How to Collect Customer Feedback Using Corporate Website?

How to Collect Customer Feedback Using Corporate Website

A corporate website is an essential for a modern day business. Especially in Dubai and in fact all around the UAE businesses must have to have a presentable corporate website. In UAE the internet penetration is 99% which means that almost all of your customers and prospects can search your business online. This means that your corporate website plays crucial role in your online business identity and brand image. Furthermore your corporate website add value to brand’s image and credibility, people now a days expect from the businesses to offer some digital experience and information via online. When it comes to customer feedback, it is the most crucial information a business needs to understand its customers and their needs. The customer feedback provide great insight to customers’minds and it help businesses identify the areas of improvement. It also help in product development and customer experience management. That is why the customer feedback is the most crucial data which help businesses make informed decisions and increase the success rate of those decisions and business strategies.

How to Collect Customer Feedback Using Corporate Website

The Dubai and in fact the entire UAE is a very competitive market, businesses are adopting more customer-centric strategies in order to attract more customers. The customer happiness and satisfaction have become extremely important. Which means that the businesses should know customer’s needs, their expectations and their liking/disliking. Regardless of industry or business model, the customer feedback is a vital component of a successful growth strategy. Collecting customer feedback is relatively easier than before, thanks to the digital technologies and customer feedback systems the customer feedback collection have become much easier. However, when the customer experience managers or any other team decide to collect customer feedback the biggest challenge is to choose the right channel. Your corporate website is one of the best place to begin with. Usually corporate websites have huge traffic, most of the customers visit your website and a majority of prospects look up in the internet and will eventually land on your web pages. That is why the website can be a great tool to start collecting valuable customer feedback. In this blog we will discuss how businesses can collect high-quality customer feedback data using their corporate website.

How to Collect Customer Feedback Using Corporate Website

Methods to Collect Customer Feedback from a Corporate Website

The technology and programming techniques that are used to design and develop websites have become very advanced and rich in features. There was a time when businesses were having simple static pages just to publish basic information about their business and what they do. Now a days, the websites have transformed into a highly dynamic and very powerful platform which is used for communication and digital marketing purposes. Collecting customer feedback or integrating a customer feedback system in to your corporate website have become very easy today. There are several customer feedback system which are providing embedded widgets which can be installed to a web page to collect customer feedback and capture other analytical data. Furthermore these days almost 95% websites are dynamic which means that they are running on some kind of content management system or CMS software. Whether you are using a customized CMS or any other popular COTS CMS, there are ways to integrate customer feedback features in the system which can help businesses to collect the feedback data from their corporate website. Here are the most popular and effective methods to collect feedback from your website.

Methods to Collect Customer Feedback from a Corporate Website

Customer Feedback Collection via Popups

The popups are the most common method to display important content on a website. Businesses can easily put a customer feedback survey in a popup at their corporate website. It is important to understand that you should ask the right thing at the right time. Usually we see popups appearing instantly as we land on a website, in fact before we can see the content of the web page the popup appears. These popups are not good for the customer feedback. Because you want to learn about customer experience, their opinion and thoughts about your business, without letting them a chance to explore your website you cannot expect them to have an opinion about your brand. That is why if you are taking customer feedback through a popup you should let customer explore the page and its content first and then ask them about their feedback. This can be achieved easily, you can put a timer on the popup. For example, if customer spends 80 seconds on a page then the popup appears. You can also set a trigger at the bottom or near bottom area of your corporate website, which means that when the customer reach to a certain areas of the web page the popup should appear.

Customer Feedback Collection via Popups

For example, you have a homepage which require customers to scroll several time, which means there would be several sections of the web page, you can put the trigger at the last section or at the second last section. It means that by the time your customer will reached to that section they have already consumed a reasonable amount of content of your web page. You can use a combination of trigger and timer method to show the popup. Furthermore it is important to keep your feedback form or survey simple, shorter and easy-to-understand, as by that time most of the customer might not want to spend any more time on your web page. If you will ask too many questions then the chances are people might leave without submitting their feedback. The best and most effective method is to ask 1 to 3 questions in a popup survey. It is better to use rating scales, happiness meter, or simple multi-choice responses. The open-ended questions are a great way to get more detailed and in-depth response. If your corporate website support multiple languages then the survey must also support those languages and it should automatically aligned with the customer’s selected language on the web page. These tips will help you increase the conversion rate of the survey and will provide you high quality data.

Customer Feedback Collection via Popups

Customer Feedback Collection via Dedicated Feedback Buttons

In order to obtain actionable results from a customer feedback campaign it is important that the quality and quantity of the data is good. The quality of the feedback data is always a bigger challenge, furthermore the quality doesn’t only depends on the quantity, and in fact the questions you asked will have huge impact on the quantity of the feedback. The primary purpose of conducting a feedback campaign is to understand a particular aspect of customer experience. For example the purpose of product development survey is to understand what features customers like, what they don’t appreciate and what they expect from business to offer or what they would love to see in future products. This can be achieved only by adding more questions to the survey, however, more questions means less conversion rate. Most of the time when a customer or visitors sees more than 5 questions, they either quit or try to complete it quickly which in some cases also result in poor feedback quality. The feedback button at a website is the best solution to this problem.

Customer Feedback Collection via Dedicated Feedback Buttons

The Zeigarnik Effect is a psychological phenomenon which says the one who started an action is most likely to complete it. That is why the feedback button have higher conversion rate and can produce much higher quality customer feedback data.These buttons can be placed in the bottom of the web page, in the footer area or can be placed on any other strategically important section of the web page. The button should be highlighted and the text should be appealing. You can use a tagline such as, Submit Your Feedback, Share your Opinion, Talk to Us, etc. Anything which appeals the customer and also tell them what this button will do. Businesses can use a variety of different surveys via Feedback Button. The ideal situation is to have less than 10 questions, but based on the industry, web page and other aspects you can add more questions too. The data can be collected in the website CMS or can be integrated with the dedicated customer feedback system along with the analytical data which help you further understand who your visitors are and integrating analytical data will also help you reduce the demographic questions in the survey and make it short. The feedback button is ideal for medium sized surveys.

