Khorfakkan, the creek of two jaws and with only natural deep seaport in the region, is a second largest town located at the east coast of United Arab Emirates. Khorfakkan is a part of the state of Sharjah, dominated by its super busy container port. Khofakkan is also a famous weekend destination of the country due to the beautiful mountainous landscape throughout the city and a beautiful curved Cornish.
In February 2005, the emirate of Sharjah established nine municipal councils among which one was the Khofakkan. The Municipal Councils are considered as monitoring bodies to propose laws, regulations, supervision and other platforms that reflect the concerns and problems of residents and to provide solution by all means.
In order to provide in-time and quick services to the residents of Khorfakkan the Municipal Council has worked on state of the art technology in the recent years. This Gitex 2017 Khorfakkan Municipal Council has launched e-services portal, with a beautiful web design along with face recognizing and voice responding kiosk machine to facilitate the residents. KM (Khorfakkam Municipality) has also launched a mobile application on two platforms IOS and Android for the residents to avail the services quickly.
RSI Concepts has been the technology partner of KM to develop custom web application for the kiosk machine which has the capability to interact with residents over speech and face recognition.
After the successful launch , Mr. Shehzad Asghar, Project Manager says;
“It was a challenging project for us as we had to implement state-of-the-art face recognition and voice interaction algorithms for the residents. We have completed the mobile application, web portal with a beautiful web design, kiosk machine with an interactive experience – well in time and launched at Gitex 2017. We are honored to be a part of this project”