As the entire world is entering into a new era of highly digitalized lifestyle, the same is applicable for anyone and everyone from a food delivery guy to the CEO of multinationals and even the echelons of our society, everyone is interacting with the internet. Governments are transforming into digital and adopting internet based solutions to function. Now a days, each and every individual living in Dubai or anywhere else in the UAE have once interacted with these digital solutions. Especially in a most technically advanced society like UAE where almost the entire population have access to the internet and owns devices such as mobile phones, laptops, tablets, or computers to access the internet on daily bases.
The internet and the digital have become an integral part of our daily lifestyle. It is as estimate that an average person spends several hours in a day either working or not on the internet. The entire planet is highly data driven, switch off the internet and there will be nothing, we can’t even imagine what could happen if the entire internet goes offline for a fraction of a second. That is how dependent we are on the digital and internet.
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Since past few years the privacy, data protection, safety and security are the words we start hearing more and the trend is still going on till today. There is a reason to it. These days, everyone who is either surfing on the internet or interacting with a banking system through any digital channel must have thought at least once about the security, I remember the earlier days when the internet banking started getting main stream, I wondered, would it be secure enough to protect my savings?
What kind of security the bank would be implementing to protect my savings and my personal data on their website. Obviously these things were past, and now a day everyone is using their banking apps and what not on daily bases without having any second thought.
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Now a days the interactive kiosks are popping up everywhere, no matter where do you live or work, you must have seen these bright flashy screens once in a day. Even I got the mobile top up interactive kiosk at the entrance of my apartment building. These kiosks are everywhere and the businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE are deploying interactive kiosks to offer digital solutions and services.
What is an Interactive Kiosk?
Basically an interactive kiosks is a digital kiosk with a user interface and capabilities to allow the user to perform certain functions through it. The interactive kiosks usually have a touch screen based user interface with a lot many different hardware accessories to allow the user to perform certain functions. These functions are usually performing a certain task, availing a service or doing a transaction with a business. The digital interactive kiosks are a great tool to offer desired customer experience.
The interactive kiosks can easily be placed in both indoor and outdoor locations. Which enables the businesses to reach out to the furthest of their targeted markets and let them integrate deeply into their audiences. The interactive kiosks can offer a multitude of digital services and functionalities. The self-serving interactive kiosks are widely used by businesses to boost their revenue, operational capabilities and profitability.
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What is Facial Recognition Technology?
The facial recognition technology was a huge sensation of the earlier 2020 Si-Fi hits. However, with the intensive research and huge R&D budgets the facial recognition have finally made its way to the consumer markets. The iPhone and some high-end Android smartphone are using facial recognition technology since past few years. These big companies fueled the expensive R&D and also encourages other vendors to invest in the technology. The facial recognition technology is not only used to ID people but with the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) the facial recognition and computer vision have become so advanced that it can detect the gender, estimate the age, sense expressions and much more with high accuracy.
The facial recognition technology is based on a digital camera, which feeds the images to a highly advanced deep learning algorithms who then consult to a customer database to match the image of the person it is viewing and identify them. Of course in order to protect the customer privacy such databases have very limited scope and would only be available for a particular task. This help building trust of the users and also ensure security and data privacy.
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How Facial Recognition Technology works with Interactive Kiosks?
The integration of facial recognition technology with interactive kiosks is usually for two main reasons, one is access and authentication and the other is to improve user experience. These days most of the users are preferring less physical interaction. In some countries businesses are offering a fully contact free customer experience with facial recognition technology and voice activated command system. The interactive kiosk can easily recognized a person when it detects them in front of its camera.
Then it can allow them to sign-in and perform any task they want to or allow them to access their profiles or customer portals through the kiosks, without requiring them to always keep their user name and password with them or any other physical key or even biometrics scanning. For any business its interaction with its customer and customer experience is the top priority. The facial recognition technology can enhance that interaction by reducing many service delivery steps. It is also very helpful in offering customers with a highly personalized customer experience.
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Each interactive kiosk or self-service kiosk must have a software program running in the backend, which allows the users to interact with the business to perform any certain tasks through the interactive kiosks. The facial recognition cameras or devices are installed usually above the screen in any interactive kiosks and are linked to the main computer or directly to the main server. The facial recognition cameras capture the photo of the user and send it to the server, which matches it to its existing database and authenticate the user to access certain information via the user interface of the kiosk.
This makes the identification and verification process very quick and completely contact free. Our fingerprints and the face is different and unique which makes authentication and verification process very simple and secure.
