Dubai is a city of luxury, innovation, and technology. Businesses from all around the world have presence in the city and are enjoying access to far wider markets in Africa, Asia, Middle East and Europe. The city is a remarkable example of modernization and development. The government is very friendly towards foreign investments and local business community, this enables Dubai to achieve the status of a central business hub in the region. Not only Dubai, the Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Ras Al Khaimah and other emirates of UAE are also witnessing tremendous rise in business activities. Furthermore the Dubai is a home to some of the world’s largest exhibitions, tradeshows and events halls. Coupled with world’s largest and busiest airport, shopping malls, exotic tourist attractions and luxurious hospitality industry turns out to be a great success in building Dubai as a central hub of both business and tourism activities. If you are living in UAE you must be aware of that fact that not only Dubai but the entire country is full of exhibitions, tradeshows, fairs and such activities.

How Exhibition Booth Designing Works in Dubai?
Participating in such events, exhibitions, and tradeshows could be a game-changer for your business. Whether you are aiming for brand awareness, prospecting, or looking for partners and clients, these exhibitions could give you a boost. In this blog we will discuss how your exhibition stand and booth designing could seriously make a huge difference in the outcome of participating in such events and tradeshows.
Master the Art of Exhibition Booth Designing
When it comes to exhibition booth designing, businesses and designers often felt stuck between grabbing the audience’s attention and being on-brand. Standing out in the crowd and grabbing attention is easier than you can imagine. You can do something more creative, funny or unique which will immediately make you the talk of the show. However, attracting audience, while effectively presenting your brand is something else. Here are a few tips for exhibition booth designing in Dubai:
Be On-brand and Grab Attention
As I said, grabbing attention alone is not a big deal, however, it is difficult to be appealing and attractive while being on-brand. Here one important aspect should be considered which most of the businesses and newbie exhibition designers don’t consider and that is to choose the right place wisely. Rather paying a little bit extra to be on a centered place, businesses and exhibition stand designers choose the cheapest spot, which most of the time results in failure. In every exhibition hall, there are certain areas which will have more traffic and there are certain spots which will get least attention. Therefore it is important to carefully choose the right spot. You can visit the exhibition hall beforehand to view all available spots and chose a right spot. There is a strong relation between the ‘right spot’ and the size of your exhibition stand. Another important thing is to rather blending in with the crowd you should come up with a unique idea and design. Instead of following what most of the exhibitors, especially your neighbors are doing, you should look different. You should chose different elements, colors, but your exhibition designing should prioritize the branding aspects as well.
See Also: How to enhance the impact of your small exhibition stand?

Be On-brand and Grab Attention
Clearly Present and Communicate your Brand
When I say you should build a unique and appealing exhibition booth, I doesn’t mean you should look unique while your audience have no clue of what you do or who you are. That is one of the biggest mistake most exhibition booth designing companies made. Most of the time businesses add unique and large design elements, which instantly catch attendees’ attention, but completely failed to convey your brand. I have once visited a tradeshow, which was about technology, there was a stall which had a large pyramid with beautiful lighting, I still remember that stall clearly. However, I still have no idea of who that business was or what did they do. You can get as much attention as you like, but it is extremely hard to build a first impression that not only attracts the audience but have capabilities to tell them what you do and who you are, at first glance. Therefore adding unique design elements and implementing creative ideas alone could never guarantee you the success. Your exhibition booth designing process must put branding on top, this will not only help you grab attention, but it will also build a lasting first impression on audience. You exhibition stand should be able to communicate who you are and what you do, that is the most important aspect of exhibition booth designing.

Clearly Present and Communicate your Brand
Choose Colors Wisely
Every color has its own unique impact on the watcher’s eye. When it comes to the corporate domain, businesses most often follow standard colors and among those colors, the blue color is one of the most widely used color. If you have visited any exhibition or tradeshow in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi or elsewhere in UAE you would have noticed that most of the exhibition stands are not blue, instead the white is the most dominant color. Think of the white color as canvas, all other colors will help you design a great painting. There is another big misconception among businesses and exhibition booth designing companies, which is that if you want to play safe, you should be able to blend in. However, that is absolutely wrong, businesses spend tons of efforts, resources and hard-earned profit to become unique and to have a unique brand identity. If you just want to blend in then what is the point of participating! Blending in means invisible for most of the audience. Therefore your exhibition booth should be designed in a way where your primary colors are your own brand’s colors, and then use colors which distinguishes you from other exhibition stand around you. This will not only help you stand out, but it is a great strategy to capture audience’s attention.

