additional work. That is not a good cost-effective approach. However, a customized kiosk is specifically build to serve a specific purpose, which means that there is no additional cost for additional human work, or no extras are included, you will only pay for what is needed rather than like the standard kiosks, in which a lot of unwanted features are also included as they are meant to be general-purpose to serve a spectrum of scenarios. Which not only increase their cost but also makes it difficult to integrate them inside the business infrastructure.

See More5 Types of Touch Screen Kiosks

Customized Kiosk and Customer Experience

Customized Kiosk and Customer Experience

Customer experience is extremely important for business. The customer journey and customer experience directly impact the brand reputation, customer retentions, new sales & conversions, and business growth. That is why business has to be very careful with all the touchpoints where their customers are interacting with them. A standard kiosk doesn’t allow intensive control over customer interaction, as the kiosk is already designed to be operated in only a certain set of scenarios and for a very limited number of applications. Which makes it harder for the business to control the customer interaction and customer experience at the kiosks. However, a customized kiosk not only allow the business to control the customer interaction but can offer particular features and functionalities that are exclusive to your business. This also allows the business to be able to control each step of the customer journey at the kiosk. This way business and organizations can significantly improve the customer experience as the kiosk would be designed exclusively to improve customer experience and customer journey.

See More: Shifting of business process on interactive kiosk dubai

Customized Kiosk and Customer Engagements

Customized Kiosk and Customer Engagements

Whenever it comes to a new solution or interaction for the customers the major concern is always the customer engagements. As self-service or any other customized kiosk is a direct interaction of the brand with its customers so it is extremely important to have a clear pattern set for customer engagements as well. As there is no employee or staff would be available along with the kiosk so the brand must have to rely on the kiosk itself. The problem with the standard off-the-shelf kiosks is that they are already designed for a certain range of purposes and whereas the brands always have new innovative ideas and techniques to improve customer engagements. A standard kiosk might not fulfil all the needs of the business when it comes to customer engagements.

However, a customized kiosk is exclusively designed for businesses to meet their specific needs so there is no such limitation in the case of the customized kiosk. For example, if a business wants to have a larger screen to design a user interface with bigger buttons, texts and so on, then they must require a slightly larger than usual screen size. In case a business wants to play videos, adverts and sounds, the customized kiosk can offer a better solution. The customized kiosk is always great to enhance customer engagements as different software and hardware aspects can be modified as per the needs to improve customer engagements.

See More: 7 Features of Self Service Kiosks

Customized Kiosk and Efficiency

Customized Kiosk and Efficiency

The customized kiosks not only provide quick services and a better customer experience but are also capable of significantly increasing the efficiency of any business or organization. As the customized kiosks are digital devices, hence all the offered services are digitalized. Digitalization in itself is a very excellent way to improve a business’s efficiency.  The digitalization of the services automates a lot many business processes and human work can also be reduced significantly. This not only makes the service delivery quicker but the automation also eliminates humans from various processes, the automation can perform a task instantly while a human must require some time to perform any task. This is why a customized kiosk solution has been deployed along with improved service delivery and enhanced customer experience the performance and efficiency of the entire business can be improved. This makes customized kiosks even more important for businesses to increase efficiency and to reduce the workload of the employees which help organizations and businesses to focus their human resources in more productive activities.

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Customized Kiosks and Adoptability

Customized Kiosks and Adoptability

Customized kiosks are a digital product and the technology is very flexible. This allows the businesses to update the services they are offering in the kiosk or they can even completely repurpose the kiosk for another service or any other purpose. Basically, the kiosks are built with a touch screen, a computer and internet connectivity. Mostly the software is residing in the cloud or is connected with the kiosk. Which makes it easier for businesses to instantly push information on the kiosk, or instantly push new policies and much more. The connectivity via cloud or online enables the kiosks to accomplish a lot of tasks, and it also enables the vendors to offer so many services via the kiosk. This also makes it easier to upgrade or change the services offered through the kiosk by a simple tweak at the software end. The software is basically the management system for the customized kiosk. It allows businesses to instantly update information or services in the kiosk and it also provides real-time monitoring and great business intelligence.

The customized kiosks can completely repurpose too. As the technology used to build those kiosks is long-lasting and the machine itself requires very little maintenance and can last for decades without requiring any huge maintenance or overhaul. For example, a kiosk that a business is currently using as a customer sign-up self-service kiosk can be repurposed as an info kiosk or as an internet kiosk or a way-finding kiosk or anything else, in fact, other services can also be offered from the kiosk with just small upgrades to its software without installing new hardware or any such thing. This makes them more important and in the long term, the return over the investments for customized kiosks are excellent.

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Customized Kiosks and Expansion

Customized Kiosks and Expansion

Business is always trying to expand to unexplored territories or to reach out to the furthest corners of the market. For that business open up new branches or regional offices which are very expensive and required a lot of resources to function. However, with the help of a customized kiosks business can expand their area of services with very minimal expenses. The customized kiosks can be designed exclusively for the business to serve a particular purpose or to offer particular services. The customization allows the business to maintain a unified customer journey and experience on all their interaction points. With the customized kiosk the customer can avail the services from their closest location without staying in the large queues or without any human intervention which enables the businesses to offer non-stop services 24/7. Which is another great advantage of the customized kiosk.

As the year 2021 brings a lot of new challenges one of them is the cost of expansion, business are operating on tight budgets and the expansion to new territories is very expensive. However, a customized kiosk is the most cost-effective way to provide your services in new areas and markets. You can offer your services in close proximity to your customers this will not only expand your territory but it will significantly improve your customer experience, as now they no longer need to travel to the nearest branch, stay in the queue to get the service done. This increases customer satisfaction and improves the brand reputation, which both are vital for business growth.

See More: Why HR Departments should deploy HR Kiosks?


Businesses are always seeking expansion and ways to control the cost. In the year 2021 when the expo is also happening in Dubai, UAE and the country is expecting millions of visitors, investors, and tourist from all around the world. The local market is expecting a big rise, which is why in the year 2021 everyone is trying to get an edge over their competitors. The Dubai market is always very competitive and the standards and expectations of the customer are very high. This is what compels organizations to invest heavily to improve customer experience and customer journey. Another big concern is the expansion and reduction in customer wait time for service delivery. Interactive kiosks can solve both problems. Customer flow management can be controlled using an interactive kiosk. As for self-service kiosks, the standard kiosks are not so good, as they are built for a larger range/sets of application. Which makes them less effective or hard to work when it comes to any specific or unique business need.

In order to improve the customer journey and customer experience, every business has its own unique method and technique to work with. This is why the standard kiosks cannot fulfil the needs and businesses have to move towards the exclusively designed customized kiosks. The customized kiosks offer extraordinary benefits, the customer experience and customer journey can be improved significantly, the self-service features are easy with customized kiosk design, the scalability, integration and automation features make it even more effective. Businesses can improve customer engagements as well with a customized design. RSI Concepts is a professional customized kiosk and custom software provider in Dubai, UAE. If you have any such need or if you want to explore the possibilities to utilize an interactive kiosk to help your business grow? Please feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page.

Check this outChallenges in Customized Kiosk Project

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