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How it Improves Security and Protection?
For any business these days the interactive tools and digital experience is very crucial. Since the 2020 everyone is general is more attracted towards digital solutions and contactless customer experience. Another most important aspect which most business might overlook is the personalized customer experience. A customers wants to get an exclusive treatment from its business, they want to feel special and cared by their loved brand. That also give a rise to the facial recognition technology. Businesses have started thinking out of the box to innovate unique and very customer friendly solutions.
Most of the businesses have transferred their services to the digital platform, which is not only appreciated by customers but is also very cost-efficient. Businesses can save tons of cost by implement a meaningful digital strategy. Moreover the customers also prefer a digital interaction as the digital interaction and self-service experience are quick, take very less time and effort, the customers can access services whenever they want and it has a lot many other perks too.
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In the modern digital era the customers and the businesses are also very concerned about the security of any digital system or solution they will going to use. When it comes to privacy and data security the customers and the businesses also are very skeptic and concerned. An interactive kiosk when coupled with a facial recognition technology not only ensures the high-level security but also improve the customer experience. As each and every human being have different face, so identifying by facial recognition is way to secure than any other method.
No one else can every replicate someone else’s face so there is no chance to identity theft or unauthorized access via credential or any digital exploitation. Even in some countries some businesses are also offering payment transactions on the bases of the facial recognition technology. The facial technology is one of the best way to protection against fraud and security of the users’ data and their privacy.
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Facial Recognition Technology can Provide Ultimate Security for Interactive Kiosks
The customer experience and customer expectations are always changing, however there is a general trend which don’t change much, with the conditions in the year 2020 and the advancements of the technology no matter what micro trends are on the macro level the digitalization will get deeper into our daily lives and the businesses the business practices will definitely embrace digitalization to ensure excellent customer experience.
With that in mind, here in Dubai and all around the UAE we are expecting businesses to integrate the facial recognition technology in the interactive kiosks to enable secure authentication and identification process which can further open up several doors for the innovation. Businesses should be ready for the coming future and must have plans to adopt quick modernization.
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We are looking for a deeper integration of the facial recognition technology in the interactive kiosks and self-service applications. All over the world businesses are implementing the facial recognition technology in interactive kiosks to achieve several customer friendly features. So, in coming future here in Dubai and in fact all around the UAE we will witness a rapid adaptation to the facial recognition and its application in the interactive kiosk sectors. Businesses can easily offer secure access to the sensitive information, medical records, and online payments and other transactions are also possible with utmost security and privacy ensured.
The banking and retail sectors could enable the payment and online transaction functionalities using a facial recognition technology with an interactive kiosk. The level of security that a facial recognition technology can offer is unmatched and astonishing. Some European governments, airlines, airports, immigration and other government entities have implemented facial recognition technologies in the mid-2020 and a lot many are considering to implement such solutions. That is how secure and fraud-proof the facial technology is.
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With the rise of the internet and a steady stream of internet frauds, these days the users are most concerned about the security and data privacy than ever before. The rapid rise and quick adaptation of the technology and internet have caught everyone off-guard. Now we can say the internet is entering into a phase of maturity with high-end security solutions and due to the awareness about the security and privacy of the user and their data. When it comes to interactive kiosks, the very first thing anyone thinks is the security, as usually such kiosks are placed in public places where anyone can access them, so whenever a user will have to make a payment or to input sensitive information/personal information they are always skeptic about the security and privacy.
However the interactive kiosks and self-service solutions are on the rise and businesses are implementing some of the most technologically advanced systems to enhance the user experience and to offer them the ultimate convenience. Due to the 2020 scenario the customers are also very inclined towards the digital interaction and prefer contact less or contact free interaction with the business. This also increased the popularity of the self-service and interactive kiosks.
Businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE are using several methods, some are using the user name and passwords, some have implemented RFID based login, some are using biometrics, and some businesses are using other smart card technologies to authenticate and identify the user to get access to the sensitive data and to make online payments or perform important tasks. The facial recognition technology is the most advanced and more secure than anything else. It is your face that no-one can steal or no-one can mimic. On top of that in order to authenticate yourself you don’t even have to have any physical interaction with the interactive kiosk, which makes facial recognition technology the most secure technology for the interactive kiosks and other digital applications.
RSI Concepts is a leading technology company in Dubai, UAE we are offering several interactive solutions and customer journey transformation solutions. If you want to discuss the possibilities to make your customer experience secure and convenient or if you want to learn more on the subject, feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.
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