Benefits of Mobile charging stations at Shopping Malls

Benefits of Mobile charging stations at Shopping Malls

The Dubai and in fact the entire UAE has thousands of luxurious shopping malls, shopping festivity, and retail businesses. By the end of 2021 the retail industry in UAE have hit 71 Billion USD figure. Which is huge and that is the reason the UAE ranks 14th in Global retail spending. This means the overall population have very strong purchase power and which also attracts a lot of investors and businesses from all over the world. In fact he UAE have some of the largest retail and shopping mall chains in the entire GCC and MENA region. The main reason behind such a huge growth in the retail industry is because the retail sector and shopping malls are very adoptive towards new technologies and modernized marketing tactics. This is what driving such a huge industry since past decade. The small and medium sized shopping malls should learn from the big brands. It is not only how much you are investing in improving customer success but it is also in which idea you are investing in. Sometimes very ordinary looking things can do wonders for shopping malls and retail businesses. The mobile charging station is one of those ordinary looking piece of technology that can get massive attentions from the users.

Benefits of Mobile charging stations at Shopping Malls

Different Types of Mobile Charging Stations

Basically there are two main categories of smartphone charging stations, one is open type mobile charging station which are absolutely free, the second category is the paid mobile charging station where the user will have to pay via cash or by debit/credit card. More modern payment methods can also be added in the mobile charging station. There are different shapes and sizes of a mobile charging station, usually the type is also defined by the size or number of compartments in a mobile charging station. There are three ways to install a mobile charging station in shopping malls or at any other property. The very large mobile charging stations with 40 to 80 charging compartments are mostly floor standing and are cabinet type. The medium sized with 8 to 40 charging compartments are mostly floor standing with a digital kiosk like appearance and these can also be hanged on the wall. The smaller one are mostly tabletops but can also be hanged on the wall.

Different Types of Mobile Charging Stations

Increase Customer Dwell Time

Customer dwell time is very important for any shopping mall, if people will stay longer in the shopping mall they are most likely end up making a purchase. Furthermore the mobile charging stations also help increasing customer traffic to certain parts of the shopping mall. Let us admit we all heavily rely on our mobile phones for a variety of daily tasks, whether professional or personal. The smartphone have become greatly important. The rise of smartphone and the internet communication platforms result in complete transformation of the markets. People tend to spend a lot of time on their smartphones. The biggest problem with the modern mobile phones is that the battery last for only a day or so. And if you mobile phone is older than 1.5 year or 2 then the battery barely made up till the end of the day. Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the shopping malls gets most of the traffic at evening. By evening a lot of mobile phone users have already drained their battery and need a chargers. In such situation if they spot a mobile charging station they will immediately plugin their phone.

Increase Customer Dwell Time

Even if they had plan to leave, they would tend to stay longer to get their mobile phone charged. This is could be another sale opportunity for the shopping malls. If only a customer or visitor stays 30 minutes more or so, the chances of getting a sale from them get higher. Usually people are very protective about their mobile phones and they tend to stay at the spot where there mobile phone is being charged in a public mobile charging station. The shopping malls can also use the same tactics to increase the customer traffic in certain areas of the shopping mall, which usually get low traffic from the rest. This can help them increase sales from those sections too. The mobile charging station will help shopping malls to not only increase traffic but also customer dwell time. As most of the customers would like to keep their mobile phone in sight while it is getting charged.

Make your Customers Happy

Happy customers tend to provide repeated business. For shopping mall if a customer have a good experience which makes them happy, they will definitely prefer visiting the same store again. Consider a situation, your mobile phone’s charging is lower than 5%, you had to go to a place from shopping mall or to your home and you would require navigations, or you are expecting an important call but your mobile phone’s battery is low, in such scenario if you find a public mobile phone charging kiosk, how happy you would be. That is why the mobile phone charging station not only help improving customer flow in the shopping mall but also help to make them happy. If a customer knows he or she can easily find a mobile charging station in a shopping mall, they will prefer visiting the same in the future. People also tend to do online research before making an actual purchase in a shopping mall, which is why they need their mobile phones even more, and if their battery gets lower they tend to quickly complete their shopping and left. That is why the mobile phone charging station is a great tool for the shopping malls to increase their sales and customer experience.