Customer Feedback Collection via Dedicated Feedback Buttons

Use Live Chat to Collect Customer Feedback

Here in Dubai and all around the UAE we have witnessed that the online chat, whether live chat or chat bots are gaining popularity, every other site have chat bots and most of the medium and large size enterprises are offering live chat features. The live chat is a great way to improve customer experience and simplify customer journey and it help businesses generate huge revenue. According to several studies businesses have witnessed huge increase in sales for up to 35% by adding live chat feature on their website or mobile apps. That is why the live chat is gaining so much popularity among both businesses and the customers. The live chat feature can be used to collect valuable customer feedback data. The live chat button or interface can be placed at many places at a web page, the ideal is the pricing page/area and the checkout page which are the steps where the customers ask more questions. The support agents can be trained to collect structured feedback via live chat which can be processed further by analytical tools to generate conclusive reports. The live chat help you understand customers’ concerns which is important to address in the marketing and communication material. That is why it is a great tool to collect valuable customer feedback data.

Use Live Chat to Collect Customer Feedback

Use Lead Magnets to Collect Customer Feedback

As I mentioned earlier that the short surveys are not the answers to all your questions, in some cases businesses will have to conduct long surveys to get a better and clear understanding of the customer point of view. However, traditionally the conversion rate for long surveys is very less. That is why business use more innovative ways to attract customers and visitors to fill out long surveys. The lead magnet method is one of the most successful method to do so. Basically the lead magnet method is used to collect customer lead data, usually a business offers a free resource, online tool, e-Book, discount voucher or any such incentive to attract more customers to provide lead data, usually it is email and sometimes businesses also collect customer mobile numbers. These contact details can be later utilized for marketing purposes to generate more leads and sales. For the customer feedback the lead magnet method is also very successful, businesses can offer any free incentive in return of submitting a customer feedback or survey form. The lead magnets are highly cost-efficient, mostly free, informative and very attractive. Customers often see them as high-value offerings that is why when a business use lead magnet method to collect customer feedback data the results are great.

Use Lead Magnets to Collect Customer Feedback

Collect Customer Feedback using Quick Polls and Happiness Meter

According to several studies most of the website visitors leave a website if they think the information is not relevant, worth spending time or too complex. Here it is important to understand how your audience is landing on your website. Most of the website traffic comes from search engine, particularly Google. The visitors who are landing on your website through Google search must be seeking something that is totally relevant to your page’s subject otherwise the search engine will not show your website in the results. The user that are coming from social media or other digital platforms must be landing on a special landing page or a product page. Even with proper targeting most of the visitors left very soon or left without converting, this is because they either might not find the relevant information or the couldn’t understand your brand message. Apart from product pages or landing pages this effect is more prominent on blogs, FAQs, and helping content. In order to make your webpage content resonate with your audience you must have to know if what you are offering is serving the purpose or not. For that businesses can put customer feedback polls and happiness meters on such pages. It can be very helpful to measure the customer happiness and effectiveness of the content.

Collect Customer Feedback using Quick Polls and Happiness Meter

Collect Page-Specific Customer Feedback

A corporate website always have multiple pages, usually it a homepage which is the main page, all other pages are called internal pages. The internal pages have some must have pages or types with very standardized information format such as about pages always have company details, management, mission, vision, etc. There are some pages which are used to publish content, such as blogs, media center, FAQs, etc. There are also dedicated pages for products and services which you are offering. These all different types of pages which serve different purpose and offer different type of information. The page-specific customer feedback is a concept of asking only a certain group of audience to provide their feedback who happened to visit certain pages. For example, if you have FAQs page, you can ask the reader if the information was helpful or not. Similarly if it is a product or service page you can ask them if they found the solution to their problem or the product/service they were looking for, etc. matches their requirements or not, etc.That is what is called page-specific customer feedback it is very helpful in improving that page, its content, or the product/service you are offering.

Collect Page-Specific Customer Feedback


In the modern markets businesses need to align their offerings with the customers’ interests. This help them beat the competition and make them more desirable for the customers. In Dubai and all around the UAE the markets are very competitive, regardless of the industry the businesses will have to perform excellent in order to gain a competitive advantage. All this is making businesses more customer-centric which raise the importance of customer desires, demands, needs and expectations. In order to understand what your customers’ needs, what they will like/dislike, what they will expect from you and what could make them happy and satisfied, businesses need to acquire in-depth knowledge and understanding of customer behavior and their mindset. And this knowledge can’t be acquired from anywhere else but your customers. The voice of your customer is the only place which can provide with the most accurate and highly impactful information. The businesses who based their decision on their customers’ opinion and say are tend to do well in the long term. That is why the customer feedback have become more crucial for the modern day success strategy.

When it comes to collecting customer feedback data the businesses could easily overwhelmed with the sheer volume of channels and methods to collect the customer feedback. Here in Dubai and all across the UAE businesses might adopt various modern ways and methods to collect customer feedback but they often neglect their corporate websites. Your corporate website can be a great source of high-quality and most effective customer feedback and business intelligence data. In this blog we have listed several methods of collecting customer feedback using your corporate website. If you want to learn more about the subject of if you want our help to implement a customer feedback collection system on your website, please feel free to contact us anytime through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

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