Choose Colors Wisely!
Lighting, Shapes and Materials
Lighting, shapes and materials are crucial too. Too little lighting would discourage people to visit your exhibition booth and too much lightning could also repel them. Ordinary and common shapes will make your stand blend in with others, and completely irrelevant shapes might confuse your audience. Therefore the lighting and different shapes should be chosen wisely. The lighting can greatly improve your visibility and will help you stand out. Since most of the exhibitions are held in indoors, therefore the lighting plays a crucial role in your success. You can also use lighting to spotlight important areas, or your products, or even your brand logo or anything important. You can use different shapes which will help you stand out, for example, if most of the stands around you are using rounded shapes, you should consider using square, rectangles, or even pointy shaped design elements. You can also use shapes that synchronize with your branding. Furthermore using unique and high-quality materials will also be a plus point. The quality is not the only thing, instead the materials that none of your neighboring stands are using will also very helpful in making you unique and attractive. A good and well-crafted exhibition booth with excellent lighting, unique shapes and high-quality materials will always attract attendees.
See Also: How to Choose the Right Materials for Your Exhibition Stand

Lighting, Shapes and Materials
Leverage Modern Technologies
Technology always inspire people, especially at tradeshows and exhibitions, displaying a high-tech device could increase your chances of getting noticed by the attendees. Now a days’ in Dubai and all around the UAE the usage of advanced technologies such as holographic, virtual reality, augmented reality, digital signage, interactive self-service kiosks, social media, and mobile apps are very common. You can use video wall or digital signage to run your adverts, multimedia content or any other promotional materials. That is an excellent strategy to attract audience’s attention. You can put QR Codes to let users visit your social media or download your mobile app, brochure or anything. Adding interactive self-service kiosk to allow visitors to acquire information about your business and products or services is a great way to increase visitor’s engagement. Most of the times businesses overlooked the important of multimedia content, video wall or digital signage. However, exhibition stands with digital signage and other modern technologies tend to perform better comparing to an ordinary exhibition design. Furthermore the beacon, RFID and NFC technologies can also be used to greet and register the visitors and these technologies can also be used to share your company profile, brochures and any document/link, etc.
See Also: Modern Technologies to Make Your Exhibition Booth Stand Out

Leverage Modern Technologies
Embrace Dubai’s Cultural Aesthetics and Traditional Tapestry
Dubai is a rich cultural and traditional city with a long and very astonishing historical background. Not only that unlike any other modern city, the Dubai has never forgotten its cultural heritage. Despite one of the world’s modern city, you can feel and enjoy the unique and vibrant cultural vide while you are in the city. That is why incorporating some similar design elements that represent Dubai’s rich cultural values, aesthetics and traditional tapestry, could help you stand out of the crowd. It will also give your exhibition booth a unique and very appealing loo, but it will also help you attracting more audience. Moreover when you are adding design elements for Dubai’s cultural aesthetics and traditional tapestry, you are giving an impression that you are a local business, this could be a very positive indicator for the visitors and it could help you gain more trust and authority. You can also use such elements as focal points, the focal points are great at attracting audience from distance. Most of the time the focal points are large, often something like a hanging banner or sign or a standee with great artwork. All such features will help you stand out of the crowd.

Embrace Dubai’s Cultural Aesthetics and Traditional Tapestry
Overcome Common Challenges with Smart Exhibition Booth Designing Methods
Dubai is one of the world’s best city to live and work. It offers everything from shopping experience to exotic beaches, world-class hospitality sector, and world’s best financial markets and infrastructure. All this is backed by government’s super business friendly policies. However, achieving all that is not easy neither simple, it requires a strong leadership, rule of law and excellent governance. The city place residence’s health and safety at first, therefore in Dubai the rules, regulations and compliance is a bit difficult. The government have clear polices to ensure health and safety of the exhibitor as well as the visitors. An experienced designer would know all these compliance challenges and should be able to ensure their exhibition booth adhere to all compliances and strict polices of both the governing bodies as well as the exhibition host. If your incorporate all compliances during the exhibition booth designing process, you can save cost and revisions. Furthermore transportation and logistics can also be a big challenge, and could raise your cost. A smart exhibition booth designing method such as modular design and right choice of materials could make logistics seamless. The exhibitors can deal with many challenges just by improving their exhibition booth designing methods.

Overcome Common Challenges with Smart Exhibition Booth Designing Methods
In a bustling city like Dubai, where the tradition emerges with technology and the culture intersects with the modernization, the exhibition booth designing has become more sophisticated, now it is not just creating a space where you can interact comfortably with your visitors at an exhibition or a tradeshow, but the present day exhibition booth designing is more like crafting a satisfactory experience which can imprint a lasting impression on your visitors. In this blog we have explored various important aspects of exhibition booth designing and it is obvious tha the exhibitions and tradeshows are extremely important for a business and the only way to make them successful is to choose out-of-the-box design methodologies, adopt a modern designing approach, choose strategically good spot (rather than looking for a cheapest spot), make a brand-centric design, select colors wisely, use patterns, design elements to make your exhibition stand attractive and prominent and avoid blending in. Your exhibition stand is not just a structure, but it is a most effective channel to tell your brand story, communicate your value, and leverage it to grow your business. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to design an extraordinary cost-effective exhibition booth for your next event, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.