Make your Customers Happy

Utilize Mobile Charging Stations to Aid Marketing with In-built Signage

The mobile charging stations are a great tool to attract customers and visitors. Modern charging stations comes with a variety of in-built signage displays. The shopping mall can utilize these digital signage screens to run promotions and other marketing content. As most of the people prefer to stay closer to their phones when they are plugged in at a public place, so this provides shopping malls a chance to get more attentions from the customers and visitors. The in-built digital signage displays comes with two options, Android and Windows, which make the management very simple and convenient. In fact the mobile phone charging stations also comes with a digital signage content management system which allow the shopping mall management to remotely push content on the screens and schedule multiple campaigns in the system and the CMS (content management system) automates the media playback and switching between different campaigns. There are a lot many more features which help supporting shopping malls in promotional and marketing campaigns and help them generating more sales.

Utilize Mobile Charging Stations to Aid Marketing with In-built Signage

Shopping Malls can monetize the Mobile Charging Stations

The shopping malls can also monetize the mobile charging stations to generate revenue from them. The modern mobile charging stations also provide facility to add cash and coin accepting technologies which help shopping malls generate more revenue by charging a small fee to each user. The shopping malls can also integrate modern payment methods to improve the customer experience such as Google Pay, Apple Pay, Credit/Debit Card Payments, and online Payment Gateway Integration. All these features help shopping malls generating more revenue from the mobile charging stations. For an average mobile charging station the shopping mall can easily recover its initial cost in just a few months. Later they can start earning profits from them. The mobile charging stations are built on a very strong and widely available technology platforms which makes their maintenance simple, easy and low cost. On top of that the operational cost is literally equal to none. Usually the electrical devices and cables used in public charging stations are very heavy-duty so they can last for years. Which further improve the ROI over an extended period of time.

Shopping Malls can monetize the Mobile Charging Stations

Mobile Charging Stations can Offer Interactive and Self-Service Features

Although the primary objective of having a mobile charging station in a shopping mall is to provide your visitors easy access to mobile charging. However, the mobile charging stations with their digital signage features can also provide interactive features. The mobile charging station can have a variety of different sizes of interactive touch screen displays, which help shopping malls to get a customized solution as per their needs. Instead of asking your customers to pay for the charging the shopping mall can take their basic details to enable the charging and it can also host a variety of self-service features which help shopping malls to gather valuable business intelligence and analytical data. The business intelligence and analytical data is crucial for modern businesses. The management can analyze the data to understand various trends and to acquire a better and deeper in-sight to the customers’ minds. The mobile charging stations are a great way to increase customer engagement at the shopping malls.

Mobile Charging Stations can Offer Interactive and Self-Service Features


The mobile charging stations are a very simple and ordinary technology however it can offer great advantages for shopping malls and retail businesses. There are so many types and sizes of the mobile charging stations that anyone can easily get a solution as per their needs and budgets. The shopping malls always want people to spend more time in the mall, a mobile charging station is a great tool to improve customer dwell time. Furthermore can also help increasing the traffic in certain parts of the shopping mall and help them generate more sales. The mobile charging station can have digital signage screens which can help shopping malls with their marketing and promotional activities as well. The technology used to build the mobile charging station is very long-lasting which reduce operational and maintenance cost. The shopping mall can easily monetize a mobile charging station which not only help them recover their initial investments but also help them generate more revenue down the road. RSI Concepts is a leading mobile charging station provider in Dubai, UAE. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you have an enquiry, please feel free to get in touch with you through our Contact Us page and we will call you back soon.

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